İnal, Yavuz

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Inal, Yavuz
I., Yavuz
Y., Inal
Yavuz, Inal
İnal, Yavuz
Yavuz, İnal
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Doktor Öğretim Üyesi
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
  • Article
    Citation Count: 4
    The Effects of the Content Elements of Online Banner Ads on Visual Attention: Evidence from An-Eye-Tracking Study
    (Mdpi, 2021) Peker, Serhat; Menekse Dalveren, Gonca Gokce; İnal, Yavuz; Software Engineering; Information Systems Engineering
    The aim of this paper is to examine the influence of the content elements of online banner ads on customers' visual attention, and to evaluate the impacts of gender, discount rate and brand familiarity on this issue. An eye-tracking study with 34 participants (18 male and 16 female) was conducted, in which the participants were presented with eight types of online banner ads comprising three content elements-namely brand, discount rate and image-while their eye movements were recorded. The results showed that the image was the most attractive area among the three main content elements. Furthermore, the middle areas of the banners were noticed first, and areas located on the left side were mostly noticed earlier than those on the right side. The results also indicated that the discount areas of banners with higher discount rates were more attractive and eye-catching compared to those of banners with lower discount rates. In addition to these, the participants who were familiar with the brand mostly concentrated on the discount area, while those who were unfamiliar with the brand mostly paid attention to the image area. The findings from this study will assist marketers in creating more effective and efficient online banner ads that appeal to customers, ultimately fostering positive attitudes towards the advertisement.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    User-Friendly Locations of Error Messages in Web Forms: An Eye Tracking Study
    (int Group Eye Movement Research, 2016) İnal, Yavuz; Information Systems Engineering
    Error messages presented to users are one of the most important elements of Web forms. Error messages are embedded in different parts of the forms available on the Internet and presented in various formats. One of the measures of a user-friendly error message design is the ability to easily capture users' attention and facilitate fast error correction. In this empirical study, I tested four different locations of error messages frequently used in Web forms on 32 participants. In addition, I analysed the participants' interactions with error messages through their eye movements. The results of the study showed that the participants spotted the error message fastest when it was displayed on the right side of the erroneous input field. When error messages displayed further the input field users have less saccades to and fixations on error messages compared to those located near to this field, suggesting that less effort has been spent to understand the given message. However, group mean differences were not statistically significant for form completion time, error recognition time, the number of saccades, and error correction time.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 20
    UX Professionals' Definitions of Usability and UX - A Comparison Between Turkey, Finland, Denmark, France and Malaysia
    (Springer international Publishing Ag, 2017) İnal, Yavuz; Clemmensen, Torkil; Iivari, Netta; Inal, Yavuz; Rizvanoglu, Kerem; Sivaji, Ashok; Roche, Amelie; Information Systems Engineering
    This paper examines the views of user experience (UX) professionals on the definitions of usability and UX, and compares the findings between countries and within different socio-cultural groups. A mixed-method analysis was employed on data gathered on 422 professionals through a survey in Turkey, Finland, Denmark, France, and Malaysia. Usability appears to be an established concept, respondents across all countries agreeing on the importance of the ISO 9241-11 definition. There is also a tendency that UX professionals attach organizational perspective to usability. UX professionals diverge when defining UX, and there are systematic differences related to socio-cultural conditions. UX professionals in Finland and France incline more towards the definition highlighting the experiential qualities, when compared to Turkey and Malaysia that incline towards the definition reflecting the ease of use, utility, attractiveness, and degree of usage. Further research should address the implications of the diverse meanings and contexts of usability and UX.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 2
    Users' Behavioral Strategies Toward Mobile App Problems: Fight or Flight
    (Springer international Publishing Ag, 2019) Hacaloğlu, Tuna; Hacaloglu, Tuna; İnal, Yavuz; Information Systems Engineering
    In this paper, we identify two distinct behavioral strategies for dealing with problems encountered in the use of mobile apps - fight or flight. In the fight strategy, individuals do not give up using an app when faced with a problem; rather, they experiment with different ways to cope with that problem, whereas the flight strategy refers to the user's decision to uninstall an app when they encounter a problem and/or their intention to use an alternative app. These strategies were identified from an analysis of documents, which forty-two users reported, and can be used to understand how users deal with encountered problems. The participants were asked to use a mobile app of their choice for one week and report the behavioral strategies they utilized to counter problems they experienced. According to the findings obtained from content analysis, the most reported complaints concerned the categories of interface design, functional error, feature request, and feature removal. The participants who complained about functional errors, frustrating features, and slow application speed stopped using the app (flight behavior) whereas those that were dissatisfied with the interface, a missing feature or the content of the app continued to use the app and tried to overcome the problems (fight behavior).
