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Conference Object Water Footprint and Med-Diet Adherence: Preliminary Results From Meddietmenus4campus(Oxford Univ Press, 2024) Dikmen, D.; Altinsoy, C.; Dikmen, B.; Balci, T. N.; Viegas, C.; Rocha, A.[No Abstract Available]Article Understanding Family Dynamics in a Cross-Cultural Sample: a Multi-National Study(Psi Chi - int Honor Soc Psychology, 2024) Rogers, Mary Moussa; Cuccolo, Kelly; McKinney, Cliff; Edlund, John E.; Grahe, Jon E.; Zlokovich, Martha S.; Kalibatseva, ZornitsaThe Family Systems Circumplex Model posits that balanced levels of cohesion and adaptability are associated with positive familial outcomes, whereas extremely high or low levels of these factors are associated with deleterious outcomes. Despite the popularity and utility of this model in Western cultures, there is a dearth of empirical data supporting its use in more culturally diverse contexts. The current, preregistered study assessed the Family Circumplex Model, cultural factors, and emerging adult outcomes across 7 countries (i.e., China, Iran, Nigeria, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States). Participants were N = 3,593 emerging adults, mostly self-identifying as women (71.3%). Collaborators were participants in Psi Chi's Network for International Collaborative Exchange (NICE) and administered measures related to family dynamics and cultural orientation to participants in a random order. Results indicated that the Family Circumplex Model did not fit cross-culturally. As such, a new model was adapted, the Expanded Circumplex Model, which demonstrated invariance across samples and between women and men. The Expanded Circumplex Model retained 6 constructs with differences regarding the separation of disengagement into 2 variables and the combining of adaptive flexibility and cohesion. The current study suggests that the cultural context in which family dynamics occur should be taken into consideration when conceptualizing family dynamics theory and measurement. Future work should seek to replicate and further apply the Expanded Circumplex Model to familial outcomes.Article Thermoeconomic Analysis of an Integrated Membrane Reactor and Carbon Dioxide Capture System Producing Decarbonized Hydrogen(Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2025) Atak, Yagmur Nalbant; Ince, Alper Can; Colpan, C. Ozgur; Iulianelli, Adolfo; Serincan, Mustafa Fazil; Pasaogullari, UgurIn this study, a novel thermo-economic analysis on a membrane reactor adopted to generate hydrogen, coupled to a carbon-dioxide capture system, is proposed. Exergy destruction, fuel, and environmental as well as purchased equipment costs have been accounted to estimate the cost of hydrogen production in the aforementioned integrated plant. It has been found that the integration of the CO2 capture system with the membrane reactor is responsible for the reduction of the hydrogen production cost by 12 % due to the decrease in environmental penalty cost. In addition, the effects of operating parameters (steam-to-carbo ratio and biogas temperature) on the hydrogen production cost are investigated. Hence, this work demonstrates that the latter can be decreased by approximately 2 $/kgH2 when steam to carbon ratio increases from 1.5 to 4. The analyses reveal that steam-tocarbo ratio increases exergy destruction cost, affecting consequently also the hydrogen production cost. However, from a thermodynamic point of view, it enhances the hydrogen production in the membrane reactor, mutually lowering the hydrogen production cost. It has been also estimated that a decrease in the biogas inlet temperature from 450 to 400 degrees C can reduce the hydrogen production cost by 7 %. This study demonstrates that the fuel cost is a major economic parameter affecting commercialization of hydrogen production, while exergy destruction and environmental costs are also significant factors in determining the hydrogen production cost.Conference Object The Qualitative Investigation of Turkish Mothers' Controlling Behaviours(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2024) Akbulut, Cansu Alsancak; Atalar, Dilek Saritas; Metin-Orta, Irem[No Abstract Available]Conference Object Role of Difficulties in Emotion Regulation in the Relationship Between Procrastination and Distress(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2024) Ulbe, Selva; Turkarslan, Kutlu K.[No Abstract Available]Article Robust Backstepping Control of a Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Under Colored Noises(Tech Science Press, 2025) Karahan, MehmetAdvances in software and hardware technologies have facilitated the production of quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Nowadays, people actively use quadrotor UAVs in essential missions such as search and rescue, counter-terrorism, firefighting, surveillance, and cargo transportation. While performing these tasks, quadrotors must operate in noisy environments. Therefore, a robust controller design that can control the altitude and attitude of the quadrotor in noisy environments is of great importance. Many researchers have focused only on white Gaussian noise in their studies, whereas researchers need to consider the effects of all colored noises during the operation of the quadrotor. This study aims to design a robust controller that is resistant to all colored noises. Firstly, a nonlinear quadrotor model was created with MATLAB. Then, a backstepping controller resistant to colored noises was designed. The designed backstepping controller was tested under Gaussian white, pink, brown, blue, and purple noises. PID and Lyapunov-based controller designs were also carried out, and their time responses (rise time, overshoot, settling time) were compared with those of the