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  • Research Project
    Synthesis and Applications of High Sulfur Content Polymeric Materials/Yüksek Kükürt İçerikli Polimerik Malzemelerin Sentezi ve Uygulamaları
    Chemical Engineering
    Sulfur has been used in various applications. With approximately 70 million tonnes produced each year from petroleum refining, elemental sulfur is widely available and inexpensive (∼$120 USD per tonne). A significant portion of sulfur is used in the production of sulfuric acid. Although elemental sulfur is not toxic, it is a flammable solid so finding productive uses for this stockpiled material under the open air is important. Finding large-scale uses for this sulfur, such as conversion to useful polymers, would be an important advance. Polymerization of elemental sulfur has long been studied. Sulfur polymerizes above 159 oC. Unfortunately, the polymeric sulfur undergoes depolymerization since elemental sulfur is more stable thermodynamically at room temperature. As a solution for this problem, in Pyun’s pioneering study, an alkene was used as an organic cross-linker via inverse vulcanization method. In this study, sulfur was heated to 185 °C to initiate ring-opening polymerization and then, addition of alkene resulted in cross-linking. Because of the high sulfur content (50-90 wt%) and the corresponding polysulfur copolymers represented several interesting chemical, material, and optical properties: redox acitivity (cathode materials for Li-S batteries), a high refractive index and a mid IR region of transparency (night vision, thermal imaging), self healing, heavy metal ions remediation, etc. These usage areas have inspired further exploration of inverse vulcanization with a variety of unsaturated cross-linkers to obtain polysulfides with various properties. On the other hand, today vegetable oils are the most important renewable raw material for the chemical industry. About 80% of the global oil and fat production is vegetable oil. These oils make highly pure fatty acids available such as oleic acid (OA) from sunflower, linoleic acid (LA) from soybean, linolenic acid (LnA) from linseed, and ricinoleic acid from castor oil (Figure 1.1(a)). Vegetable oils are expected to play a key role during the 21st century to synthesize polymers from renewable sources. Within this contribution, the project is aimed at the synthesis and application of new high sulfur content polymeric materials using fatty acids (Figure 1.1(a)). Figure 1. (a) Chemical structures of some fatty acids, (b) the synthesis and chemical modification (poly(S-r-OA)-PE) of a polsulfur copolymer (poly(S-r-OA)) via inverse vulcanization. Due to the presence of double bonds, these pure fatty acids will be used firstly for cross-linking by using inverse vulcanization method (Figure 1.1(b)). Correponding copolymers are expected to be soluble in common organic solvents, processable and electroactive. In particular, the effect of double bonds and the free alkyl chains on the polysulfur copolymers will be investigated systematically by using OA, LA and LnA. Another feature of the copolymers obtained from these fatty acids will be the presence of reactive functional units (-COOH), which makes it possible to make chemical modifications (amide, ester, etc. linkages) of the polysulfur copolymers and to convert them into new polymers with different properties. With this project, the first examples of high sulfur content derivatives of polyesters and polyamides (like poly(S-r-OA)-PE) may have been synthesized by the chemical modification (esterification and amidation) of polysulfur copolymers. After inverse vulcanization process, the characterization of the obtained polysulfur copolymers will be done by using NMR, Raman, FTIR, UV, GPC, SEM, DSC, TGA etc., techniques. Electrochemical, optical, and material properties of the polymers will be investigated and tested as potential promising materials for use in Li-S batteries, heavy metal ions remediation and photocatalytic dye removal. The properties of obtained polymers will be compared with each other as well as with the literature data. Lastly, studies will be carried out to produce polymers in kg scale, and the applicability of the method to be applied to the industry will be tested. With reaching the project targets, it will be possible to polymerize elemental sulfur with the renewable vegetable fatty acids; therefore, huge amounts of sulfur can be used more effectively and an important step for sustainable synthesis/production in the polymer industry will be realized.
