Akyüz, Göknur Arzu

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Goknur Arzu, Akyuz
G., Akyuz
A.,Goknur Arzu
Göknur Arzu, Akyüz
Akyuz, Goknur Arzu
A., Goknur Arzu
A.,Göknur Arzu
Akyüz, Göknur Arzu
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    Basic issues in forming a world-class supply chain
    (Association for Computing Machinery, 2015) Akyüz, Göknur Arzu; Rehan, Mohammad; Information Systems Engineering; Industrial Engineering
    Supply chain management (SCM) practices in today's global, complex, networked and web-enabled business conditions demand world-class performance from all chain partners. This study addresses the basic issues in becoming a world-class supply chain. The main aspects involving people, process and technology dimensions are put forward and comprehensively discussed. It is revealed that along with the IT-based integrity issues and performance management aspects, managing the soft concepts such as 'leadership in an extended context' and 'trust-based relationships' appear as the keys for success. © 2015 ACM.
  • Master Thesis
    E-satınalma'nın kurumsal kaynak planlama (ERP) sistemlerinin e-tedarik zinciri entegrasyonundaki rolü üzerine araştırma temelli bir çalışma
    (2008) Akyüz, Göknur Arzu; Rehan, Mohammad; Rehan, Mohammad; Information Systems Engineering; Industrial Engineering
    Bu tez çalışması, e-Satınalma konusunun Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama (ERP) ve e-Tedarik Zinciri konusundaki rolünü ortaya koymayı amaçlar. Çalışmada, ERP, e-satınalma ve e-tedarik zinciri konularında üç yönlü literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Daha sonra; bu üç konudaki teknolojik alt yapı ile ilgili olarak, XML tabanlı standardizasyon çabaları ve sektörün önde gelen tedarikçilerin entegrasyon platformları konularında araştırma temelli karşılaştırmalı bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen genellemelerin, web teknolojileri tabanlı geliştirilecek kavramsal modellere zemin oluşturması hedeflenmektedir.Çalışma, e-satınalma, Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama ve e-tedarik zinciri konularını tek başına ele almayıp bu üç konunun ilişkileri, öncelikleri ve entegrasyon konusuna odaklanmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: e-Tedarik Zinciri, e-Satınalma, Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama (ERP) , İş Süreçleri Yeniden Yapılandırma (BPR)
  • Article
    Citation Count: 263
    Supply chain performance measurement: a literature review
    (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2010) Erkan, Turan Erman; Erkan, Turan Erman; Akyüz, Göknur Arzu; Industrial Engineering
    This paper is intended to provide a critical literature review on supply chain performance measurement. The study aims at revealing the basic research methodologies/approaches followed, problem areas and requirements for the performance management of the new supply chain era. The review study covers articles coming from major journals related with the topic, including a taxonomy study and detailed investigation as to the methodologies, approaches and findings of these works. The methodology followed during the conduct of this research includes starting with a broad base of articles lying at the intersection of supply chain, information technology (IT), performance measurement and business process management topics and then screening the list to have a focus on supply chain performance measurement. Findings reveal that performance measurement in the new supply era is still an open area of research. Further need of research is identified regarding framework development, empirical cross-industry research and adoption of performance measurement systems for the requirements of the new era, to include the development of partnership, collaboration, agility, flexibility, information productivity and business excellence metrics. The contribution of this study lies in the taxonomy study, detailed description and treatment of methodologies followed and in shedding light on future research.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    A Generic, Multi-Period and Multi-Partner Cost Optimizing Model for Cloud-Based Supply Chain
    (Igi Global, 2016) Akyüz, Göknur Arzu; Rehan, Mohammad; Information Systems Engineering; Industrial Engineering
    Cloud technology in a multi-enterprise, collaborative context is one of the most promising topics at IT-Supply Chain (SC) intersection. Cloud comes with well-proven advantages and cost savings; enabling collaboration and business intelligence. Cloud transition is still on-going with individual enterprise-level transitions. However, collaborative paradigm dictates that entire network well-being is to be considered over enterprise-level concerns. Thus, handling the transition of a single enterprise is not sufficient for strategic network leverage. Planning and managing across multiple enterprises is required, taking into consideration various cost items and budget constraints. In this study, a multi-period multi-partner cost-optimizing model is developed for network-level management of cloud transition for a SC. The model produces an optimal transition plan, indicating timing of the transition for each partner to obtain the maximum cost savings across network over a specified planning horizon. The model proposed is generic, flexible and customizable for different sectors/settings.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 44
    Requirements for forming an 'e-supply chain'
    (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2009) Akyüz, Göknur Arzu; Rehan, Mohammad; Information Systems Engineering; Industrial Engineering
    In today's digital economy, web-based integration of the enterprises to form an e-supply chain is a critical weapon for orchestrating the whole supply chain towards competitiveness. This paper intends to discuss the requirements for forming an e-supply chain from different perspectives, such as integration with the legacy systems, timing and prior presence of ERP (enterprise resources planning) systems, BPR (business process re-engineering) needs of internal and external business processes and business intelligence/decision support needs. A look at technical knowledge and structure to construct an e-supply chain is provided. Challenges involved in forming an e-supply chain are also briefly mentioned as a separate section in this paper. During the study, requirements are gathered by making a review of recent literature.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 12
