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  • Article
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    An examination of the relationship among conspicuous consumption, social media addiction, narcissism, and empathy: a research on university students
    (inderscience Enterprises Ltd, 2024) Çiğdemoğlu, Ceyhan; Esiyok, Elif; Eşiyok, Elif; Özgen, Özlen; Public Relations and Advertising
    The purpose of this study is to reveal the relationship between conspicuous consumption behaviour, social media addiction, narcissistic characteristics, and empathy for university students. Using a cross-sectional survey design, with a non-random sampling strategy, a total of 1,215 participants completed the online survey. Data were analysed through the structural equation modelling technique using the AMOS statistical analysis package to discover the relationship among variables. Findings indicated that social media addiction has a moderately positive relationship with conspicuous consumption, a weak negative relationship with empathy, and a moderately positive relationship with narcissism. As a result, both empathy and narcissism have an impact on conspicuous consumption, and social media addiction affects empathy. This study contributes to the literature in terms of exploring the relationship between empathy and conspicuous consumption together for young consumers.
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    Retrospective Evaluation of Potential Rabies Exposure Cases Over Nine Years: Single-Center Experience
    (Bilimsel Tip Yayinevi, 2024) Tülek, Necla; Kilic, Esra Kaya; Tulek, Necla; Kinikli, Sami; Bulut, Cemal; Basic Sciences
    Introduction: T & uuml;rkiye is the only European country where suspected rabies exposure from animal contact is a significant public health concern. In this study, we evaluate cases investigated in our vaccination center, where individuals with suspected rabies exposure have been seeking consultation for many years. The evaluation encompasses demographic characteristics, distribution by years and seasons, the type of animal involved in the contact, the prevalence of stray animals, and the rabies vaccination status of owned animals. Materials and Methods: The study involves cases reported to the Public Health Center from those who sought consultation at our center between January 1, 2011, and December 31, 2019. Demographic characteristics, distribution by years and seasons, the type of animal involved in the contact, the prevalence of stray animals, and the rabies vaccination status of owned animals were retrospectively evaluated. Results: Over the nine years, there were a total of 39.731 cases, resulting in an average of 4414 cases per year. Of these cases, 61% were male, and 68.83% were between the ages of 15 and 64. The most cases occurred in summer and autumn. Of the suspected rabies contacts, 69% involved dogs, and 83.4% of these dogs were unowned. Forty-one point eight percent of the owned dogs were vaccinated. Eighty-nine point six percent of the cats were unowned, and the rate of vaccination among the owned cats was 28.2%. Over the years, there has been a decrease in the use of the 10 -day observation approach, while an increase in the administration of rabies vaccine and/or immunoglobulin has been observed. Conclusion: Seventy percent of all risky rabies contacts involve dogs, with a high rate of 84% of these dogs being unowned. To mitigate contact involving the risk of rabies, addressing the uncontrolled reproduction of stray animals, particularly dogs, and ensuring control and vaccination of the existing animal population appear to be primary measures. Improving the vaccination rate of owned animals, currently at only 30-40%, can prevent people from encountering risky rabies contacts, thereby potentially reducing the need for rabies prophylaxis significantly.
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    On a class of permutation trinomials over finite fields
    (Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2024) Gülmez Temür, Burcu; Ozkaya, Buket; Mathematics
    In this paper, we study the permutation properties of the class of trinomials of the form f (x ) = x( 4q+1 )+ lambda (1 )x (q +4) + lambda( 2 )x (2q +3) is an element of F (q) 2 [x ] , where lambda( 1 ), lambda (2) is an element of F (q) and they are not simultaneously zero. We find all necessary and sufficient conditions on lambda (1) and lambda (2) such that f (x ) permutes F( q )2 , where q is odd and q = 2( 2k+1) , k is an element of N.
