Park, Jongee

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Jongee Park
P., Jongee
Park J.
Park, Jongee
J., Park
Jongee, Park
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 44
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Computational insight of lithium adsorption and intercalation in bilayer TiC3
    (Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2024) Park, Jongee; Fatima, Syeda Afrinish; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have gained significant attention owing to their long lifespan. However, these batteries offer unmatched energy storage capacity and suffer from restricted lithium-ion mobility within the electrodes. Here, we employ first-principles calculation to investigate the two-dimensional TiC3 bilayer material. The results exhibit a remarkably high specific capacity of 1277 mAh/g and a low diffusion energy barrier of 0.12 eV. The TiC3 bilayer is anticipated to show high electrical conductivity, maintaining its metallicity due to strong bonding with four Li atoms. Additionally, its high thermal and dynamic stabilities are expected to significantly enhance the battery performance. Notably, the AB stacking bilayer TiC3 experiences a mere 6.01 % increase in volume, considerably smaller compared to the 28 % increase observed in the SiC bilayer. This suggests that TiC3 bilayers remain intact even at the highest concentration of lithium adsorptions. We also explored the solidelectrolyte interface (SEI) formation at the outset of battery operation using reactive force field molecular dynamics simulation. The reactive products of SEI are nicely matched with previous experimental and theoretical findings. All these intriguing properties position the TiC3 bilayer as an exceptionally promising material for use in LIBs.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 6
    Lead-Free Perovskite Homojunction-Based HTM-Free Perovskite Solar Cells: Theoretical and Experimental Viewpoints
    (Mdpi, 2023) Park, Jongee; Alzahmi, Salem; Salem, Imen Ben; Park, Jongee; Obaidat, Ihab M.; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    Simplifying the design of lead-free perovskite solar cells (PSCs) has drawn a lot of interest due to their low manufacturing cost and relative non-toxic nature. Focus has been placed mostly on reducing the toxic lead element and eliminating the requirement for expensive hole transport materials (HTMs). However, in terms of power conversion efficiency (PCE), the PSCs using all charge transport materials surpass the environmentally beneficial HTM-free PSCs. The low PCEs of the lead-free HTM-free PSCs could be linked to poorer hole transport and extraction as well as lower light harvesting. In this context, a lead-free perovskite homojunction-based HTM-free PSC was investigated, and the performance was then assessed using a Solar Cell Capacitance Simulator (SCAPS). A two-step method was employed to fabricate lead-free perovskite homojunction-based HTM-free PSCs in order to validate the simulation results. The simulation results show that high hole mobility and a narrow band gap of cesium tin iodide (CsSnI3) boosted the hole collection and absorption spectrum, respectively. Additionally, the homojunction's built-in electric field, which was identified using SCAPS simulations, promoted the directed transport of the photo-induced charges, lowering carrier recombination losses. Homojunction-based HTM-free PSCs having a CsSnI3 layer with a thickness of 100 nm, defect density of 10(15) cm(-3), and interface defect density of 10(18) cm(-3) were found to be capable of delivering high PCEs under a working temperature of 300 K. When compared to formamidinium tin iodide (FASnI(3))-based devices, the open-circuit voltage (V-oc), short-circuit density (J(sc)), fill factor (FF), and PCE of FASnI(3)/CsSnI3 homojunction-based HTM-free PSCs were all improved from 0.66 to 0.78 V, 26.07 to 27.65 mA cm(-2), 76.37 to 79.74%, and 14.62 to 19.03%, respectively. In comparison to a FASnI(3)-based device (PCE = 8.94%), an experimentally fabricated device using homojunction of FASnI(3)/CsSnI3 performs better with V-oc of 0.84 V, J(sc) of 22.06 mA cm(-2), FF of 63.50%, and PCE of 11.77%. Moreover, FASnI(3)/CsSnI3-based PSC is more stable over time than its FASnI(3)-based counterpart, preserving 89% of its initial PCE. These findings provide promising guidelines for developing highly efficient and environmentally friendly HTM-free PSCs based on perovskite homojunction.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 13
    A DFT study of TiC3 as anode material for Li-ion batteries