  • Research Project
    Atılım mPAD’e özel İstatistik Uygulaması: Probability & Statistrics (PS) Files
    Industrial Engineering
    Recently, the effective use of technology in the field of education is increasing rapidly. For this reason, various suggestions have been presented in order to increase the use of technological tools and equipment in the course environment and to ensure that they are used effectively. In this context, Atılım mPAD, developed within the scope of Atılım University Mobile Education Project, is a supportive product for e-learning. In this project, it is aimed to ensure the sustainability of mPADs, which are actively used for educational purposes in Atılım University Preparatory School, by making them available throughout undergraduate education. In this direction, Probability and Statistics courses, which are compulsory for all departments in the Faculty of Engineering, and some departments of the Faculties of Arts and Sciences, Business Administration and Health Sciences, which are taken by many students at the undergraduate level, were handled as a pilot application. "Probability & Statistics (PS) Files" application that will work on Atılım mPAD will be developed in order to make students' learning more effective and to ensure their active participation in these courses. With the developed PS Files application, it is aimed to increase students' mastery of theoretical subjects in the classroom environment. In addition, with the use of Atılım mPAD during the teaching of statistics applications, an active learning will be realized without creating a physical barrier during face-to-face verbal communication in the lessons. Moreover, it is aimed that the students actively participate in the lessons and have the opportunities in laboratory conditions both in the course and whenever they want and in any place.
  • Research Project
    Rotator Cuff Yaralanmalarında Yaralanma Seviyesi ile Scapula Rotasyonu Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi
    Rotator cuff injuries are prevalent across all age groups, involving damage to the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis muscles. Scapular rotation plays a pivotal role in shoulder movements. While the literature contains studies on the associations between rotator cuff injuries and scapular dyskinesis, scapular rhythm, and anatomical scapular position, a comprehensive investigation into the relationship between the severity of rotator cuff injuries and scapular rotation degrees remains conspicuously absent. The primary objective of this study is to discern the correlation between the degree of injury and scapular rotation in individuals afflicted with rotator cuff injuries of varying severity. The secondary purpose of our study is to determine the relationship between scapular rotation and shoulder joint range of motion at different levels of rotator cuff tears. The initial phase of the study will involve 20 participants. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, the required sample size will be calculated with 80% power. Individuals with rotator cuff injuries ranging from level I to IV according to MRI reports will be included in the study. Demographic data will be collected from the participants and the Palpation Meter (Palm) will be used to measure participants' scapular rotation in the coronal plane. Furthermore, the impact of rotator cuff tear severity on scapular rotation's effect on shoulder joint range of motion will be assessed by evaluating shoulder joint range of motion using the Baseline Digital Goniometer following the rotator cuff tear. After obtaining this data, the statistical analyses will be conducted to determine the relationship between injury severity and scapular rotation. The study's outcomes are expected to provide a substantial contribution to the existing body of knowledge, particularly in cases where statistical and clinical significance is demonstrated in scapular rotation for individuals experiencing different levels of rotator cuff injuries. Furthermore, this research has the potential to guide clinical evaluations of scapular rotation across various injury severities, consequently informing the development of treatment protocols and to provide guidance for future investigations.
  • Research Project
    Geri Kazanılmış PET/PEN Karışımlarının Özelliklerinin Farklı Zincir Uzatıcılar Kullanımı ile İyileştirilmesi
    PET/PEN mixtures have been studied extensively in the literature for the production of materials with economically viable and superior properties. However, as it is known, PET and PEN are not compatible polymers with each other and various methods are used to harmonize these mixtures. One of these methods is the transesterification reaction of PET and PEN during mixing from the melt. However, during transesterification, the molecular weight of polymers decreases by exposure to thermal, hydrolytic and oxidative degradation. Adding chain-extending chemicals to the mix to reduce this effect is one of the methods used. In this study, the effect of 1, 4 phenylene bis, oxazoline (PBO), tri phenyl phosphate (TPP) and 1, 4 phenyl diisocyanate (PDI) chain extenders on the properties of PET/PEN mixtures prepared with recycled PET (r-PET) was investigated. First of all, the effect of PEN amount on r-PET-PEN mixtures was examined and 70/30% r-PET-PEN mixture was determined as control sample. Later, chain extenders of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 wt.% were added to this composition. Tensile and impact tests were performed to examine the effect of chain extenders on the mechanical properties of r-PET-PEN mixtures. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) were used to determine the glass transition temperature. The level of the transesterification reaction was calculated using the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (H1-NMR) technique. In the light of all these data, it was determined that PDI was the most suitable chain extender for r-PET-PEN mixtures, while TPP was not a suitable chain extender for this mixture.
