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Özçelik, Erol
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Özçelik, Erol
O., Erol
Ozcelik, Erol
Erol, Özçelik
E., Ozcelik
Erol, Ozcelik
Ozcelik, E.
O., Erol
Ozcelik, Erol
Erol, Özçelik
E., Ozcelik
Erol, Ozcelik
Ozcelik, E.
Job Title
Doktor Öğretim Üyesi
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Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
31 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 31
Conference Object Guis With Haptic Interfaces(Springer Verlag, 2015) Arda Aydin,M.; Cagiltay,N.E.; Ozcelik,E.; Tuner,E.; Sahin,H.; Tokdemir,G.; Computer EngineeringWhile there are many studies regarding utilization of Haptic feedback to enhance desktop GUIs and utilizing Haptic devices as additional interfaces to improve performance in current interaction techniques, there are not many studies that uses Haptic device as a primary input device. In this study, we present an experimentation conducted with 30 students, comparing performance of a Haptic device with mouse to use a GUI elements commonly used with mouse gestures. This study is inspired by a system that utilizes both mouse and a Haptic device, thus also taking task switching into consideration. We conclude that it is possible to achieve an acceptable performance with a Haptic device in a desktop-like GUI but further study and experimentation is necessary. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015.Conference Object Personality Type Indicator Models in Serious Games: a Case Study in a Surgical Navigation Game(Ieee, 2015) Menekse, G. G.; Cagiltay, N. E.; Ozcelik, E.; Computer EngineeringSerious games are a popular concept in both the research and commercial areas. It is agreed that the concept refers to the use of computer games without the main purpose of pure entertainment. In addition to being entertaining, they have some additional educational or training objectives as well. Serious games are used in different areas such as military, government, educational, corporate, and healthcare. However, according to their individual differences, it is not always possible to provide such an educational environment that fits expectations and preferences of all audience. Hence, personalization is becoming an essential issue in serious game environments, which focus on a human-centered paradigm aiming to provide adaptive and personalized services to the users according to the context. However, how such a personalization should be affectively implemented in the design of serious games is a challenge. This study aims to better understand the affect of personality types on game play. For this purpose, a game-based simulation environment which also records all details of the player during the performance of several tasks in the game play was used. Twenty nine students were asked to play the simulation game. Additionally, their personality types were collected based on the theory of psychological types by Carl Jung, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) which measures personality preferences as defined by Four Dichotomous pairs of mental functions or attitudes. The correlation between these personality types and individual performance measures of players during the game play was analyzed. However no significant correlation between game parameters and the players' personality types has been recorded. This may be because of the limited number of participants that need to be examined in the future studies.Conference Object Simulation-Based Environments for Surgical Practice(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017) Dalveren,G.G.M.; Çağıltay,N.E.; Özçelik,E.; Maraş,H.; Computer Engineering; Information Systems EngineeringModeling and simulation environments provide several insights about the real situations such as endoscopic surgery. Endoscopic surgery requires both hand skills, so, understanding the effect of using dominant or non dominant hand on mental workload is important to better design, develop and implement modeling and simulation environments to support real-life implementations of surgical procedures. This experimental study presents a simulation application of eye-tracking approach to understand mental workload in different hand conditions: dominant hand, non-dominant hand and both hand. The results of the study show that, performing simulated surgical tasks by both hands compared to dominant hand, increases mental workload which is evident by higher pupil size. Accordingly, to manage the mental-load problems of surgeons while performing complex tasks that require both hand usage simulation-based environments can be used. Consequently, collection of detailed information such as eye-data, can give several insights about the behaviors of the surgeons. Also, their required skills can be improved by development of simulation and training environments. © 