  • Master Thesis
    Libya kamu websitelerinin kullanılabilirlik ve erişilebilirlik değerlendirmesi
    (2017) İnal, Yavuz; İnal, Yavuz; Information Systems Engineering
    E-devlet uygulamaları yaşlı ve engelli insalara etkili, verimli ve memnuniyet verici hizmetler sunarak faydalı olabilirler. Ancak, bu kişilerin e-devlet uygulamaları aracılığıyla kamu hizmetlerinden maksimum faydayı alabilmeleri için, kullanılabilirlik ve erişilebilirlik kriterlerini karşılaması gereklidir. Son zamanlarda kamu websitelerinin sayısında görünen büyük artışa rağmen, bu sitelerin kötü kullanılabilirlik ve erişilebilirlik özellikleri sonucunda vatandaşların ihtiyaç ve beklentieri karşılanamamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı da Libya'da bulunan kamu websitelerinin kullanılabilirlik ve erişilebilirliklerini değerlendirmektir. Kullanılabilirlik değerlendirmesi sezgisel üzerinden 32 kullanıcı ile, erişilebilirlik değerlendirmesi ise otomatik değerlendirme araçları ile yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla, 10 kamu websitesi WCAG 2.0 kriterleri doğrultusunda değerlendirilmiş, seçilen bir kamu websitesi ise detaylı olarak kullanılabilirlik kriterlerie göre analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre Management of Scholarships websitesinde önemli kullanılabilirlik problemleri tespit edilmiştir. Sistem durumunun görünürlüğü, kullanıcı kontrolü ve özgürlük, ve hataları önleme sezgisel maddeleri en fazla ihlal edilen meddeler olarak belirlenmiştir. Achecker aracı raporuna göre Management of Scholarahips haricindeki tüm Libya kamu websiteleri erişilebilirlik kriterleirni karşılamamışlardır. TAW aracına göre ise tüm websiteler bu açıdan başarısız olmuşlardır. Her bir metin dışı unsur için metin alternatiflerinin sağlanması en fazla ihlal edilen başarı kriteri olarak görülmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kullanılabilirlik, Erişilebilirlik, e-Devlet, Kamu Websiteleri, Otomatik Değerlendirme Araçları, Sezgisel Değerlendirme
  • Article
    Citation Count: 37
    Usability and accessibility evaluation of Libyan government websites
    (Springer Heidelberg, 2019) İnal, Yavuz; Inal, Yavuz; Information Systems Engineering
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the usability and accessibility of Libyan government websites. A total of ten government websites in Libya were analyzed according to the criteria of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.0, and one of them was selected for further analysis based on usability criteria. The results showed that the evaluated website had significant number of usability problems. More than half of the usability problems were rated as major and catastrophic. Visibility of system status, user control and freedom, and user help recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors were the most violated heuristic items. All Libyan government websites did not pass accessibility evaluation using the AChecker tool with the exception of the website for Management of Scholarships, and all failed using the TAW tool. Providing text alternatives for each non-text element was the most frequently violated success criterion for Libyan government websites.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 28
    Accessibility evaluation of top university websites: a comparative study of Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkey
    (Springer Heidelberg, 2018) İnal, Yavuz; Inal, Yavuz; Information Systems Engineering
    It is important that university websites and services offered through their sites are used effectively, efficiently and satisfactorily by the whole target group of the university, including disabled users. However, universities in many countries are still unable to meet the criteria for web accessibility. This study aimed to test the websites of the top universities in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkey using automated assessment tools. The results showed that university websites are more popular in Turkey, and in Turkish universities developers pay more attention to the performance of websites, followed by websites of Azerbaijani, Kyrgyz and Kazakh universities. The majority of the university websites in the study did not meet the WCAG 2.0 accessibility criteria. Only two Kyrgyz and two Kazakh university websites attained conformance level A, and only three, one Kyrgyz and two Kazakh, achieved accessibility conformance level AAA. Based on the results, it was determined that universities included in the present study need to devote more effort to making their websites more accessible for their users.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 20
