Plastikleştirilmiş Poli(laktik Asit)’in Alev Dayanımının Fosfor Bazlı Katkı Maddeleri ile Geliştirilmesi

Project Abstract
The aim of this study is to improve the flame resistance and toughness of PLA by adding small amounts of different flame retardant additives and plasticizers at the same time. Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) was used as a plasticizer. Phosphate-based chemicals as flame retardant additives; ammonium polyphosphate (APP), boron phosphate (BP) and tri-phenyl phosphate (TPP) were used. Within the scope of the project, the synergistic effects of the double and triple compositions of these flame retardant additives were also examined. The mixtures are produced by melt blending and injection molding methods. The effect of the type and composition of flame retardant additives on the properties of PLA composites was determined by various mechanical, thermal and flammability tests.
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poli(laktik asit) (PLA), plastikleştirici, alev dayanımı