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    Outcomes of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation in Patients with and without Diabetes Mellitus
    (Soc Brasil Cirurgia Cardiovasc, 2024) Güney, Murat Can; Ayhan, Hüseyin; Keles, Telat; Bozkurt, Engin
    Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) in patients undergoing cardiac transcatheter or surgical interventions usually is correlated with poor outcomes. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has been developed as a therapy choice for inoperable, high-, or intermediate-risk surgical patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS). Objective: To evaluate the impact of DM and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) on outcomes and survival after TAVI. Methods: Five hundred and fifty-two symptomatic severe AS patients who underwent TAVI, of whom 164 (29.7%) had DM, were included in this retrospective study. Follow-up was performed after 30 days, six months, and annually. Results: The device success and risks of procedural-related complications were similar between patients with and without DM, except for acute kidney injury, which was more frequent in the DM group (2.4% vs. 0%, P=0.021). In-hospital and first-year mortality were similar between the groups (4.9% vs. 3.6%, P=0.490 and 15.0% vs. 11.2%, P=0.282, respectively). There was a statistical difference between HbA1c >= 6.5 and HbA1c <= 6.49 groups in total mortality (34.4% vs. 15.8%, P<0.001, respectively). The only independent predictors were Society of Thoracic Surgeons score (hazard ratio [HR] 1.28, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.09-1.51; P=0.003) and HbA1c level >= 6.5 (HR 10.78, 95% CI 2.58-21.50; P=0.003) in multivariable logistic regression analysis. Conclusion: In this study, we conclude that DM was not correlated with an increased mortality risk or complication rates after TAVI. Also, it was shown that mortality was higher in patients with HbA1c >= 6.5, and it was an independent predictor for long-term mortality.
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    (Turkish Policy Quarterly, 2024) Yılmaz, Gözde; International Relations
    The Western Balkans have been transformed into authoritarian regimes in the last decade, despite the EUs' engagement with the region through its enlargement policy. However, prioritizing stability over democracy, the EU lost its chance to transform the Western Balkan countries into democratic entities. In the end, the EU opened a way in for the external actors to the Western Balkan countries and China has entered the scene by increasing engagement with the region. The leaders of the authoritarian regimes in the Western Balkans adopted a pragmatic approach in their relations with China. They used the Chinese card to proceed with their relations with the EU and to gather financial means to legitimize and consolidate their regimes.
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    Topographic Radioanatomical Analysis of the Singular Canal: Computed Tomography Study
    (Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, 2024) Köksal, Ali; Koksal, Ali; Cankal, Fatih; Medical Imaging Techniques Program
    Purpose: The singular canal (SC) is where the singular nerve, a branch of the inferior vestibular nerve, which carries afferent information from the posterior semicircular canal (PSCC), passes and is important in the surgical approach of the presigmoid retrolabyrinthine. This study was carried out to evaluate the visibility of the SC on standard computed tomography (CT) images, its distance to the surrounding structures, and to investigate the variations of its anatomy and its relationship with the meatus acusticus internus.Materials and Methods: The study was carried out retrospectively using images of 194 temporal bones on temporal bone CT scans of 44 men and 53 women aged 18-65. In the study, various measurements were made, especially the presence of the SC, its length, its angle with the internal acoustic canal (IAC), and the distance between the internal acoustic pore (IAP) and the singular foramen. In addition, the presence of the high jugular bulb and PSCC dehiscence images were investigated.Results: The SC was detected in 85.1% of the analyzed images. The mean canal length was 3.93 +/- 1.22 mm, the angle between the SC and the IAC was 22.68 degrees +/- 3.60 degrees, and the distance between the SC and the IAP was 7.70 +/- 0.83 mm. While no difference was found between the sides, it was determined that the length and diameter of the SC did not differ according to gender.Conclusion: Detailed morphometric analysis of the SC and a thorough understanding of its relationship with the IAC, vestibulum, and PSCC will help to accurately define the posterior and lateral borders of the dissection for this region.