  • Research Project
    Aydınoğulları-Erken Osmanlı Döneminde Ayasuluk/Efes'te Kültür ve Teknoloji Transferi: Disiplinler Arası Araştırmalar Işığında İsa Bey Hamamı Seramikleri
    Ayasuluk/Ephesus city, which was conquered by the Turks in 1304 and became the capital of Aydınoğulları since the middle of the century, had one of the busiest ports between Asia and Europe in the 14th-15th centuries in the Western Anatolia region (Pfeiffer-Taş 2014; 2019). However, until the researches in recent years, the view in the literature was dominant, that the port of Ephesus became unusable since the 7th (AD) century, that the city lost its importance and turned into a small settlement with the conquest of the Turks. The importance of Ayasuluk Port, which continued its activities in today's Pamucak region during the Aydınoğulları period, in close and long distance trade has been documented with excavation findings such as ceramics and coins, as well as written sources. The city had played an important role both regionally and in terms of interactions and culture-technology transfer between China, the Middle East and Europe. Although the Seljuk-Islamic ceramic production tradition and techniques, which came to the region with the Turks, are observed in the unearthed findings, the presence of imported products is also important in terms of reflecting the interactions. It is thought that concrete data, which cannot be reached with the research methods of social-humanities, can only be reached by archaeometric methods due to the insufficient written sources and information of the period. The presented project aims to reach new data on the role of Ayasuluk in the interactions between Asia and Europe. It covers the interdisciplinary research of 47 samples belonging to the Principalities-Early Ottoman periods, which were taken from the ceramics found during the archaeological excavations carried out between 1978-1993 under the presidency of the Ephesus Museum Directorate in the İsa Bey Bathhouse and which have not been analyzed before. Thus, after the Byzantine period, it is aimed to enable new interpretations on culture and technology transfer in connection with socio-economic changes, ceramic production and consumption. For this purpose, archaeometric analyzes of ceramics will be made by applying XRD, ICP-MS, SEM-EDS, Raman, FTIR spectroscopy and thin section petrography methods in order to find answers to questions about clay, lining, glaze properties and production technologies. The data to be obtained will be evaluated comparatively by bringing together the data previously obtained from other examples, which were included in the literature in a complex way. A digital catalogue will be formed by using the data about the production features of ceramics, origin, etc. The digital catalogue will be evaluated together with the socio-economic, urban, commercial and political developments of the region.
  • Research Project
    Yönlendirilemeyen Yüzeylerin Gönderim Sınıf Gruplarının Cebirsel Yapısı
    Mapping class groups of surfaces play a central role in the theory of low dimensional topology. Any information about algebraic structure of these groups might be useful in the solution of some topological problem of low dimensional manifolds. That is one reason why understanding algebraic sturucture of mapping class groups is so important. Consider a nonorientable connected genus g surface with k marked points. The main task of this project was to obtain information on the algebraic structure of the mapping class gorups of these surfaces. Through the project we have obtained results about automorphism groups of curve complexes of nonorientable surfaces and we gave some immediate applications of these results. In particular, we have shown that any isomorphism between two finite index subgroups of the mapping class group is given by the restriction of an inner automorphism of the mapping class group. Moreover, we have shown that the outer automorphism group of a nonorientable punctured surface of genus at least five is tirivial. Finally, we have observed that the Torelli subgroup of a nonorientable surface contains the generators analogous to those of orientable surfaces.