    Quality excellence in complex supply networks: EFQM excellence model reconsidered
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2015) Akyüz, Göknur Arzu; Industrial Engineering
    Under the business pressures and megatrends shaping today's supply chains (SCs), enterprises have to compete and sustain as part of increasingly complex, highly interdependent and web-enabled supply networks. Achieving excellence in such a context has a meaning far beyond excellence within the enterprise boundaries and requires more than successfully established and maintained enterprise systems. Extant literature from both SC Management and Quality Management domains still appear to lack comprehensive and clarified definitions and requirements for quality excellence within complex supply networks. To contribute in this direction, this study aims at defining, clarifying and discussing quality excellence requirements within collaborative and complex supply networks. All the principles, discussions and requirements are structured and founded on the components of well-established European Foundation for Quality Management's (EFQM) Excellence Model. Therefore, this article answers the following research questions: 'What are the requirements of excellence in complex supply networks?' and 'How EFQM components should be considered and treated in a collaborative setting?' The contribution of this study lies in providing the requirements, definitions and extensions of EFQM components and a multi-partner representation for the extended setting. The findings suggest that a multi-partner, collaborative and network-centric understanding of each EFQM components is needed with respect to the soft and hard aspects, while a cross-partner excellence mindset is to be deployed across the network.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    A Generic, Cloud-Based Representation for Supply Chains (SC's)
    (Igi Global, 2013) Akyüz, Göknur Arzu; Rehan, Mohammad; Information Systems Engineering; Industrial Engineering
    As a very recent IT paradigm, Cloud Computing is gaining momentum and receiving more and more interest in literature. With various characteristics such as offering flexibility, cost reductions, platform independence and on-demand service, cloud approach opens up tremendous opportunities from Supply Chain (SC) perspective. However, extant literature reveals that adoption and assimilation of the technology is not mature in SC domain and cloud-based modelling initiatives are only recent. To fill this gap, this study discusses the opportunities of cloud computing from SC perspective and proposes a generic representation based on cloud philosophy. The proposed representation is conceptual, flexible and customizable, utilizing and highlighting the cloud benefits in a multi-partner setting. Therefore, this article is an answer to the research questions: "what are the opportunities of cloud philosophy for SC domain?" and "how can supply chains be represented generically based on cloud technology in multi-actor environment?". Contribution of this study lies in comprehensive treatment of cloud computing and supply chain intersection as well as the generic representation.
  • Doctoral Thesis
    Tedarik zincirleri için e-işbirliği tabanlı yönetim kontrol modeli
    (2012) Akyüz, Göknur Arzu; Çelebi, Neşe; Çelebi, Neş'e; Gürsoy, Güner; Industrial Engineering
    Yeni dönem tedarik zinciri entegrasyonu, Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama sistemlerinin ötesine geçip, çok boyutlu ve dengeli bir yaklaşımla kurumların tüm içsel ve dışsal süreçleri için ?işbirliği? gerektirmektedir.Bu açıdan bakıldığında, Kurumsal Karne ve SCOR (Tedarik Zinciri Operasyon Referans) Modeli gibi mevcut model, yaklaşımları ve uzantılarının kısıtlamaları ve sakıncaları literatürde ispatlanmıştır. Bu yaklaşımlar yeni dönem tedarik zincirleri için bütünsel bir yönetim kontrol modeli sağlamaktan uzaktır.Bu nedenle, disiplinlerarası Tedarik Zinciri alanı, halen mevcut bilgi teknolojileri uygulamalarını kullanan, web tabanlı, birlikte iş yapabilir bir teknolojik alt yapı üzerinde, tüm tedarik zinciri süreçlerinin ?e-işbirliği tabanlı? olarak müşterek planlanmasını ve yönetimini sağlayacak, aynı zamanda ?birlikte risk planlama ve yönetimi? de içerecek bir yönetim kontrol modeline ihtiyaç duymaktadır.Bu tezde, e-işbirliği tabanlı bir yönetim konrol modeli geliştirilmiştir. Tasarlanan model, tedarik zinciri süreçlerinin performans ve risk açısından ortak planlanma, kontrol, raporlama ve erken uyarı mekanizmalarını sağlamaktadır.Anahtar Kelimeler: e-işbirliği, yönetim kontrol modeli geliştirme, tedarik zinciri
  • Book Part
    Citation Count: 1
    Supply chain in the cloud: Opportunities, barriers, and a generic treatment
    (IGI Global, 2015) Akyüz, Göknur Arzu; Rehan, Mohammad; Information Systems Engineering; Industrial Engineering
    Cloud concept is directly related with the beyond-ERP integrity and collaboration across a number of heterogeneous Supply Chain (SC) partner infrastructures. The technology enables partners to form a collaborative SC community without the burden of significant IT investment. Cloud applications offer significant opportunities from SC perspective, and the assimilation of the Cloud Technology is not complete yet in the Supply Chain domain. It also involves various barriers from implementation perspective, as well as the concerns related with vendor lock-in, security, reliability, privacy and data ownership. This chapter provides a comprehensive coverage of the opportunities and barriers as well as the generic treatment from SC perspective. It also highlights how the cloud technology represents a perfect fit with the ideas of 'Collaborative Supply Chains', 'Business Process Outsourcing' and 'long-term strategic partnerships, which are the key themes characterizing the Supply Chains of today's era. This chapter reveals that the intersection of the topics 'Cloud computing' and 'Supply Chain' is a promising area for further research. Further studies in a multi-partner setting with respect to a variety of configurations, case studies and applications, as well as the security, reliability and data ownership issues are justified. © 2015 by IGI Global. All rights reserved.