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    A Study on the Employment of Metacognitive Reading Strategies among University-Level Preparatory Class Students
    (int Soc Technology Education & Science-istes, 2023) Tokçalar, Ferda; Gurlen, Eda; Department of Basic English (Prep School)
    The purpose of this study is to find out how much the students are aware of the metacognitive reading strategies that can be applied while reading and whether there are any differences in the usage of these strategies in terms of gender, level at the university, and department in the high school. In this case, the research was descriptive in nature and used the general survey model. The study group of the research was made up of 474 students from the preparatory classes at a foundation university for the academic year of 2021-2022. - 2022. This study sought to ascertain the degree to which students, who are students at the Department of Foreign Languages at a foundation university in Ankara, read academic literature using metacognitive reading strategies. To measure the degree of the usage of metacognitive reading strategies and determine if there were any connections between students' reading comprehension and the strategies, Metacognitive Reading Strategies Questionnaire (MRSQ), developed by Taraban, Rynearson, and Kerr (2004), was chosen as a tool to determine which metacognitive reading strategies students employ while they are reading. The MRSQ questionnaire was deemed to be appropriate for usage because it was translated into Turkish by & Ccedil;& ouml;& gbreve;men and Saracalo & gbreve;lu (2010) and after conducting validity and reliability tests it was proved to be appropriate to be used in the research. According to the data obtained from the questionnaire, a statistically significant difference was found in the students' scores in terms of their genders and the high school departments they attended, but there was not a statistically significant difference in terms of their university grade levels. The research's findings may shed light on the reading strategies that students at the Department of Foreign Languages make use of when reading texts in English, academic papers, and school-related resources.
  • Review
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    Enhanced SELEX Platforms for Aptamer Selection with Improved Characteristics: A Review
    (Springernature, 2024) Özalp, Veli Cengiz; Ozbek, Hatice K.; Ozalp, Veli C.; Erel, Ozcan; Yildirim-Tirgil, Nimet; Basic Sciences
    This review delves into the advancements in molecular recognition through enhanced SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment) platforms and post-aptamer modifications. Aptamers, with their superior specificity and affinity compared to antibodies, are central to this discussion. Despite the advantages of the SELEX process-encompassing stages like ssDNA library preparation, incubation, separation, and PCR amplification-it faces challenges, such as nuclease susceptibility. To address these issues and propel aptamer technology forward, we examine next-generation SELEX platforms, including microfluidic-based SELEX, capillary electrophoresis SELEX, cell-based aptamer selection, counter-SELEX, in vivo SELEX, and high-throughput sequencing SELEX, highlighting their respective merits and innovations. Furthermore, this article underscores the significance of post-aptamer modifications, particularly chemical strategies that enhance aptamer stability, reduce renal filtration, and expand their target range, thereby broadening their utility in diagnostics, therapeutics, and nanotechnology. By synthesizing these advanced SELEX platforms and modifications, this review illuminates the dynamic progress in aptamer research and outlines the ongoing efforts to surmount existing challenges and enhance their clinical applicability, charting a path for future breakthroughs in this evolving field.
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    Investigation of full-charm and full-bottom pentaquark states
    (Springer, 2024) Saraç Oymak, Yasemin; Sarac, Y.; Sundu, H.; Physics Group
    The continuous advancement of experimental techniques and investigations has led to observations of various exotic states in particle physics. Each addition to this family of states not only raises expectations for future discoveries but also focuses attention on such potential new states. Building upon this motivation and inspired by recent observations of various traditional and exotic particles containing an increased number of heavy quarks, our study provides a spectroscopic search for potential pentaquark states with spin-parity 32-\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\frac{3}{2}<^>-$$\end{document} and composed entirely of charm or bottom quarks. We predict the masses for full-charm and full-bottom pentaquark states as m=7628 +/- 112\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$m = 7628 \pm 112$$\end{document} MeV and m=21,982 +/- 144\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$m = 21,982 \pm 144$$\end{document} MeV, respectively. We also compute the current couplings of these states to vacuum, which are main inputs in investigations of their various possible decays.
