E-satınalma'nın kurumsal kaynak planlama (ERP) sistemlerinin e-tedarik zinciri entegrasyonundaki rolü üzerine araştırma temelli bir çalışma

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Organizational Unit
Information Systems Engineering
Information Systems is an academic and professional discipline which follows data collection, utilization, storage, distribution, processing and management processes and modern technologies used in this field. Our department implements a pioneering and innovative education program that aims to raise the manpower, able to meet the changing and developing needs and expectations of our country and the world. Our courses on current information technologies especially stand out.
Organizational Unit
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering is a field of engineering that develops and applies methods and techniques to design, implement, develop and improve systems comprising of humans, materials, machines, energy and funding. Our department was founded in 1998, and since then, has graduated hundreds of individuals who may compete nationally and internationally into professional life. Accredited by MÜDEK in 2014, our student-centered education continues. In addition to acquiring the knowledge necessary for every Industrial engineer, our students are able to gain professional experience in their desired fields of expertise with a wide array of elective courses, such as E-commerce and ERP, Reliability, Tabulation, or Industrial Engineering Applications in the Energy Sector. With dissertation projects fictionalized on solving real problems at real companies, our students gain experience in the sector, and a wide network of contacts. Our education is supported with ERASMUS programs. With the scientific studies of our competent academic staff published in internationally-renowned magazines, our department ranks with the bests among other universities. IESC, one of the most active student networks at our university, continues to organize extensive, and productive events every year.

Journal Issue


Bu tez çalışması, e-Satınalma konusunun Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama (ERP) ve e-Tedarik Zinciri konusundaki rolünü ortaya koymayı amaçlar. Çalışmada, ERP, e-satınalma ve e-tedarik zinciri konularında üç yönlü literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Daha sonra; bu üç konudaki teknolojik alt yapı ile ilgili olarak, XML tabanlı standardizasyon çabaları ve sektörün önde gelen tedarikçilerin entegrasyon platformları konularında araştırma temelli karşılaştırmalı bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen genellemelerin, web teknolojileri tabanlı geliştirilecek kavramsal modellere zemin oluşturması hedeflenmektedir.Çalışma, e-satınalma, Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama ve e-tedarik zinciri konularını tek başına ele almayıp bu üç konunun ilişkileri, öncelikleri ve entegrasyon konusuna odaklanmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: e-Tedarik Zinciri, e-Satınalma, Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama (ERP) , İş Süreçleri Yeniden Yapılandırma (BPR)
This thesis study is aimed at putting forward the role of e-procurement in relation to the topics of ERP and e-supply chain. In this study, a three-fold literature review of ERP, e-procurement and e-supply chain topics are provided. Then, survey based comparative studies on XML-based standardisation efforts and integration platforms from proven vendors are made in relation to technological infrastructure of these three topics. The generalizations obtained in these studies are intended to form a base for conceptual model development basing on generic web technologies.Focus of this study is on the relationship, interaction and presedence of e-Procurement, ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) and e-supply chain and on the ?integration? issue, rather than individual treatment of these topics.Keywords: e-Supply Chain, e-Procurement, ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning), BPR (Business Process Reengineering)



Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bilimleri-Bilgisayar ve Kontrol, Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Control

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