    (Elsevier, 2023) Park, Jongee; Fatima, Syeda Afrinish; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    Two-dimensional monolayer titanium carbide (TiC3) was used to study as a suitable electrode material for lithium-ion batteries with first principles calculation. The monolayer TiC3 showed excellent structural stability, high mechanical stiffness and good electronic conductance behaviour. The adsorption of Li on the carbon rich composition of titanium carbide monolayer is predicted to be favourable. TiC3 structure has remained the same, preserving its metallicity after Li adsorption with attaining high electrical conductivity during lithiation/delithiation process. Especially, the theoretical specific capacity of TiC3 monolayer is high, up to 1916 mAh/g, which is five times higher than the practical graphite. The low open circuit voltage (0.26 V) and diffusion energy barrier (0.25 eV) are also beneficial for overall performance of LIBs. Importantly, during lithiation the change in area is very small and reaches only 8.1 % for full lithiation indicating that it can avoid the large volume expansion during charge/discharge cycles. Its excellent performance, including high melting temperature, dynamical and mechanical stability, can be credited to the rigidness of the TiC3. Given these advantages, that is, high specific capacity, low Li diffusion energy barrier, low open circuit voltage and high in-plane stiffness, TiC3 monolayer can be a promising anode material for lithium-ion batteries.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Two-dimensional carbon rich titanium carbide (TiC3) as a high-capacity anode for potassium ion battery
    (Elsevier, 2024) Park, Jongee; Park, Jongee; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    In recent years, two-dimensional (2D) materials, particularly MXenes such as titanium carbide, have gained significant interest for energy storage applications. This study explores the use of potassium-adsorbed TiC3 nanosheets as potential anode materials for potassium ion batteries (KIBs), utilizing first-principles calculations. The investigated electronic, mechanical, and thermal properties of TiC3 demonstrate its suitability as an anode material. The incorporation of potassium into the host material enhances electronic conductivity while maintaining a stable layered structure. Our findings reveal promising adsorption behavior of potassium in TiC3, leading to a high theoretical specific capacity of 958 mAh/g, coupled with a low energy barrier of 0.19 eV for potassium migration, which is indicative of superior electrochemical performance. Moreover, despite the high potassium content, the electrode material shows limited volume expansion of 11.3 %, suggesting good cyclability. Additionally, the equilibrium distance between potassium and TiC3, measured at 3.11 & ring;A, exceeds that of lithium and TiC3 (2.56 & ring;A), potentially augmenting the material's flexibility. Consequently, TiC3 emerges as a promising candidate for KIB anode materials.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Computational analysis of TiC3 as a high-efficiency anode for calcium-ion batteries
    (Elsevier, 2024) Park, Jongee; Fatima, Syeda Afrinish; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    A comprehensive analysis of the structural, electronic, and thermal properties of TiC3 has been conducted. The calculated thermal expansion coefficient throughout a significant portion of the temperature range leads to a negative value underscoring the material's significance. The carbon-rich polytype of titanium carbide (TiC3) is being proposed for the first time as an anode material for calcium-ion batteries (CIB). The adsorption of Ca2+ ions has been determined to be favorable, with high accommodation of guest atoms and sufficiently rapid ionic mobility. The total volume expansion for a maximum Ca2+ adsorbed TiC3 configuration is calculated to be 8.2 %, which is lower compared to other anode materials for CIBs. Through the calciation of TiC3 up to the highest Ca2+ concentration (Ca7TiC3), an exceptionally high theoretical capacity of 2236 mAh/g has been achieved. Regarding battery rate capability, the lowest diffusion barrier calculated is 0.13 eV, with a remarkably high diffusion coefficient along the corresponding pathway equal to 10-3 cm2/s, indicating the ease of Ca ion movement within the host material. Furthermore, the equilibrium distance (2.5 & Aring;) between our host and guest atoms indicates a robust interaction between them. These findings lay the groundwork for the development of high-performance anode materials for CIBs.
