İnger, Erk

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E., Inger
Erk, Inger
Inger, Erk
Inger E.
I., Erk
Erk, İnger
Inger, E.
E., İnger
Erk, İnger
İnger, Erk
İnger, E.
Erk İnger
İnger, Erk
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 13
  • Article
    Electromagnetic Launching Systems To Geosynchronously Equatorial Orbit in Space and Cost Calculations
    (Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers inc, 2017) Inger, Erk; Inger, Erk; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
    Electromagnetic launching mass driver system (projectile) has been examined and evaluated as an eligible alternative to the chemical propulsion systems, in space transportation. The projectile has been arranged to reach to its orbital speed at delivered altitude, with an energy transferred externally to a projectile all the flyway through the electromagnetic launcher. The multistage electromagnetic launcher structure contains the capacitors for storing energy and transfers this energy through a switching inductor to a mass driver. The mass driver is synchronously being energized by a voltage through an oscillating coil-capacitor circuit. This paper presents dependence and optimization of design and performance parameters of coilgun equations. Cost estimations of electromagnetic launching system are also calculated in energy per unit mass.
  • Article
    Catalytic activity of metal-free amine-modified dextran microgels in hydrogen release through methanolysis of NaBH4
    (Wiley, 2020) Inger, Erk; Sunol, Aydin K.; Sahiner, Nurettin; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
    Polymeric microgels were prepared from dextran (Dex) by crosslinking linear natural polymer dextran with divinyl sulfone (DVS) with a surfactant-free emulsion technique resulting in high gravimetric yield of 78.5 +/- 5.3% with wide size distribution. Dex microgels were chemically modified, and then used as catalyst in the methanolysis of NaBH4 to produce H-2. The chemical modification of Dex microgel was done on epichlorohydrin (ECH)-reacted Dex microgels with ethylenediamine (EDA), diethylenetriamine (DETA), and triethylenetetraamine (TETA) in dimethylformamide (DMF) at 90 degrees C for 12 hours. The modified dextran-TETA microgels were protonated using treatment with hydrochloric acid (HCl) and m-Dex microgels-TETA-HCl was found to be a very efficient catalyst for methanolysis of NaBH4 to produce H-2. The effects of reaction temperature and NaBH4 concentration on H-2 generation rates were investigated and m-Dex microgels-TETA-HCl catalyst possessed excellent catalytic performances with 100% conversion and 80% activity at end of 10 consecutive uses and was highly re-generatable with simple HCl treatment. Interestingly, m-Dex microgels-TETA-HCl catalyst can catalyze NaBH4 methanolysis reaction in a mild temperature range 0 to 35 degrees C with Ea value of 30.72 kJ/mol and in subzero temperature range, -20 to 0 degrees C with Ea value of 32.87 kJ/mol, which is comparable with many catalysts reported in the literature.
  • Article
    Ay Taşımacılığında Elektromanyetik Fırlatma Teknolojisi ve Bor
    (2018) İnger, Erk; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
    Gelecek yıllarda, ay yerinde keşfedildiğinde, aydan uzaya malzeme nakliyesi yeteneklerinin geliştirilmesi planlanmaktadır. Uzay araçlarının yakıt ikmali için gerekli oksijen gibi ay malların yörüngedeki depolara taşınaması sağlanacaktır. Genel olarak aydan malzeme nakliyesi söz konusu olduğunda EMFS (Elektromanyetik Fırlatma Sistemi) teknolojisinin, yakın gelecekteki üstünlükleri çok iyi açıklanabilir. EMFS’nin kimyasal fırlatma sistemine göre, yüksek kapasiteli taşıma, yüksek güvenlik ve çevresel sürdürülebilirlik ile düşük bakım maliyetleri ve yüksek verimlilik gibi çeşitli avantajları bulunmaktadır. Sunulan ön konseptin geliştirilmesi ve bu tür bir sistemle dağıtımının fizibilite ve net faydası ile ilgili, yüksek yük taşıma kapasitesine sahip oluşu EMFS’yi desteklemektedir. EMFS halen sürdürülen bir çalışmadır ve özellikle donanım geliştirme aşamasında dikkate alınması gereken birçok zorlukları bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Yüksek Sıcaklık Süperiletken (HTSC) MgB2 gibi malzemeler, ana güç üretimi, veriyolu çalışması, endüktif enerji depolama, devre açma anahtarları, başlatıcı bobinler ve yükler dahil, birçok EMFS bileşenleri için yaygın olarak kullanılan uygulamalardır.