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    Design and techno-economic analysis of solar energy based on-site hydrogen refueling station
    (Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2024) Devrim, Yılser; Devrim, Yilser; Energy Systems Engineering
    This paper presents a detailed techno-economic review and assessment of a hydrogen refueling station (HRS) powered by a grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system to address the issues of carbon emissions and energy sustainability in transportation. In the study, the HRS system with 1, 3 and 5 MW PV installed capacity for Ankara, the capital city of T & uuml;rkiye, is considered for different system lifetimes. In the proposed HRS, on-site hydrogen production is achieved through anion exchange membrane water electrolysis (AEMWE) using a grid-connected PV system, and the produced hydrogen is stored in a cascaded storage system and is utilized at the HRS station. In order to evaluate the cost competitiveness and economic viability of the designed HRS system, the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) is determined by considering the initial investment costs, operating expenses and potential revenue streams. The results show that the HRS capacity, PV installed capacity and system lifetime significantly impact the LCOH. The technoeconomic analysis results show that the best system configuration was determined as 8.54 /kg H2 in the 20-year long term refueling scenario for a 5 MW installed PV capacity with a daily refueling capacity of 170 kg H2. This study contributes to the development of sustainable energy infrastructure by providing a comprehensive framework for the design, calculation and economic evaluation of PV-integrated hydrogen refueling stations. The results provide valuable information for policymakers, industry stakeholders, and researchers to help achieve a carbon-neutral transportation sector and promote energy sustainability.
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    Clinic-oriented injectable smart material for the treatment of diabetic wounds: Coordinating the release of GM-CSF and VEGF
    (Elsevier, 2024) Boyacıoğlu, Özge; Kalaycioglu, Gokce Dicle; Boyacioglu, Ozge; Korkusuz, Petek; Aydogan, Nihal; Vargel, Ibrahim; Basic Sciences
    Chronic wounds are often caused by diabetes and present a challenging clinical problem due to vascular problems leading to ischemia. This inhibits proper wound healing by delaying inflammatory responses and angiogenesis. To address this problem, we have developed injectable particle-loaded hydrogels which sequentially release Granulocyte-macrophage- colony-stimulating-factor (GM-CSF) and Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) encapsulated in polycaprolactone-lecithin-geleol mono-diglyceride hybrid particles. GM-CSF promotes inflammation, while VEGF facilitates angiogenesis. The hybrid particles (200 -1000 nm) designed within the scope of the study can encapsulate the model proteins Bovine Serum Albumin 65 +/- 5 % and Lysozyme 77 +/- 10 % and can release stably for 21 days. In vivo tests and histological findings revealed that in the hydrogels containing GM-CSF/VEGF-loaded hybrid particles, wound depth decreased, inflammation phase increased, and fibrotic scar tissue decreased, while mature granulation tissue was formed on day 10. These findings confirm that the hybrid particles first initiate the inflammation phase by delivering GM-CSF, followed by VEGF, increasing the number of vascularization and thus increasing the healing rate of wounds. We emphasize the importance of multi-component and sequential release in wound healing and propose a unifying therapeutic strategy to sequentially deliver ligands targeting wound healing stages, which is very important in the treatment of the diabetic wounds.
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    Ensemble transfer learning using MaizeSet: A dataset for weed and maize crop recognition at different growth stages
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2024) Khan, Muhammad Umer; Alam, Muhammad Shahab; Khan, Muhammad Umer; Mechatronics Engineering
    Maize holds significant importance as a staple food source globally. Increasing maize yield requires the effective removal of weeds from maize fields, as they pose a detrimental threat to the growth of maize plants. In recent years, there has been a drive towards Precision Agriculture (PA), involving the integration of farming methods with artificial intelligence and advanced automation techniques. In the realm of PA, deep learning techniques present a promising solution for addressing the complex challenge of classifying maize plants and weeds. In this work, a deep learning method based on transfer learning and ensemble techniques is developed. The proposed method is implementable on any number of existing CNN models irrespective of their architecture and complexity. The developed ensemble model is trained and tested on our custom-built dataset, namely MaizeSet, comprising 3330 images of maize plants and weeds under varying environmental conditions. The performance of the ensemble model is compared against individual pre-trained VGG16 and InceptionV3 models using two experiments: the identification of weeds and maize plants, and the identification of the various vegetative growth stages of maize plants. VGG16 attained an accuracy of 83% in Experiment 1 and 71% in Experiment 2, while InceptionV3 showcased improved performance, boasting an accuracy of 98% in Experiment 1 and 81% in Experiment 2. With the proposed ensemble approach, VGG16 when combined with InceptionV3, achieved an accuracy of 90% for Experiment 1 and 80% for Experiment 2. The findings demonstrate that integrating a suboptimal pre-defined classifier, specifically VGG16, with a more proficient model like InceptionV3, yields enhanced performance across various analytical metrics. This underscores the efficacy of ensemble techniques in the context of maize classification and analogous applications within the agricultural domain.