  • Master Thesis
    Su arıtımı için fotokatalitik titanyum dioksit tozlarının sol-jel süreciyle hazırlanması
    (2018) Park, Jongee; Park, Jongee; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    Bu çalışma, yüksek fotokatalitik aktivite elde etmek için tetra-izopropoksit öncülü kullanılarak sol-gel yöntemiyle TiO 2 nanopartikülleri elde edilmesinin detaylarını içermektedir. Sol-gel yönteminde, farklı asitlerin (Asetik asit, Hidroklorik asit ve Nitrik asit) ve katalizör olarak hidroklorik asit kullanılarak elde edilen farklı pH değerlerinin etkileri çalışılmıştır. Sentezlenen numunelerden biri kullanılarak, kalsinasyon sıcaklığının sentezlenen TiO 2 'nin özelliklerine etkisi, 450, 550 ve 650°C olmak üzere farklı sıcaklıklar için araştırılmıştır. 550°C'de kalsine edilen tüm numuneler XRD, SEM ve UV-Vis spektrofotometre ile karakterize edilmiştir. Hidroklorik asit kullanılarak (pH: 4) hazırlanan titanyum dioksit çözeltisi, cam altlık üzerine daldırarak kaplama tekniği kullanılarak farklı döngülerle (1, 3 ve 5 defa) kaplanmıştır. Tüm TiO 2 kaplanmış camlar UV-Vis spektrometre, UV-Vis spektrofotometre ve temas açısı ölçümleri ile analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar farklı türdeki asitlerle sadece TiO 2 'nin anataz fazının farklı kristal boyut, kristallik ve şekillerde elde edildiğini göstermiş ve farklı asitlerle TiO 2 oluşumunun mekanizması detaylı olarak tartışılmıştır. Farklı pH değerleri için, 4, 2.8 ve 1.5 pH değerlerinde sadece anataz tipi TiO 2 gözlenmiştir. 3.3 pH değerindeki asidik koşulda, anataz ve çok az miktarda rutil elde edilmiştir. İlave olarak, kalsinasyon sıcaklığı arttıkça anataz tipi TiO 2 'nin kristalliğinin ve kristal boyutunun arttığı görülmüştür. Hidroklorik asitle (pH: 4) sentezlenen TiO 2 tozu en yüksek fotokatalitik aktiviteyi göstermiş ve bu tozun UV ışını altında metilen mavisi ile 30, 60 ve 90 dakikalarda elde edilen fotobozunum verimleri sırasıyla %76.2, %95 ve %98.1 bulunmuştur. Son olarak, 5 defa TiO2 kaplanmış cam süperhidrofobiklik göstermiş ve 7 saatlik UV ışını altında fotobozunum verimi %67 bulunmuştur.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 16
    Synthesis and enhanced photocatalytic activity of molybdenum, iron, and nitrogen triple-doped titania nanopowders
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2016) Park, Jongee; Park, Jongee; Ozturk, Abdullah; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    A novel Mo, Fe, and N triple-doped rutile TiO2 nanopowder was synthesized with simple HNO3 assisted hydrothermal treatment. Powders synthesized were characterized by using x-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area analysis techniques. Mo doping initiated the formation of a structure composed of a mixture of anatase and rutile with some modifications in morphology; but Mo, Fe, and N triple-doped titania powders are composed of entirely rutile structures. XPS analysis confirmed that Mo dissolved in the structure, replacing Ti atoms and forming some MoO3 partially crystallized nano regions on the surface. Existence of Fe in the TiO2 crystal lattice was confirmed by ICP analysis. Fe doping had an influence on the crystal structure and morphology. N was found to be dissolved in the co-doped structure by HNO3 catalyzer autogenously. Methylene blue degradation testing and band gap measurements were performed by using UV-vis photospectroscopy and diffuse reflector apparatus in order to evaluate the photocatalytic performance of the powders. Dopant elements decreased band gap energy steadily. An enhanced photoactivity was reached by Mo, Fe, and N triple-doping as compared with that of undoped, and mono doped TiO2 powders under UV-light irradiation. Possible reasons for the enhancement in photocatalytic activity are outlined. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 29
    Boron and zirconium co-doped TiO2 powders prepared through mechanical ball milling