  • Research Project
    Erken Dönem Ebeveynlik Desteği: Anne Duyarlığı ve Güvenli Bağlanmayı Arttırmaya Yönelik Müdahale Programı Uygulaması
    Previous research has shown that caregiving behaviors that are ‘sensitive’ can be increased through positive feedback based systematic interventions. This project aims to adapt, implement, and empirically test the effectiveness of the VIPP: Video-Feedback Intervention to Promote Positive Parenting (Juffer et. A., 1993; 2008), which has been shown to be highly effective in a vast number of studies in enhancing positive parenting practices and maternal sensitivity in the Western cultures. First, interveners were certified through training and the translation of the manual, tests and other related documents were completed, and then the research was conducted in two major cities of Turkey, Ankara (n = 76) and İstanbul (n = 27) for two years. Mothers (N = 103) were coming from low-SES backgrounds. Using a randomized control trial design, mother-child dyads were randomly assigned to the intervention (n = 63) and control (n = 40) groups. A number of video recordings, observational assessments, and self-report measures were employed in the periods of pretest, posttest, and follow-up. Maternal sensitivity and child’s attachment security were assessed through observation-based measures. Mothers were also asked to complete a set of self-report measures assessing child temperament and psychological adjustment as well as their parental stress, relationship satisfaction, and own attachment orientations. Results have shown that mothers and children in the intervention and control groups were not significantly different in terms of their basic characteristics in the pretest. GLM Repeated Measures analyses using 2 factor (intervention X control) X 3 time (pretest, posttest and follow-up) yielded significant differences on three out of 10 main outcome variables. Specifically, interaction effects were significant on Ainsworth Sensitivity Scale, self-reported maternal attitudes toward sensitivity, and marital satisfaction, indicating that mothers’ sensitivity and related attitudes were positively changed and their marital satisfaction were enhanced following the intervention. Additional analyses that were conducted comparing the pretest and posttest as well as pretest and follow-up measures within the control and the intervention groups separately, suggested that the levels of maternal sensitivity measured by the MBQS, and the child attachment security measured by the AQS have increased in the intervention group in the posttest and follow-up periods. Moreover, children’s internalization problems significantly decreased in the intervention group. Finally, to better understand the effectiveness of the VIPP, potential risk groups (High Risk vs. Low Risk) were created using the median split on a number of variables, such as the level of psychological symptoms and attachment avoidance. The findings suggested that compared to the control group, mothers who were categorized in the high-risk groups benefited more from the intervention. Overall, xi results have demonstrated that the effectiveness of the VIPP application had a moderate effect size and may have higher effect size if it is applied to the mothers from disadvantaged groups. The limitations of the study, suggestions, and directions for both future interveners and researchers were discussed. In sum, within the scope of the current project, an effective intervention instrument targeting to enhance maternal sensitivity and child security in the early years of children in Turkey has been adapted and validated as well as a number of measures were provided for the future interveners and researchers in this arena.
  • Research Project
    Development of e-Applications of Statistical and Mathematical Modeling with use of Atılım mPAD for Educational Purposes
    Industrial Engineering
    Technology has gained a great importance in education with the progress of technology. Today, integrating the opportunities offered by technology into lectures suggests the use of technological tools and equipment in the classroom environment, especially for efficient and effective learning. Within this scope, there are e-learning studies in our country. One of these is Atılım mPAD, which is developed in our university. In this project, we aim to provide active participation of undergraduate students in classes and intensive use of technology and to integrate Atılım mPAD usage into different courses. The codes using the R software will be converted into e-applications through Atılım mPAD in order to facilitate the understanding of the subjects described in the courses such as Probability and Statistic for Engineers (IE220), Probability and Statistic I and II (IE201 ve IE202), Stochastic Models (IE324), Simulation (IE403), Statistical Applications in Industrial Engineering (IE442) given in industrial engineering department as well as Computer Applications in Business (MAN354 or ISL354), Quantitative Applications in Business (MAN122 or ISL122), Introduction to Probability and Statistic I and II (MATH291 or MATH293 and MATH292 or MATH294), Probability Theory and Statistics (MATH392) courses given in different departments. With these e-applications, it is suggested that the students increase their theoretical knowledge in the classroom environment. For this purpose, R codes will be created for each of the following subjects. These codes will be used by students during the course in Atılım mPAD environment. Calculation of basic descriptive statistics and graphical representation, various probability calculations, random number generation, hypothesis testing, regression, simulation of simple random experiments, simulation of basic queuing systems are discussed in the courses of probability and statistics. For the courses based on mathematical modeling, solutions of some optimization methods, numerical solutions of linear and nonlinear equations, interpolation and least squares method for approximation of functions will be discussed.