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    Beyond ROUGE: A Comprehensive Evaluation Metric for Abstractive Summarization Leveraging Similarity, Entailment, and Acceptability
    (World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2024) Briman, Mohammed Khalid Hilmi; Yıldız, Beytullah; Yildiz, Beytullah; Yıldız, Beytullah; Yıldız, Beytullah; Software Engineering
    A vast amount of textual information on the internet has amplified the importance of text summarization models. Abstractive summarization generates original words and sentences that may not exist in the source document to be summarized. Such abstractive models may suffer from shortcomings such as linguistic acceptability and hallucinations. Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation (ROUGE) is a metric commonly used to evaluate abstractive summarization models. However, due to its n-gram-based approach, it ignores several critical linguistic aspects. In this work, we propose Similarity, Entailment, and Acceptability Score (SEAScore), an automatic evaluation metric for evaluating abstractive text summarization models using the power of state-of-the-art pre-trained language models. SEAScore comprises three language models (LMs) that extract meaningful linguistic features from candidate and reference summaries and a weighted sum aggregator that computes an evaluation score. Experimental results show that our LM-based SEAScore metric correlates better with human judgment than standard evaluation metrics such as ROUGE-N and BERTScore.
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    Horse Meat Microbiota: Determination of Biofilm Formation and Antibiotic Resistance of Isolated Staphylococcus Spp.
    (Mary Ann Liebert, inc, 2024) Özalp, Veli Cengiz; Sudagidan, Mert; Abdramanov, Abzal; Yurt, Mediha Nur Zafer; Mamatova, Zhanylbubu; Ozalp, Veli Cengiz; Basic Sciences
    Domestic horses could be bred for leisure activities and meat production, as is already the case in many countries. Horse meat is consumed in various countries, including Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and with the increase in this consumption, horses are registered as livestock by the Food and Agricultural Organization. In this study, horse meat microbiota of horse samples (n = 56; 32 samples from Kazakhstan and 24 samples from Kyrgyzstan) from two countries, Kazakhstan (n = 3) and Kyrgyzstan (n = 1), were investigated for the first time by next-generation sequencing and metabarcoding analysis. The results demonstrated that Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria were the dominant bacterial phyla in all samples. In addition, three (5.4%) Staphylococcus strains were isolated from the Uzynagash region, Kazakhstan. Staphylococcus strains were identified as Staphylococcus warneri, S. epidermidis, and S. pasteuri by partial 16S rRNA DNA gene Sanger sequencing. All three Staphylococcus isolates were nonbiofilm formers; only the S. pasteuri was detected as multidrug-resistant (resistant to penicillin, cefoxitin, and oxacillin). In addition, S. pasteuri was found to carry mecA, mecC, and tetK genes. This is the first study to detect potentially pathogenic Staphylococcus spp. in horse meat samples originating from Kazakhstan. In conclusion, it should be carefully considered that undercooked horse meat may pose a risk to consumers in terms of pathogens such as antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus isolates.
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    Identifying risk factors for blood culture negative infective endocarditis: An international ID-IRI study
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2024) Filiz, Mine; Erdem, Hakan; Ankarali, Handan; Puca, Edmond; Ruch, Yvon; Santos, Lurdes; Agalar, Canan
    Background: Blood culture-negative endocarditis (BCNE) is a diagnostic challenge, therefore our objective was to pinpoint high-risk cohorts for BCNE. Methods: The study included adult patients with definite endocarditis. Data were collected via the Infectious Diseases International Research Initiative (ID-IRI). The study analysing one of the largest case series ever reported was conducted across 41 centers in 13 countries. We analysed the database to determine the predictors of BCNE using univariate and logistic regression analyses. Results: Blood cultures were negative in 101 (11.65 %) of 867 patients. We disclosed that as patients age, the likelihood of a negative blood culture significantly decreases (OR 0.975, 95 % CI 0.963-0.987, p < 0.001). Additionally, factors such as rheumatic heart disease (OR 2.036, 95 % CI 0.970-4.276, p = 0.049), aortic stenosis (OR 3.066, 95 % CI 1.564-6.010, p = 0.001), mitral regurgitation (OR 1.693, 95 % CI 1.012-2.833, p = 0.045), and prosthetic valves (OR 2.539, 95 % CI 1.599-4.031, p < 0.001) are associated with higher likelihoods of negative blood cultures. Our model can predict whether a patient falls into the culture-negative or culture-positive groups with a threshold of 0.104 (AUC +/- SE = 0.707 +/- 0.027). The final model demonstrates a sensitivity of 70.3 % and a specificity of 57.0 %. Conclusion: Caution should be exercised when diagnosing endocarditis in patients with concurrent cardiac disorders, particularly in younger cases.
