Turhan, Çiğdem
Name Variants
Çiğdem Turhan
T., Çiğdem
Turhan, Cigdem
C., Turhan
Cigdem, Turhan
T., Cigdem
Turhan Ç.
Ç., Turhan
Turhan, Çiğdem
Turhan C.
Çiğdem, Turhan
Turhan, C.
Çiğdem Turhan
T., Çiğdem
Turhan, Cigdem
C., Turhan
Cigdem, Turhan
T., Cigdem
Turhan Ç.
Ç., Turhan
Turhan, Çiğdem
Turhan C.
Çiğdem, Turhan
Turhan, C.
Job Title
Doçent Doktor
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Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
47 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 47
Article Citation Count: 8A Comprehensive Assessment Plan for Accreditation in Engineering Education: A Case Study in Turkey(Tempus Publications, 2015) Turhan, Çiğdem; Şengül, Gökhan; Koyuncu, Murat; Information Systems Engineering; Software Engineering; Computer EngineeringThis paper describes the procedure followed by Computer Engineering and Software Engineering programs at Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey, which led to the granting of five years of accreditation by MUDEK, the local accreditation body authorized by The European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE) to award the EUR-ACElabel, and a full member signatory of Washington Accord of International Engineering Alliance (IEA). It explains the organizational structure established for preparation, determination and measurement of the educational objectives, program outcomes, course outcomes, and the continuous improvement cycle carried out during the preparation period. The aim of the paper is to share methods and experiences which may be beneficial for the other programs that are intended for accreditation.Master Thesis İş süreci yönetimi için etki alanı ontolojisinin geliştirilmesi: Bankacılıkla ilgili bir örnek çalışma(2019) Turhan, Çiğdem; Turhan, Çiğdem; Software Engineeringİş süreci yönetimi, büyük iş süreci model koleksiyonuna sahip bankalar gibi kuruluşlar için zorlu bir iştir. Kuruluşlar, BPM'deki sınırlı bir mekanizasyon derecesi nedeniyle mevcut iş süreçleri yönetimi teknolojileriyle çözülemeyen problemlerle karşı karşıya kalmakta, gerekli evrim ve iş süreçlerinin dinamikleri konusunda yetersizlik yaratmaktadır. Başka bir deyişle, süreç alanını düzenli olarak sorgulamak ve değiştirmek, insan emeğini gerektirir ve çoğu zaman yavaş, maliyetli ve kusurlu durumlara yol açar. Ayrıca, bir kuruluşun süreç alanını akıllı sorgular için erişilebilir bir anlamsal düzeyde düzgün bir temsilini sağlamaz. Her ne kadar BPMN, Petri Net, iş süreçlerini modellemek için UML aktivite şeması gibi biçimsel diller kullanılsa da, süreç öğelerinin eksik bir anlamsal temsili, iş süreçlerinin daha fazla birbirine bağlanmasını ve birlikte çalışabilirliğini önleyebilir. Bu nedenle, ontolojileri kullanmak iş süreci yönetimine destek sağlayabilir. İş süreci modellerini, anlamsal ek açıklamalar ve bilgisayar muhakemesi sağlayan makinede okunabilir ve yorumlanabilir bir biçimde tanımlamak, yüzlerce iş süreci modeline sahip bankalar gibi kuruluşların, istenen etkinliği ve çevikliği elde etmelerinde yardımcı olur. Bu tezde, seçili bir banka örneği için, makinenin okunabilir anlamsal süreç açıklamalarını ve süreç modellerinin mantıksal sorgularla anlamsal analiz ihtiyaçlarını destekleyen bir alan ontolojisini tanıtılmaktadır.Article A Comprehensive Assessment Plan for Accreditation in Engineering Education: A Case Study in Turkey(International Journal of Engineering Education, 2015) Turhan, Çiğdem; Şengül, Gökhan; Koyuncu, Murat; Information Systems Engineering; Software Engineering; Computer EngineeringThis paper describes the procedure followed by Computer Engineering and Software Engineering programs at Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey, which led to the granting of five years of accreditation by MUDEK, the local accreditation body authorized by The European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE) to award the EUR ACE label, and a full member signatory ofWashington Accord of International Engineering Alliance (IEA). It explains the organizational structure established for preparation, determination and measurement of the educational objectives, program outcomes, course outcomes, and the continuous improvement cycle carried out during the preparation period. The aim of the paper is to share methods and experiences which may be beneficial for the other programs that are intended for accreditation.Conference Object Citation Count: 17Mobile Technology Applications in the Healthcare Industry for Disease Management and Wellness(Elsevier Science Bv, 2015) Kalem, Güler; Turhan, Çiğdem; Software EngineeringTechnology is an unavoidable fact of today's life. Attractive advantages of wireless technology accelerated the rapid development of mobile applications. With the increase of the usage of mobile devices in the recent years, new solutions come to mind including mobile technologies to fulfill requirements or suggest better solutions in the vast area of medical informatics to the existing ones. Augmentation in the area of wireless technology positively affects the medical applications. In the healthcare industry, mobile applications provide better personalized health care, disease management and services