  • Research Project
    (TR)Ultrasonik Titreşim Destekli Frezelemenin Işlenmesi Zor Süper Alaşım Havacılık Malzemelerinde Nanoakışkan Minimum Miktar Yağlama Yöntemi Ile Birlikte Incelenmesi/(ENG)Investigation on The Effects of Multi-Axis Ultrasonic Vibration-Assisted Milling with Nanofluid Minimum Quantity Lubrication on Difficult-to-Cut Materials Used in Aerospace Industries
    Mechanical Engineering
    Due to the desired material properties in the aerospace sector, Ti-6Al-4V and Inconel 718 superalloys are commonly utilized. However, due to properties such as low thermal conductivity, high chemical interaction tendency, and resistance to wear, these materials pose significant challenges in machining processes, often characterized as "difficult-to-cut" materials. This project aims to experimentally investigate the combined use of Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Machining (UVAM) and Nanofluid Minimum Quantity Lubrication (NMQL) techniques to improve the machining performance of Ti-6Al-4V and Inconel 718 superalloys, which are difficult-to-cut materials commonly employed in the aerospace sector. Within this scope, various cooling methods including conventional machining with UVAM, dry cutting with NMMY, conventional cutting fluid, and pure-MQL are comparatively studied, and the obtained results are analyzed. Three different nanofluids, namely Al2O3, CuO, and Al2O3-CuO (hybrid), are prepared and utilized in experiments when employing the NMMY technique. Machining performance criteria are determined as cutting forces, surface roughness, surface topography, surface texture, geometric accuracy, tool wear, and subsurface plastic deformation measurements. According to the results obtained, it is found that when UVAM and NMMY techniques are used together, the combination yields the highest efficiency in machining performance compared to other methods for both Ti-6Al-4V and Inconel 718 materials. Furthermore, among the NMMY conditions, the hybrid (Al2O3-CuO) usage provides the best results, followed generally by CuO and then Al2O3 added nanofluids. Based on the information and data obtained in this project, it is clearly evident that the yet underutilized UVAM and NMMY techniques, both separately and together, can be applied more efficiently in milling Ti-6Al-4V and Inconel 718 materials compared to traditional methods. This is anticipated to contribute to the aerospace manufacturing sector.
  • Research Project
    Kişiselleştirilmiş ve Modüler Sosyal Robot Tasarımı İçin Yazılım Platformu Geliştirilmesi ve Uygulanması
    Mechatronics Engineering
    In this project, it is aimed to develop an interactive and conceptual design platform that can be used to develop personalized and modular social robots with the participatory design method and to apply it to physical robot models that serve as technology demonstrations.