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    Evaluation of the relationship between dietary acid load and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes: a case-control study
    (Frontiers Media Sa, 2024) Güngör, Sedef; Saka, Mendane; Nutrition and Dietetics
    Backround Diets high in dietary acid load are thought to be associated with metabolic diseases. However, the number of studies examining the relationship between dietary acid load and metabolic diseases in Turkey is insufficient. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between cardiovascular disease risk factors and dietary acid load in individuals with type 2 diabetes.Materials and methods In this case-control study, 51 participants aged 30-65 years with type 2 diabetes and 59 participants in the control group were included. Blood pressure and biochemical findings were measured. Anthropometric measurements and body composition measurements were made. Dietary intake was assessed using a 3-day (1 day on weekends, 2 days on weekdays) food consumption record. Dietary acid load scores, including potential renal acid load (PRAL) and net endogenous acid production (NEAP), were calculated based on dietary intake. NEAP and PRAL scores were categorized as low and high according to the median value. Smoking status, body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), total cholesterol (TC), trigylceride (TG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), waist-hip ratio (WHR), waist-to- height ratio (WtHR), hemoglobin and fat mass (%) were evaluated as cardiovascular risk factors.Results The cut-off values of PRAL and NEAP were 3.61 and 44.78 mEq/d, respectively. After adjustment for various covariates, a significant positive association between PRAL and TG levels was observed in the diabetic group [odds ratio (OR), 5.98; 95% CI, 1.45-24.67; p = 0.013]. In contrast, a negative association was found between PRAL and SBP in the control group [odds ratio (OR), 0.21; 95% CI, 0.05-0.83; p = 0.026]. However, these associations were not observed for NEAP values in either group.Conslusions A higher PRAL value was consistently associated with higher TG level, but other cardiovascular risk factors were not. More longitudinal and interventional studies are needed to better establish a causal effect between dietary acid load and cardiovascular risk factors in individuals with diabetes.
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    Revealing the Effects of Defect States on the Nonlinear Absorption Properties of the TlInsse and Tl2In2S3Se Crystals in Near-Infrared Optical Limiting Applications
    (Amer Chemical Soc, 2024) Işık, Mehmet; Karatay, Ahmet; Isik, Mehmet; Yildiz, Elif Akhuseyin; Gasanly, Nizami Mamed; Elmali, Ayhan; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
    The present study represents the effect of defect states on the nonlinear absorption and optical limiting performances of TlInSSe and Tl2In2S3Se single crystals with near-infrared excitations. The band gap energies were 2.2 and 2.22 eV, and the Urbach energies were 0.049 and 0.034 eV for TlInSSe and Tl2In2S3Se, respectively. The trapping time of localized defect states was found to be 8 ns by femtosecond transient absorption measurements. The analysis of open-aperture Z-scan data depends on two different fitting models to determine the effect of defect states on the nonlinear absorption (NA) properties of the studied crystals. Model 1 only considers two-photon absorption (TPA), while model 2 includes one-photon absorption (OPA), TPA, and free carrier absorption (FCA). The NA coefficients (ss(eff)) obtained from model 2 are higher than the values (ss) obtained from model 1 at the same intensities, revealing that defect states contribute to NA through OPA. The optical limiting properties of the TlInSSe and Tl2In2S3Se crystals were examined under 1064 nm wavelength excitation. The limiting thresholds were found to be 1.16 and 0.27 mJ/cm(2) at 29.8 GW/m(2) and 99.5 GW/m(2) input intensities, respectively. The results show that TlInSSe and Tl2In2S3Se crystals have promising potential for near-infrared optical limiting applications.