to patients and their relatives, as well as a better and flexible way of communicating with physicians, patients and medical suppliers. It is obvious that the applications using mobile technologies has the potential to bring better conditions both for the patients for their disease management and for the humanity for checking their self wellness. In this paper, the current mobile technology utilized in healthcare such as relapse prevention in schizophrenia, aged people's care and wellness, diagnosis and management of attention-deficit etc. is reviewed in detail outlining the current mobile technologies and wireless revolution of today and examining some of the outstanding applications using these technologies in the clinical area. The results of this study can provide clues to researchers to further the mobile technology in healthcare. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Doctoral Thesis Armonize mal tanımı ve kodlama sistemi için doğal dil işleme kullanarak ontoloji oluşturulması(2016) Turhan, Çiğdem; Turhan, Çiğdem; Software EngineeringDünya Gümrük Örgütü (DGÖ) gümrük idarelerinin etkinliğini ve verimliliğini artırmayı hedef edinmiş hükümetler arası bir kuruluştur. DGÖ dış ticaret için ortak bir kod sistemi sağlamaktadır. Armonize Mal Tanımı ve Kodlama Sistemi (Armonize Sistem-AS) diye adlandırılan bu sistem, 5000 farklı kod numarası içeren uluslararası bir ticari sınıflandırma sistemidir. Sistem uzman ya da uzman olmayan gümrük memurları ve ticaret yapmak isteyen insanlar tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Mevcut sistemin temel sorunu; AS kodu tespiti işlemlerinin ancak konu uzmanları tarafından yapılabilmesi ve uzamn olmayan kişilerce yapılamamasıdır. Ontolojiler semantik yapıyı gösteren güçlü araçlardır. Büyük ölçekli ontolojilerin yapılandırılması zor ve zaman alıcıdır. Doğal Dil İşleme (DDİ) kullanımı ontolojileri oluşturmak için etkili bir yoldur. Bu çalışmada, ana amaç AS kodları için Türkçe doğal dil işleme yapılarak ontoloji oluşturmaktır. Oluşturulan ontolojinin AS kodlarının tespit edilmesinde üç hayati fayda sağlaması beklenmektedir. Oluşturulan ontolojide AS kodları ürünlerin tariflerinden yola çıkarak tanımlanmış, böylece uzman olmayan kişilerin Türkçe kullanarak AS kodlarını tespit etmeleri sağlanmıştır. İkinci olarak, sistemi bir ontoloji üzerine kurmak ontolojilerin doğal yapıları sayesinde, ürünler ve aralarındaki ilişkilerin tanımlanmasıyla sistemin esneklik ve düşük maliyet ile çalışmasını sağlamaktadır. Son olarak, literatürde, Türk gümrüklerinde kullanılan böyle bir arama sistemi bulunmamaktadır. Bu tez, ontoloji oluşturma ve Türkçe dil işleme kullanarak aramada yeni bir bakış açısı sağlarken, oldukça kullanışlı yeni bir metod ve esnek bir arama sistemi yaklaşımı sunmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ontoloji, Doğal Dil İşleme, Protégé, Armonize Mal Tanımı ve Kodlama SistemArticle Citation Count: 0A Hybrid Approach for Semantic Image Annotation(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers inc, 2021) Sezen, Arda; Turhan, Çiğdem; Sengul, Gokhan; Şengül, Gökhan; Computer Engineering; Software EngineeringIn this study, a framework that generates natural language descriptions of images within a controlled environment is proposed. Previous work on neural networks mostly focused on choosing the right labels and/or increasing the number of related labels to depict an image. However, creating a textual description of an image is a completely different phenomenon, structurally, syntactically, and semantically. The proposed semantic image annotation framework presents a novel combination of deep learning models and aligned annotation results derived from the instances of the ontology classes to generate sentential descriptions of images. Our hybrid approach benefits from the unique combination of deep learning and semantic web technologies. We detect objects from unlabeled sports images using a deep learning model based on a residual network and a feature pyramid network, with the focal loss technique to obtain predictions with high probability. The proposed framework not only produces probabilistically labeled images, but also the contextual results obtained from a knowledge base exploiting the relationship between the objects. The framework's object detection and prediction performances are tested with two datasets where the first one includes individual instances of images containing everyday scenes of common objects and the second custom dataset contains sports images collected from the web. Moreover, a sample image set is created to obtain annotation result data by applying all framework layers. Experimental results show that the framework is effective in this controlled environment and can be used with other applications via web services within the supported sports domain.Article Citation Count: 1Sector Diversity among IT Professionals in the Timing of Blockchain Adoption: an Attitudinal Perspective(Kaunas Univ Technol, 2022) Turhan, Çiğdem; Turhan, Cigdem; Akman, Kamil İbrahim; Software Engineering; Computer EngineeringBlockchain technology has the potential to reshape the conventional ways of processes and transactions