2017 IEEE.Article Encoding the Future: Successful Processing of Intentions Engages Predictive Brain Networks(Academic Press inc Elsevier Science, 2010) Poppenk, J.; Moscovitch, M.; McIntosh, A. R.; Ozcelik, E.; Craik, F. I. M.; Computer EngineeringEvidence from cognitive, patient and neuroimaging research indicates that "remembering to remember" intentions, i.e., prospective memory (PM) retrieval, requires both general memory systems involving the medial temporal lobes and an executive system involving rostral PFC (BA 10). However, it is not known how prospective memories are initially formed. Using fMRI, we investigated whether brain activity during encoding Of future intentions and present actions differentially predicted later memory for those same intentions (PM) and actions (retrospective memory). We identified two significant patterns of neural activity: a network linked to overall memory and another linked specifically to PM. While overall memory success was predicted by temporal lobe activations that included the hippocampus, PM success was also uniquely predicted by activations in additional regions, including left rostrolateral PFC and the right parahippocampal gyrus. This finding extends the role of these structures to the formation of individual intentions. It also provides the first evidence that PM encoding, like PM retrieval, is supported by both a common episodic memory network and an executive network specifically recruited by future-oriented processing. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Article Öğretmenlerin Çevrimiçi Bilgi Arama Stratejilerinin Farklı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi(2015) Turan, Zeynep; Reisoğlu, İlknur; Özçelik, Erol; Göktaş, Yüksel; Computer EngineeringBu çalışmanın amacı öğretmenlerin çevrimiçi bilgi arama stratejilerini cinsiyet, günlük internet kullanımı ve bilgi arama deneyimi açılarından incelemektir. Çalışmada, veriler 42 öğretmenden demografik bilgi anketi ve sesli düşünme rehberiyle toplanmıştır. Nitel olarak elde edilen veriler alanyazındaki bilgi arama stratejilerine göre sayısallaştırılmıştır. Elde edilen verilere Mann Whitney U ve Kruskal Wallis testleri uygulanmıştır. Analizler sonucunda öğretmenlerin bilgi arama stratejilerinin cinsiyet ve günlük internet kullanım düzeyi açılarından anlamlı farklılık göstermediği tespit edilmiştir. Çevrimiçi bilgi arama deneyimi açısından deneyimli ve deneyimsiz öğretmenlerin amaçlı düşünme bilgi arama stratejisi açısından anlamlı farklılık gösterdiği ortaya çıkmıştır.Article The Effect of Uncertainty on Learning in Game-Like Environments(Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2013) Ozcelik, Erol; Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil; Ozcelik, Nese Sahin; Computer Engineering; Software EngineeringConsidering the role of games for educational purposes, there has an increase in interest among educators in applying strategies used in popular games to create more engaging learning environments. Learning is more fun and appealing in digital educational games and, as a result, it may become more effective. However, few research studies have been conducted to establish principles based on empirical research for designing engaging and entertaining games so as to improve learning. One of the essential characteristics of games that has been unexplored in the literature is the concept of uncertainty. This study examines the effect of uncertainty on learning outcomes. In order to better understand this effect on learning, a game-like learning tool was developed to teach a database concept in higher education programs of software engineering. The tool is designed in two versions: one including uncertainty and the other including no uncertainty. The experimental results of this study reveal that uncertainty enhances learning. Uncertainty is found to be positively associated with motivation. As motivation increases, participants tend to spend more time on answering the questions and to have higher accuracy in these questions. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Conference Object The Effect of Split Attention in Surgical Education(Springer Verlag, 2014) Özçelik,E.; Ercil Cagiltay,N.; Sengul,G.; Tuner,E.; Unal,B.; Department of Modern Languages; Computer EngineeringSurgical education through simulation is an important area to improve the level of education and to decrease the risks, ethical considerations and cost of the educational environments. In the literature there are several studies conducted to better understand the effect of these simulation environments on learning. However among those studies the human-computer interaction point of view is very limited. Surgeons need to look at radiological images such as magnetic resonance images (MRI) to be sure about the location of the patient's tumor during a surgical operation. Thus, they go back and forth