  • Research Project
    Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Various Aromatic Polythioureas via Multicomponent Polymerization/Çok Bileşenli Polimerizasyon Yöntemi ile Farklı Aromatik Politiyoürelerin Sentezi, Karakterizasyonu ve Uygulamaları
    Chemical Engineering
    In recent years, multicomponent polymerization (MCP) method has attracted the attention of researchers due to its simple operation, high atom economy, high polymerization efficiency and high molecular weight of polymers without using catalyst under moderate conditions. In the MCP method used in the synthesis of different polythioamides and polythioureas, one of the reactants is aliphatic amines and aromatic amines are not used directly. Due to this reason, in polythioamide syntheses, it is seen that aromatic diamines do not react with alkynes in the presence of elemental sulfur and therefore they are converted firstly to aromatic diisocyanides and this increases the cost of synthesis. There is no study on the use of aromatic diamines directly in the synthesis of polythioureas. In the light of this information, it is aimed to use the MCP method which is thought to be an economic and effective method for the use of elemental sulfur and aromatic diamine directly to obtain well defined, functional and workable polymeric structures without using catalyst in the project. In the MCP method, diisocyanides which are more reactive than the dialkyne reactant used previously will be used. The reactivity of diisocyanides to aromatic amines was supported by literature data and preliminary studies performed by our group. In addition, elemental sulfur, one of the most abundant elements in the world, is a non-toxic and stable solid under normal conditions and is an inexpensive substance that is readily available even at high purity grades. The use of aromatic diamines directly with elemental sulfur is very interesting in terms of practical, cost-effective and synthetic compatibility. With the use of aromatic diamines in the MCP method, the gateway for the synthesis of different polythioureas will be further expanded. For this purpose, the synthesis of 10 different polythioureas shown below will be carried out and characterization of the obtained products (NMR, FTIR, GPC, SEM, UV-Vis, DSC, TGA) will be performed. The data obtained will be examined comparatively with the methods used before for the synthesis of polythioureas. Due to today's polluted environment and limited energy reserves, it becomes important to develop highly efficient renewable technologies, green energy sources and environmentally friendly methods for environmental remediation and energy production. In this direction, hydrogen production becomes so important in the field of energy. In addition, the removal of heavy metals found in nature and organic matter in waste water is of great importance in environmental remediation. From this point of view, the preparation of nanocatalysts that will allow hydrogen production and removal of organic substances and materials that provide heavy metal removal attracts the attention of scientists. Thanks to the thiourea functional groups in the structure of different polythioureas to be synthesized by the MCP method, it can be used in mercury treatment (due to the ability of the thiourea groups and mercury ions to be complex) as well as to be used as support materials for the production of silver, palladium and copper nanoparticles. In this respect, firstly mercury removal capacity of the prepared polymers will be investigated. Then, the polymer-metal nanoparticle hybrid materials (4 different structures, polymer/AuNPs, polymer/AgNPs, polymer/CuNPs and polymer/PdNPs)) will be obtained by adding gold, silver, copper and palladium nanoparticles (separately) onto the polymer having the highest metal ion-holding capacity. The stability, catalytic activity and the effect of the interaction on the catalytic activity of the polymer/metal nanoparticle hybrid materials will be investigated in hydrogeneration from amine borane and photocatalytical removal of dye molecules founded in waste waters, respectively.
  • Research Project
    Dolgu Maddesi Eklenmesiyle İletken Polimer Kompozitlerinin Hazırlanması
    Within the scope of the project, conductive polymer composites with uniform filler distribution were produced by mixing thermoplastic polymers and carbon-based conductive fillers in molten form. Electrical, mechanical, thermal and morphological characterization of the produced composites were carried out. In the project experiments, conductive polymer composites of different compositions were prepared by mixing high-density polyethylene (HDPE), Nylon 6, Polypropylene (PP), Poly(ethylene thermthalate) (PET) polymer matrices, carbon black and multi-walled carbon nanotube particles in a twin-screw extruder. Test specimens were prepared using pressure and injection molding devices. The electrical properties of the samples were determined using two- and four-point probe conductivity measurement methods. During the mechanical characterization processes, tensile and impact strength tests were applied to the composites. Thermal properties were examined using DSC (diffrential scanning calorimetry) device. Morphological features were examined by SEM (scanning electron microscope). The electrical conductivity of insulating thermoplastic polymers has been reduced to the semiconductor level. The lowest critical concentration value (0.25% carbon nanotube by weight) was obtained in the PET-carbon nanotube composite system. The mechanical properties of composites have changed with the addition of fillers. The best improvement in mechanical properties was observed in PP-based composites. In general, as the amount of filler in the composites increased, the percentage of crystallization decreased.
