Multipl Skleroz Hastaları ile Bakımverenlerinin Psikolojik Belirti Düzeyleri, Sorun Alanları ve İhtiyaçları Açılarından Değerlendirilmesi

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Project Abstract

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a degenerative nervous system disorder which results from demyelinazation. The disorder whose etiology is not fully understood and which cannot be cured influences the person’s psychological health, daily lives and relationships, as well as their physical health. The aim of the current study is to investigate the adjustment to illness process, identify the needs, problems and psychological symptom level and its predictors of both the patients and their caregivers. To fulfill this aim, bu using both qualitative and quantitative method, information gathered from 40 MS patients and their caregivers is evaluated. Semi stuructured interviews were conducted and scales were administered measuring MS symptoms, health locus of control, ways of coping, caregiver well-being psychological symptoms. Results of the qualitative analysis revealed physical disability and illness symptoms, difficulties with social life, anxiety about the future and illness representations themes for the problems of patients. The needs of the patients were faith, social support and material needs. For the caregivers, the problems were illness symptoms, anxiety about the future and limitations of social life; whereas the needs were material, information and support and help. The results of the quantitative analyses revealed that as the level of physical symptoms increases, and the use of problem focused coping decreases, the level of psychological symptoms inceases. For the caregivers, as the level of fulfilling basic needs increases, as the use of problem focused coping decreases and as the use of emotion focused coping increases; the level of psychological symptoms inceases, too. Combining the qualitative and quantitative results, the themes specific to the patients whose level of psychological symptoms are high, were loneliness and rejection, for the caregivers negative point of view and rigidity. The results of the current study has important implications in terms of including both caregivers and the patients to the research focusing on chronic illnesses, as well as guidance for the psychosocial interventions for chronically ill people and their caregivers


Multipl Skleroz Hastaları ile Bakımverenlerinin Psikolojik Belirti Düzeyleri, Sorun Alanları ve İhtiyaçları Açılarından Değerlendirilmesi

Project Principal Investigator

Dilek Demirtepe Saygılı

Project Coinvestigators


Project Code

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Project Start Date

Project End Date

Project Duration

9 months

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Project Status





Multiple Sclerosis, patient, caregiver, psychological symptoms, qualitative method, quantitative method
Multipl Skleroz, hasta, bakımveren, psikolojik belirtiler, nitel yöntem, nicel yöntem

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