between physically separated places (e.g. the operating table and light screen display for MRI volume sets). This study is conducted to investigate the effect of presenting different information sources in close proximity on human performance in surgical education. For this purpose, we have developed a surgical education simulation scenario which is controlled by a haptic interface. To better understand the effect of split attention in surgical education, an experimental study is conducted with 27 subjects. The descriptive results of study show that even the integrated group performed the tasks with a higher accuracy level (by traveling less distance, entering less wrong directions and hitting less walls), the results are not statistically significant. Accordingly, even there are some evidences about the effect of split attention on surgical simulation environments, the results of this study need to be validated by controlling students' skill levels on controlling the haptic devices and 2D/3D space perception skills. The results of this study may guide the system developers to better design the HCI interface of their designs especially for the area of surgical simulation. © 2014 Springer International Publishing.Article The Effect of Post-Learning Arousal on Memory in Education(inderscience Enterprises Ltd, 2015) Ozcelik, Erol; Computer EngineeringCognitive psychological and neurobiological studies have shown that presenting emotional events after learning enhances memory performance. It has been suggested that arousal induced by emotional stimuli modulates memory consolidation. However, little is known about the memory consolidation process in education. The goal of this study is to investigate the effect of post-learning arousal on memory consolidation in an applied educational setting. Participants were presented with either emotionally arousing or neutral pictures after they studied the instructional materials. Their memory for instructional materials was tested by an immediate free-recall test and a recognition test administered after one week. The results suggest that presenting emotionally arousing pictures compared to neutral pictures enhanced recognition memory performance. These findings support that emotional stimuli facilitated consolidation of memory traces. By incorporating theories in cognitive psychology and neurobiology and using them in an educational setting, this study proposes a novel way to enhance learning through emotional arousal.Article The Effect of Training, Used-Hand, and Experience on Endoscopic Surgery Skills in an Educational Computer-Based Simulation Environment (ece) for Endoneurosurgery Training(Sage Publications inc, 2019) Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil; Ozcelik, Erol; Isikay, Ilkay; Hanalioglu, Sahin; Suslu, Ahmet E.; Yucel, Taskin; Berker, Mustafa; Computer Engineering; Software EngineeringToday, virtual simulation environments create alternative hands-on practice opportunities for surgical training. In order to increase the potential benefits of such environments, it is critical to understand the factors that influence them. This study was conducted to determine the effects of training, used-hand, and experience, as well as the interactions between these variables, on endoscopic surgery skills in an educational computer-based surgical simulation environment. A 2-hour computer-based endoneurosurgery simulation training module was developed for this study. Thirty-one novice- and intermediate-level resident surgeons from the departments of neurosurgery and ear, nose, and throat participated in this experimental study. The results suggest that a 2-hour training during a 2-month period through computer-based simulation environment improves the surgical skills of the residents in both-hand tasks, which is necessary for endoscopic surgical procedures but not in dominant hand tasks. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that computer-based simulation environments potentially improve surgical skills; however, the scenarios for such training modules need to consider especially the bimanual coordination of hands and should be regularly adapted to the individual skill levels and progresses.Master Thesis Makine Öğrenme Yöntemleriyle Kalp Hastalıklarını Tahmin Etme(2016) Benzreıg, Ashraf M. Saıed; Özçelik, Erol; Computer EngineeringKalp hastalıkları dünyada bir numaralı ölüm nedeni olarak sıralanmaktad, Bu tezin amacı kalp hastalığı tahmin etmek için gürbüz bir yöntem bulmaktır. UCI makine öğrenme veritabanından elde edilen 297 vaka, 14 nitelik ve 2 sınıf içeren bir veriseti kullanılmıştır. Bu tez çalışmasında kalp hastalığı tahmin etmek için yapay sinir ağı, destek vektör makinesi (DVM) ve k-yakın komşu gibi üç farklı makine öğrenme yöntemi işe koşulmuştur. En iyi performans yapay sinir ağları kullanıldığında elde edilmiştir. Sonuçlar tartışılmıştır.