  • Research Project
    Low Temperature Behavior of HMA and SMA Mixtures/Tas mastik asfalt ve bitümlü sıcak karısımların düsük sıcaklık altındaki davranısı
    Low temperature cracks in asphalt concrete pavements are commonly seen in the East, interior, and west interior Anatolian regions of turkey where air temperature falls below -20 °C, or so low that the developed thermal stress exceeds the thermal strength of asphalt concrete and causes cracks. Low temperature cracking reduces the roadway's driving comfort by the increased surface roughness due to fracture, leading to the seepage of melting snow and rainfall water into the subgradethrough the surface cracks and causing loss of bearing capacity). Combined with the disruption caused by traffic loading, low temperature cracking weakens the structural integrity of the pavement and eventually increases roadway maintenance and rehabilitation costs. Low temperature cracking is one of the main reasons for pavement deterioration, ranked as the second factor in roadway maintenance and repair costs in the Northern regions (Figure 1). Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) has been widely used in turkey highways, it provides stone-on-stone contact and high asphalt content that can increase a pavement’s durability and resistance to rutting and reduce noise. However, drainage of binder and higher primary costs could be mentioned of its disadvantages. Since there is no consensus about the performance of SMA at low temperature, conducting a comprehensive study with different tests on the performance of Stone Matrix Asphalt at low temperatures would be beneficial. This project aims at characterizing the low temperature behavior of the Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) and HMA in terms of gradation type,aggregate and asphalt type. Upon completing this proposed project, low temperature performance of SMA would be investigated, and a significant contribution will be provided to achieve long lasting pavements without frequent maintenance and rehabilitation. It is believed that the research outcomes will contribute to the national and international knowledge considering the fact that there is only a limited study available in the literature on low temperature performance of SMA.
  • Research Project
    Elektrokatalitik amonyak üretimi için Ce katkılı LaFeO3 perovskit malzemesinin geliştirilmesi
    Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    Ammonia is the second most produced chemical worldwide, which has a wide range of uses in the production of cleaning products, nitrogen-containing chemicals and explosives in sectors such as energy, cooling, textile, fertilizer, medicine. Also, a good source of hydrogen, ammonia has the potential to play an important role in the future hydrogen economy. Ammonia production has thermodynamic limitations and is commercially produced by the Haber-Bosh process at high pressure and high temperature. Electrocatalytic ammonia production processes eliminate thermodynamic limitations and provide ammonia production at atmospheric pressure. Studies on ammonia production by using solid oxide conductors are still ongoing, and research using oxide conducting electrolytes are limited. Ammonia production in oxide conducting electrolytes provides thermodynamically an advantage over the Haber-Bosh process, but the cathode catalyst is also very important for the development of the membrane electrode system. The catalyst to be used in oxide conducting electrolyte is expected to be active for ammonia production, to have high ionic and electrical conductivity, and to have high strength and stability under operating conditions. In addition, the compatibility of the electrolyte material and the thermal expansion coefficient of the catalyst to be used in the system is another important parameter. Perovskite materials have the potential to have these properties, and the properties of perovskites can be improved by adding various metals to their structure. Electrocatalytic studies in the literatüre widely use yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) stabilized, which can easily be obtained commercially, as the solid oxide electrolyte material. Within the scope of the proposed project, LaFeO3 that has thermal expansion coefficient close to YSZ will be synthesized and the effectof doping with Ce in different ratios on the katalyst properties will be examined by characterization methods. There are currently no studies in literatüre that use of La1-xCexFeO3 cathode catalyst for the production of ammonia in oxide conducting electrolyte system. As a result of the study, the development of an active and selective cathode catalyst with high ionic and electrical conductivity, compatible with YSZ electrolyte, for the production of ammonia using solid oxide electrolyte will contribute to the literature. Outcomes of this project are planned to be published in national/ international journals and/or presented in national/international conferences.
  • Research Project
    Plastikleştirilmiş Poli(Laktik Asit)’in alev dayanımının fosfor bazlı katkı maddeleri ile geliştirilmesi
    The aim of this study is to improve the flame resistance and toughness of PLA by adding small amounts of different flame retardant additives and plasticizers at the same time. Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) was used as a plasticizer. Phosphate-based chemicals as flame retardant additives; ammonium polyphosphate (APP), boron phosphate (BP) and tri-phenyl phosphate (TPP) were used. Within the scope of the project, the synergistic effects of the double and triple compositions of these flame retardant additives were also examined. The mixtures are produced by melt blending and injection molding methods. The effect of the type and composition of flame retardant additives on the properties of PLA composites was determined by various mechanical, thermal and flammability tests.