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    Comparison of the Performance of Structural Break Tests in Stationary and Nonstationary Series: A New Bootstrap Algorithm
    (Springer, 2024) Omay, Tolga; Hasdemir, Esra; Çamalan, Özge; Hasdemir, Esra; Küçüker, Mustafa Can; Economics; International Trade and Logistics
    Structural breaks are considered as permanent changes in the series mainly because of shocks, policy changes, and global crises. Hence, making estimations by ignoring the presence of structural breaks may cause the biased parameter value. In this context, it is vital to identify the presence of the structural breaks and the break dates in the series to prevent misleading results. Accordingly, the first aim of this study is to compare the performance of unit root with structural break tests allowing a single break and multiple structural breaks. For this purpose, firstly, a Monte Carlo simulation study has been conducted through using a generated homoscedastic and stationary series in different sample sizes to evaluate the performances of these tests. As a result of the simulation study, Zivot and Andrews (J Bus Econ Stat 20(1):25-44, 1992) are the best-performing tests in capturing a single break. The most powerful tests for the multiple break setting are those developed by Kapetanios (J Time Ser Anal 26(1):123-133, 2005) and Perron (Palgrave Handb Econom 1:278-352, 2006). A new Bootstrap algorithm has been proposed along with the study's primary aim. This newly proposed Bootstrap algorithm calculates the optimal number of statistically significant structural breaks under more general assumptions. Therefore, it guarantees finding an accurate number of optimal breaks in real-world data. In the empirical part, structural breaks in the real interest rate data of the US and Australia resulting from policy changes have been examined. The results concluded that the bootstrap sequential break test is the best-performing approach due to the general assumption made to cover real-world data.
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    Supply chain resilience in the tourism and hospitality industry: A comprehensive examination of driving and restraining forces
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2024) Benli, Tolga; Oztel, Ahmet; Dogru, Tarik; Peker, Iskender; Neuhofer, Irem Onder; Benli, Tolga; Business
    Supply chain disruptions and a lack of resilient supply chains have adverse impact on the global economy. Particularly, complex nature of the tourism and hospitality industry makes it even more susceptible to failure when supply chain resiliency is rather low or does not exist. However, despite its significance, a comprehensive and systematic examination of building resilience in tourism and hospitality supply chains (THSCs) is lacking in the extant literature. The purpose of this study is to develop a comprehensive framework that outlines the driving and restraining forces for building resilient THSCs. The decision framework proposed in this study integrates rough interval valued neutrosophic (RIVN) force field theory of change with RIVN-ISM-MICMAC methodology. The results showed that the restraining forces, such as lack of effective regulations and incentives and effective organizational and supply chain policies are the primary factors that constrain improving resilience in THSCs. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
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    Performance enhancement of silicon photodiodes through the integration of green synthesized reduced graphene oxide variants
    (Iop Publishing Ltd, 2024) Sürücü, Özge; Surucu, O.; Balaban, H. Mert; Bilici, I; Yildirim, M.; Electrical-Electronics Engineering
    This study examines the potential of enhancing the optoelectronic properties of silicon photodiodes by producing and analyzing heterostructures that incorporate reduced graphene oxide (rGO) synthesized with silicon using different reduction methods. Graphene oxide (GO) was manufactured utilizing an enhanced Hummers' method. Subsequently, reduced graphene oxides (rGOs) were made by chemical and thermal reduction processes, which are considered ecologically friendly. The use of ascorbic acid to produce ascorbic acid-reduced graphene oxide (ArGO) and thermal processing to produce thermally reduced graphene oxide (TrGO) have significantly contributed to the development of high-performance photodiode technology. The electrical properties were carefully assessed under different levels of light, revealing the substantial impact of integrating reduced graphene oxides (rGOs) on the performance of the diodes. Comparing ArGO/Si, TrGO/Si, and GO/Si heterostructures shows that customized rGO has the potential to greatly influence the responsivity and efficiency of Si-based optoelectronic devices, making a significant contribution to photodiode technology.