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2013) Park, Jongee; Ozturk, Abdullah; Park, Jongee; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    A titania photocatalyst co-doped with boron and zirconium was prepared by mechanical ball milling. The resulting powder was characterized by XRD, XPS, SEM, and EDS. The photocatalytic performance of the powder was evaluated by degradation of methylene blue (MB) solution under UV illumination. XRD patterns were refined by Rietveld analysis to obtain accurate lattice parameters and positions of the atoms in the crystal structure of the photocatalyst. XRD, XPS, and Rietveld analysis results indicated that mechanical ball milling successfully weaved the dopant elements into the crystal structure and distorted the lattice of TiO2. Also, SEM micrographs confirmed that mechanical ball milling led to a decrease in average particle size of the photocatalyst. Boron and zirconium co-doped TiO2 particles exhibited a better visible light response and photocatalytic activity than those of the mono-element doped TiO2 (i.e. B-TiO2 and Zr-TiO2) and undoped TiO2 particles. The enhanced photocatalytic activity is attributed to the synergistic effects of boron zirconium co-doping and particle size reduction. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
  • Master Thesis
    Alumina ve Titanya eş-doplanmış zirkonya seramiklerinin mekanik ve biyolojik özellikleri
    (2017) Park, Jongee; Park, Jongee; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    Günümüzde daha doğala yakın göründüğünden dolayı zirkonya diş hekimliğinde oldukça yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Ayrıca, zirkonya‟nın yüksek sertliği ve kırılma tokluğu, biyolojik uyumluluğu ve estetik görünümü sebebiyle de en çok tercih edilen seramik malzemelerin arasında yer alır. Bu çalışmada, mekanik öğütme yöntemi ile katkı maddeleri farklı oranlarda (0 ve % 2.0) % 3 mol yttria (Y2O3) içeren zirkonya içerisine sırasıyla katılmıştır. Şekillendirilen numuneler sırasıyla 1350, 1450 ve 1550 °C‟ de 2 saat süresince sinterlenmiş olup, katkı maddelerinin etkilerini gözlemlemek için yoğunluk, sertlik, kırılma tokluğu ve hücre tutunma oranı hesaplanmıştır. Sertlik ve kırılma tokluğu hesapları için Vicker‟s sertlik yöntemi kullanılmıştır. X Ray Kırınım Yöntemi (XRD) ile yalnızca titanya içeren ve hem titanya hem de alumina içeren numunelerin kristal faz analizleri yapılmıştır. Taramalı Elektron Mikroskobu (SEM) kullanılarak numunelerin tane boyutları hesaplanmıştır ve yüzey morfolojisi incelenmiştir. Deney sonuçlarına göre katkı malzemelerinin oranı arttıkça, yoğunluğun düştüğü görülmüştür. Mekanik özellikler göz önünde bulundurulduğunda en yüksek sertlik ve tokluk değerleri % 0.5 TiO2 ve % 1.0 Al2O3 numunelerinde elde edilmiştir. Titanya ve aluminanın zirkonya içerisine katılması faz değişimine sebep olmamıştır ancak tane boyutunu küçültmüştür. Ayrıca, katkı maddeleri numune yüzeyine hücrelerin tutunmasını ve büyümesini de olumlu yönde etkilemiştir.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    Influence of particle size of TiO2 powder on the energy conversion efficiency of a dye-sensitized solar cell
    (2013) Park, Jongee; Park,J.; Öztürk, Asiye; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering; English Translation and Interpretation
    Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have been fabricated using a TiO2 paste composed of mixtures of 25 nm and 250 nm TiO2 particles at various ratios. A maximum energy conversion efficiency of 6.7% has been achieved using the DSSC, based on a TiO2 layer composed of 40 wt% 25 nm and 60 wt% 250 nm TiO2 particles. The short-circuit current density, open-circuit voltage, and filling factor of the cell were 12.95 mA, 0.82 V, and 0.63, respectively. The overall performance of the DSSCs based on TiO2 layers composed using a mixture of two different sized particles is much better than that of either only 25 nm or only 250 nm TiO2 particles. It is recognized that adding the larger particles to the small particles in the TiO2 paste increases the dye absorption and light scattering effects of DSSC, resulting in a higher short-circuit current density and improved energy conversion efficiency. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.