  • Research Project
    Preparation of magnetic nanoparticles which enable the use of 18F-FDG as multi-modal imaging agents in PET-MRI applications/18F-FDG nin PET-MR görüntüleme uygulamalarında multi-modal görüntüleme ajanı olarak kullanılmasına yönelik manyetik nanoparçacıkların hazırlanması
    Chemical Engineering
    It is becoming increasingly evident that PET-MRI multi-modal imaging systems have great potential in practical medicine and for basic scientific research. Consequently there is a wide interest in developing proper imaging agents for these applications. Superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles are already, extensively, being used as MRI contrast agents. The labeling of these nanoparticles with radioactive isotopes provides a new generation for MRI agents. Combination of the required properties, in the body of the same sample for both measurement techniques, ensures that both images are coming from the same spot and simultaneously. This approach provides more accurate and reliable data for diagnosis and treatment of the illness. One of the candidates of the applicable radioactive isotopes is 18F, an easily available one and is being produced in our country. However its chemical binding to delivery agents requires several steps of exhaustive chemical treatments. A laboratory/firm which tends to fabricate iron oxide nanoparticles labeled with 18F should reconstruct a new manufacturing plant, which needs a laborious and a quite expensive operation. Instead, a new process, which can convert already available PET contrast agents into PET-MRI agents without requiring any special expertise, would be more practical and economical.
  • Research Project
    Alan Özelinde Sosyalleştirme Yaklaşımı Çerçevesinde Etkili Ebeveynlik: Annenin Duygusal Erişilebilirliği ile Gelişimsel Çocuk Çıktıları Arasındaki İlişki
    This study aims to examine effective parenting within the framework of the domains-of_x0002_socialization approach. Three separate studies were carried out. In the first study, Domain_x0002_Specific Parenting Interview (DSPI) was developed to measure parenting quality in different socialization domains and its psychometric properties were examined. The deductive content analysis of the DSPI was carried out in the second study. In the third study, the replicability of the first study was tested, the interactions between different socialization domains were examined qualitatively, and the relations of mothers' knowledge on effective parenting and the quality of their parenting behaviors with developmental child outcomes were examined. The participants of the first study consisted of 82 mothers with children between 35-76 months. The participants of the second study consisted of 50 mothers, which were randomly selected from the data set of the first study. The participants of the third study consisted of 141 mothers and fathers, who have children aged between 47-72 months. The findings of the first study provided evidence that DSPI is a valid and reliable measurement tool. The qualitative findings of the second study showed that the domains-of-socialization approach and the daily life interactions of mother-child dyads were mostly consistent. The third study showed that the quality of parenting behaviors in different socialization domains were related to various child outcomes through emotion regulation and inhibitory control.
  • Research Project
    Donör-akseptör düzeninde yeni bir bileşik grubununtasarımı, sentezi ve iletken polimerlerinin uygulama alanları
    Chemical Engineering
    Donor-acceptor-based electrochromic polymers, unknown in the literature, were synthesized and the optical and electrochemical properties of these materials were examined. In this study, in which both the donor effect and the acceptor effect were examined, soluble and processable materials with colors such as green, blue, cyan and black, although very few in number in the literature, were synthesized which are indispensable for their application areas. Necessary characterization studies have been carried out for the anticipated technological applications.
  • Research Project
    Yerli Modüler 350 Ton Kapasiteli Sondaj Kulesi Tasarımı ve İmalatı
    Civil Engineering
    With the proposed project, analysis, design, and prototype manufacturing of a domestic, modular, 350-ton drilling rig for oil, geothermal and natural gas drilling will be performed in accordance with international standards which will be recognized in the international arena for quality, functionality, price, etc.
  • Research Project
    Kimyasal ışıl-ışıma özelliğine sahip heterosiklik monomerlerin ve iletken polimerlerinin sentezlenmesi ve uygulama alanları
    Chemical Engineering
    A new group of compounds with chemiluminescence properties were designed and synthesized, and after their identification, their behavior towards metal ions was examined. Some of these compounds, which are likely to be used in both analytical chemistry and forensic science, have been successfully polymerized by electrochemical methods and their optical and electrochemical properties have been identified.