  • Article
    Optimized Porous Carbon Particles From Sucrose and Their Polyethyleneimine Modifications for Enhanced Co2 Capture
    (Mdpi, 2024) Ari, Betul; Inger, Erk; Sunol, Aydin K.; Sahiner, Nurettin; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
    Carbon dioxide (CO2), one of the primary greenhouse gases, plays a key role in global warming and is one of the culprits in the climate change crisis. Therefore, the use of appropriate CO2 capture and storage technologies is of significant importance for the future of planet Earth due to atmospheric, climate, and environmental concerns. A cleaner and more sustainable approach to CO2 capture and storage using porous materials, membranes, and amine-based sorbents could offer excellent possibilities. Here, sucrose-derived porous carbon particles (PCPs) were synthesized as adsorbents for CO2 capture. Next, these PCPs were modified with branched- and linear-polyethyleneimine (B-PEI and L-PEI) as B-PEI-PCP and L-PEI-PCP, respectively. These PCPs and their PEI-modified forms were then used to prepare metal nanoparticles such as Co, Cu, and Ni in situ as M@PCP and M@L/B-PEI-PCP (M: Ni, Co, and Cu). The presence of PEI on the PCP surface enables new amine functional groups, known for high CO2 capture ability. The presence of metal nanoparticles in the structure may be used as a catalyst to convert the captured CO2 into useful products, e.g., fuels or other chemical compounds, at high temperatures. It was found that B-PEI-PCP has a larger surface area and higher CO2 capture capacity with a surface area of 32.84 m(2)/g and a CO2 capture capacity of 1.05 mmol CO2/g adsorbent compared to L-PEI-PCP. Amongst metal-nanoparticle-embedded PEI-PCPs (M@PEI-PCPs, M: Ni, Co, Cu), Ni@L-PEI-PCP was found to have higher CO2 capture capacity, 0.81 mmol CO2/g adsorbent, and a surface area of 225 m(2)/g. These data are significant as they will steer future studies for the conversion of captured CO2 into useful fuels/chemicals.
  • Article
    Borlu Çimento
    (Bilim ve Teknoloji, 2015) İnger, Erk; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
    Çimento üretiminde klinkerine bor cevheri katkısı ile çimento üretiminde enerji tüketimi azaltılmakta, karbon dioksit salınımı düşürülmekte, yüksek mukavemetli ürün elde edilmekte ve çimentonun betonlaşması sürecinde oluşan hidrotasyon enerjisi minimize edilmektedir. Genel olarak, belit çimentosu sınıfında değerlendirilen borlu çimento, Portlant Çimentosu’na (PÇ) göre erken dayanıma katkısı azdır, ancak ileri yaşlarda yüksek mukavemet sağlamaktadır. Bunun aksine, yüksek belit çimentolarında (YBÇ), belit fazının reaktivitesi yüksek seviyelerde olup betona erken dayanım özelliği kazandırmaktadır. Borlu Çimento Standardı TS 13353 Yapımına esas olacak özellikler tespit edilerek onaylanmıştır. Ayrıca Bayındırlık Bakanlığı, borlu çimento birim fiyatları imalat ve ihzarat listeleri hazırlanmıştır. Borlu çimento üretiminde, ticari değeri düşük bor madeninin %17 B2O3 düşük tenörlü kolemanit cevheri kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca ürünün sanayi ölçeklerinde, Denizli Çimento Fabrikasında 3000 ton ve Isparta Çimento Fabrikasında üretilen 4000 ton Borlu çimento üretilmiştir. Özellikle borlu çimento beton karayolu çalışmaları, çok faydalı sonuçlar vermiştir.
  • Article
    Launching To an Orbit With a Chemical Propellant Staged Rocket Systems
    (2022) Inger, Erk; Inger, Erk; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
    There is one way to explore space by using the space launch vehicles, which is known as rockets, and it can carry useful load named simply as payload of satelite from Earth into Space. In this study, performance predictions of the multi rocket motors are discussed and compared with single rocket motor with the same amount of propellant used for space travel. In this article in serial or tandem staging schemes, the boosting stage is usually the largest, the second stage and subsequent upper stages are above it, usually decreasing in size are used. In boosting stage parallel staging schemes solid or liquid rocket boosters are used to assist with launch. At low level starting to high altitude higher density fuel solid fuels, kerogen and cryogenic hydrogen(-250°C) are used as fuel. In solid propellants oxidizer is generally ammonium per chloride is used but in cryogenic liquid propellants oxygen(183.3°C) are used. In the first stage, both liquid propellant in a booster and five solid rocket propellent are used to reach about a certain altitude and velocity. In second stage, after reducing the weight by ejecting the five solid rocket propellent and only liquid propellant is used only to reach the an extra altitudes and velocities at low earth orbit (LEO). Drag and gravity effects are successfully used in all of the calculations. The added total result of velocities and altidudes found by these staged rockets are higher than the first single staged case. The advantage of multistage rockets, having same amount of propellant in staged rockets where total velocity will be increased by separating and removing waste from the system weight out of the system. Use of staged rocket system are usefull for increasing the amount of payload and decreasing the cost per unit weight as well.
  • Article
    Can Fool's Gold "pyrite" Become Real Gold as a Catalyst for Clean-Energy H2 Production?