    Web accessibility in Turkey: awareness, understanding and practices of user experience professionals
    (Springer Heidelberg, 2019) İnal, Yavuz; Rizvanoglu, Kerem; Yesilada, Yeliz; Information Systems Engineering
    Ensuring web accessibility for all is not an easy task and requires the awareness, understanding and practices of people with different roles. User experience professionals (UXPs) play an important role in ensuring web accessibility for all. However, in Turkey, there is no research concerning the status of the awareness, understanding and common practices of UXPs. The overall goal of the present work was to offer an assessment of the current situation in Turkey to suggest areas of improvement and changes to advance web accessibility practices. To meet this goal, we conducted an online survey. The results of this survey show that UXPs believe they have enough training and education in web accessibility; however, they are not familiar with web accessibility standards and assistive technologies used by people with disabilities. They do not work with people with disabilities in their studies on usability, and they do not consider web accessibility in their projects. Our findings also show that UXPs have a top-down approach to web accessibility and they think that it is the responsibility of project managers to make web applications accessible. In brief, the study showed that UXPs in Turkey need to be better educated and trained on web accessibility, and organizations need to realize that both top-down and bottom-up approaches are required to ensure accessibility of the web for all.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 19
    University students' heuristic usability inspection of the national library of Turkey website
    (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2018) İnal, Yavuz; Information Systems Engineering
    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the usability of the National Library of Turkey website developed for all citizens in the country to retrieve information available in a wide range of areas. Design/methodology/approach - The evaluation performed by 57 undergraduate university students involved the identification and analysis of usability problems in the selected website. The assessment process was mainly based on Nielsen's Heuristics. The data obtained in the evaluation process were enriched using the System Usability Scale (SUS) and the Net Promoter Score (NPS) to conduct a more detailed analysis. Findings - The participants identified many usability problems concerning the evaluated website and considered it as having low usability characteristics. The most violated heuristic item was found to be "consistency and standards" whereas the least violated heuristic item was "match between system and the real world." The total number of the usability problems in heuristic evaluation correlated significantly and negatively with the SUS and the NPS results indicating that the more participants identified usability problems, the less they considered the website as usable and recommendable. Research limitations/implications - The participants were not usability experts, however they were selected from among the students who received the Human Computer Interaction course to ensure that they had sufficient information and experience concerning the evaluation of a website with heuristics. Besides, the study was limited to a small number of university students. The implication is that results of this study have potential to guide libraries, which plan to adapt themselves to the digital world by delivering web services, by addressing critical points influencing users' points of views toward library websites and their usability evaluation result. Practical implications - Depending on the changes in user habits regarding the retrieval of information, libraries have made considerable investments in web technologies to meet their users' demands, and recently, digital libraries have begun to take over physical libraries. Users always need to perform tasks efficiently, effectively and satisfactorily when using websites. As one of the most crucial sources of digital materials, library websites are expected to have usable characteristics that satisfactorily meet user requirements. Therefore, the practical implication is that the findings of the study will guide designers, developers and practitioners in the development of library websites. Originality/value - In the context of usability evaluation of digital libraries, this is the first study to analyze effects of usability problems identified by users during the heuristic inspection on their overall evaluation score and willingness to recommend the website to their friends or colleagues.