on digital platforms. Much of the attention surrounding blockchain is mainly focused on the technical and organizational aspects. Comparatively, little effort has been targeted towards understanding the attitudinal issues in blockchain adoption. This study aims to explore the role of attitudinal forms behind the intended timing of IT professionals' blockchain adoption, with an emphasis on the differences between the public and private sectors. A survey method was used where the data was collected from 208 IT professionals from public and private sector establishments in order to investigate how the different attitudes of the participants as well as the differences in their work sectors affect their intention to adopt blockchain. The data collected was analysed with ordinal logistic regression and the results indicate that the participants' affective, normative and pessimistic attitudes have a significant effect on the timing of blockchain adoption, and that these effects show differences among the IT professionals from the public and private sector. The findings are believed to provide valuable information to researchers and strategists in forecasting the future evolution of the blockchain technology in terms of individual utilization. The results also will provide feedback to managers of different sectors in making decisions regarding blockchain adoption, developers of blockchain services, as well as individuals who are interested in using blockchain.Conference Object Citation Count: 0English to Turkish example-based Machine Translation with Synchronous SSTC(Ieee Computer Soc, 2008) Turhan, Çiğdem; Turhan, Cigdem; Software EngineeringExample Based Machine Translation (EBMT) is a corpus-based method which is based on using previously translated text. In this project, English to Turkish EBMT system has been developed which uses the Synchronous SSTC for the representation of the sentences in the parallel corpora. This method proves to be effective especially in structurally different languages such as English and Turkish.Conference Object Citation Count: 3VISUAL AND TEXTUAL FEATURE FUSION FOR AUTOMATIC CUSTOMS TARIFF CLASSIFICATION(Ieee, 2015) Turhan, Çiğdem; Akar, Gozde B.; Turhan, Cigdem; Yuksel, Cihan; Software EngineeringThe Harmonized Tariff Schedule for the classification of goods is a major determinant of customs duties and taxes. The basic HS Code is 6 digits long but can be extended according to the needs of the countries such as application of custom duties based on details of the product. Finding the correct, consistent, legally defensible HS Code is at the heart of Import Compliance. However finding the best code can be complicated, especially in the case of specialized products. In this paper, we propose an automatic HS code detection system based on visual properties of the product together with textual analysis of its labels/explanations. The proposed system first uses morphological parsing in order to extract roots of the words occurring in the textual phrases. Processed text information is further processed by the topic modeling module of the system to find the best matching HS Code definitions within the system. The result of the topic modeling is used to trigger visual search based on quantized local features. The proposed algorithm is evaluated using a database of 4494 Binding Tariffs published in 2014 by the European Union. The results show that accuracy rate above 80 % can be achieved for 4-digit HS Codes.Article Citation Count: 9A Combined Approach for Customer Profiling in Video on Demand Services Using Clustering and Association Rule Mining(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers inc, 2020) Turhan, Çiğdem; Peker, Serhat; Peker, Serhat; Software EngineeringThe purpose of this paper is to propose a combined data mining approach for analyzing and profiling customers in video on demand (VoD) services. The proposed approach integrates clustering and association rule mining. For customer segmentation, the LRFMP model is employed alongside the k-means and Apriori algorithms to generate association rules between the identified customer groups and content genres. The applicability of the proposed approach is demonstrated on real-world data obtained from an Internet protocol television (IPTV) operator. In this way, four main customer groups are identified: "high consuming-valuable subscribers", "less consuming subscribers","less consuming-loyal subscribers" and "disloyal subscribers". In detail, for each group of customers, a different marketing strategy or action is proposed, mainly campaigns, special-day promotions, discounted materials, offering favorite content, etc. Further, genres preferred by these customer segments are extracted using the Apriori algorithm. The results obtained from this case study also show that the proposed approach provides an efficient tool to form different customer segments with specific content rental characteristics, and to generate useful association rules for these distinct groups. The proposed combined approach in this research would be beneficial for IPTV service providers to implement effective CRM and customer-based marketing strategies.