    (Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2019) Inger, Erk; Inger, Erk; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
    The natural, most abundant sulfide mineral of pyrite was modified using polyethyleneimine (PEI) for use as a catalyst in H-2 release reactions from NaBH4 in methanol. The catalytic performances of pyrite, pyrite-PEI, and protonated pyrite-PEI (pyrite-PEI+) were compared and the hydrogen generation rate (HGR) values of 795 +/- 26, 2883 +/- 190, and 4320 +/- 188 mL H-2/(g of catalyst x min)(-1) were measured for H-2 production from NaBH4 methanolysis. The effect of methanol:water mixture at various ratios, the amount of catalyst, the concentration of NaBH4, and temperature on H-2 production from NaBH4 in methanol catalyzed by pyrite-PEr were investigated. The activation energies for pyrite-PEI, and pyrite-PEI+ catalyzed H-2 release reactions were calculated as 47.2 and 36.8 kJ/mol, respectively. It was found that the activity % for the pyrite-PEI+ catalyst decreased to 76.2 +/- 2.7% after five consecutive uses with 100% conversion for each re-use study. Furthermore, the re-generation of pyrite-PEI+ catalyst after the 5th usage was readily ensured by HCl treatment to completely recover and further increase the activity% of the catalyst. Therefore, pyrite was shown to be a useful re-generable and economic green catalyst for H-2 production in many potential applications. (C) 2019 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Master Thesis
    Çoklu Aşamalı Aracı Tasarımı
    (2019) Alghadeer, Noor Hamzah Abbas; İnger, Erk; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
    Bu tezde çok kademeli fırlatma aracı tasarladık. İlk aşamada, yaklaşık 42 km'ye ulaşmak için beş katı roket yakıtı ve bir sıvı itici fırlatma kullanılmıştır. İkinci aşamada, ağırlığı azaltmak için beş katı roket itici sistemden ayrılır. Daha sonra, bilimsel araştırma için, roket sistemindeki uydu, 925 km yüksekliğindeki düşük Dünya yörüngesine (LEO) geçmek üzere düşük sıvı yakıt ile gönderilir. Bu makalenin tasarımı, birkaç katı itici roketin etkisiyle kazanılan roketin hızı, roketin irtifa hesaplamaları ve roketin irtifası, katı roketlerin sayısı ve cinsine ve orbital hızına göre değişen rakımlarla gerçekleştirildi.
  • Article
    Pei Modifiednatural Sands of Florida as Catalysts for Hydrogen Production From Sodium Borohydride Dehydrogenation in Methanol
    (Wiley-hindawi, 2021) Inger, Erk; Demirci, Sahin; Can, Mehmet; Sunol, Aydin K.; Philippidis, George; Sahiner, Nurettin; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
    Sand samples from Tampa (T) and Panama (P) City beaches in Florida were used as catalysts for dehydrogenation of NaBH4 in methanol. T and P sand samples were sieved to <250, 250 to 500, and >500 mu m sizes, and the smallest fractions resulted in faster hydrogen generation rates (HGR), 565 +/- 18 and 482 +/- 24 mL H-2 (min.g of catalyst)(-1), respectively. After various base/acid treatments, HGR values of 705 +/- 51 and 690 +/- 47 mL H-2 (min g of catalyst)(-1) for HCl-treated T and P sand samples were attained, respectively. Next, T and P sand samples were modified with polyethyleneimine (PEI) that doubled the HGR values, 1344 +/- 103, and 1190 +/- 87 mL H-2 (min.g of catalyst)(-1) and increased similar to 8-fold, 4408 +/- 187, and 3879 +/- 169 mL H-2 (min g of catalyst)(-1), correspondingly after protonation (PEI+). The Ea values of T and P sand samples were calculated as 24.6 and 25.9 kJ/mol, and increased to 36.1, and 36.6 kJ/mol for T-PEI(+)and P-PEI(+)samples, respectively.
  • Article
    Boric Acid Versus Boron Trioxide as Catalysts for Green Energy Source H2 Production From Sodium Borohydride Methanolysis
    (2021) Demirci, Sahin; Ari, Betul; Sengel, Sultan B.; Inger, Erk; Sahiner, Nurettin; Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
    Here, boric acid (H3BO3) and its dewatered form, boron trioxide (B2O3) were tested as catalysts for hydrogen (H2) evolution in the methanolysis of sodium borohydride (NaBH4) in methanol. Parameters such as catalyst types and their amounts, NaBH4 concentration, and the reaction temperature affecting the hydrogen generation rate (HGR) were studied. It has been found that H3BO3 and B2O3 catalyzed methanolysis reaction of NaBH4 follow up first-order kinetics relative to the concentration of NaBH4. Furthermore, the conversion and activity of these catalysts were examined to determine their performance in ten consecutive use. Interestingly, H3BO3 and B2O3 have demonstrated superior catalytic performances in methanolysis of NaBH4 comparing to the studies published in literature with the activation energy of respectively 22.08 kJ.mol-1, and 23.30 kJ.mol-1 in H2 production. The HGR was calculated as 6481 mL.min-1.g-1 and 5163 mL.min-1.g-1 for H3BO3 and B2O3 catalyst, respectively for 50 mg catalyst at 298 K. These results are comparably better than most metal nanoparticle catalysts used for H2 production in addition to the naturally occurring boron-based environmentally friendliness of these materials.