Elektrokatalitik Amonyak Üretimi için Ce Katkılı Lafeo3 Perovskit Malzemesinin Geliştirilmesi

Project Abstract
Ammonia is the second most produced chemical worldwide, which has a wide range of uses in the production of cleaning products, nitrogen-containing chemicals and explosives in sectors such as energy, cooling, textile, fertilizer, medicine. Also, a good source of hydrogen, ammonia has the potential to play an important role in the future hydrogen economy. Ammonia production has thermodynamic limitations and is commercially produced by the Haber-Bosh process at high pressure and high temperature. Electrocatalytic ammonia production processes eliminate thermodynamic limitations and provide ammonia production at atmospheric pressure. Studies on ammonia production by using solid oxide conductors are still ongoing, and research using oxide conducting electrolytes are limited. Ammonia production in oxide conducting electrolytes provides thermodynamically an advantage over the Haber-Bosh process, but the cathode catalyst is also very important for the development of the membrane electrode system. The catalyst to be used in oxide conducting electrolyte is expected to be active for ammonia production, to have high ionic and electrical conductivity, and to have high strength and stability under operating conditions. In addition, the compatibility of the electrolyte material and the thermal expansion coefficient of the catalyst to be used in the system is another important parameter. Perovskite materials have the potential to have these properties, and the properties of perovskites can be improved by adding various metals to their structure. Electrocatalytic studies in the literatüre widely use yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) stabilized, which can easily be obtained commercially, as the solid oxide electrolyte material. Within the scope of the proposed project, LaFeO3 that has thermal expansion coefficient close to YSZ will be synthesized and the effectof doping with Ce in different ratios on the katalyst properties will be examined by characterization methods. There are currently no studies in literatüre that use of La1-xCexFeO3 cathode catalyst for the production of ammonia in oxide conducting electrolyte system. As a result of the study, the development of an active and selective cathode catalyst with high ionic and electrical conductivity, compatible with YSZ electrolyte, for the production of ammonia using solid oxide electrolyte will contribute to the literature. Outcomes of this project are planned to be published in national/ international journals and/or presented in national/international conferences.
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LaFeO3, Ce, katot katalizörü