Alan Özelinde Sosyalleştirme Yaklaşımı Çerçevesinde Etkili Ebeveynlik: Annenin Duygusal Erişilebilirliği ile Gelişimsel Çocuk Çıktıları Arasındaki İlişki

Project Abstract
This study aims to examine effective parenting within the framework of the domains-of_x0002_socialization approach. Three separate studies were carried out. In the first study, Domain_x0002_Specific Parenting Interview (DSPI) was developed to measure parenting quality in different socialization domains and its psychometric properties were examined. The deductive content analysis of the DSPI was carried out in the second study. In the third study, the replicability of the first study was tested, the interactions between different socialization domains were examined qualitatively, and the relations of mothers' knowledge on effective parenting and the quality of their parenting behaviors with developmental child outcomes were examined. The participants of the first study consisted of 82 mothers with children between 35-76 months. The participants of the second study consisted of 50 mothers, which were randomly selected from the data set of the first study. The participants of the third study consisted of 141 mothers and fathers, who have children aged between 47-72 months. The findings of the first study provided evidence that DSPI is a valid and reliable measurement tool. The qualitative findings of the second study showed that the domains-of-socialization approach and the daily life interactions of mother-child dyads were mostly consistent. The third study showed that the quality of parenting behaviors in different socialization domains were related to various child outcomes through emotion regulation and inhibitory control.
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Alan Özelinde Sosyalleştirme, Gelişimsel Çıktılar, Etkili Ebeveynlik, Ebeveyn Bilgisi