backstepping controller. In the simulations, time was in seconds, altitude was in meters, and roll, pitch, and yaw references were in radians. Rise and settling time values were in seconds, and overshoot value was in percent. When the obtained values are examined, simulations prove that the proposed backstepping controller has the least overshoot and the shortest settling time under all noise types.Article Promotion of Cooperation in a Co-Evolutionary Pragmatic Agent Multigame Environment(Elsevier, 2025) Kilic, Omer Durukan; Kilic, HurevrenThe promotion of cooperation in a co-evolutionary environment where pragmatic agents participate in a multigame setting that contains Prisoner's Dilemma (PD) and SnowDrift (SD) games is investigated. The pragmatic agent conserves its current perspective when successful; otherwise adopts the opposite perspective. Unlike traditional models, this study introduces a setup in which perception and strategy spaces co-evolve in terms of iterative game payoffs. The players are situated in a 2-D square lattice environment and synchronously update their perceptions and strategies after interacting with their immediate neighbors. The ratios of perceptions and strategy are randomly set based on parameters alpha and /3, indicating initial SD and cooperation (C) percentages, respectively. By the end of various simulations, the system's convergent and stable behavior is shown by means, standard deviations, and confidence intervals. The results show that larger (alpha >= 0.5) initial populations of SD agents promote greater cooperation and lead to a dominance of cooperative strategies even for smaller initial C strategies (/3 similar to 0.2). Conversely, when the environment is initially dominated by PD perspectives and defect (D) strategies (alpha = 0.1, /3 = 0.2), it leads to lower levels of cooperation. Depending on the initial ratios of PD/SD and D/C players, cooperative player clusters are not only formed but are also persistent parts of the environment. Finally, we observed that co-evolving PD/SD and D/C environments coupled with pragmatic players lead to a controllable promotion of cooperation even against small initial SD player ratios.Article Optimization-Based Scheduling of Construction Projects With Generalized Precedence Relationships: a Real-Life Case Study(Sharif Univ Technology, 2025) Aminbakhsh, Saman; Ahmed, AryConcomitant reduction of cost and duration is recognized as one of the main aspects of construction planning. Expedition of project schedule naturally incurs extra costs due to implementation of more productive and/or high-price construction techniques. Meanwhile, a reduction in time is usually plausible only down to a certain limit, below which renders expeditions either technically or financially unviable. Thus, striking a reasonable balance between project cost and duration remains a desirable yet challenging task for which there has been a myriad of advancements and literature. Despite the many studies associated with this problem-referred to as Time-Cost Trade-off Problem (TCTP) it is observed that only a few exercise TCTPs with the generalized logical relationships. This observation holds despite the fact that generalized precedence relationships are imperative to introduce parallelism and to secure a realistic overlap among the activities. Tn this regard, a Simulated Annealing-based (SA-based) Genetic Algorithm (GA) as proposed herein, is specifically designed to provide the capability of exerting TCTPs with properly overlapped activities. Efficiency of this algorithm is tested over a range of problems and its performance is validated over a large-scale real-case construction project. Results of the hybridized GA indicate fast and robust convergence to high-quality solutions.Article Lifetime Prediction of Single Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloys(Mdpi, 2025) Kasar, Cagatay; Kaftancioglu, Utku; Bayraktar, Emin; Aslan, OzgurSingle crystal nickel-based superalloys are extensively used in turbine blade applications due to their superior creep resistance compared to their polycrystalline counterparts. With the high creep resistance, high cycle fatigue (HCF) and low cycle fatigue (LCF) become primary failure mechanisms for such applications. This study investigates the fatigue life prediction of CMSX-4 using a combination of crystal plasticity and lifetime assessment models. The constitutive crystal plasticity model simulates the anisotropic, rate-dependent deformation behavior of CMSX-4, while the modified Chaboche damage model is used for lifetime assessment, focusing on cleavage stresses on active slip planes to include anisotropy. Both qualitative and quantitative data obtained from HCF experiments on single crystal superalloys with notched geometry were used for validation of the model. Furthermore, artificial neural networks (ANNs) were employed to enhance the accuracy of lifetime predictions across varying temperatures by analyzing the fatigue curves obtained from the damage model. The integration of crystal plasticity, damage mechanics, and ANNs resulted in an accurate prediction of fatigue life and crack initiation points under complex loading conditions of single crystals superalloys.Article Investigating Student Churn Among Business Schools in Higher Education(Tuba-turkish Acad Sciences, 2023) Yalcin, Aybueke; Uner, M. Mithat; Karatepe, Osman M.; Aboramadan, MohammedThe purpose of our paper is to examine what the reasons for student churn are and why students begin their educational careers in a school of business and then leave and register at another university. Following a qualitative methodology, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 31 students (11 females, 20 males; mean age: 21.12; range: 19 to 25 years) who had switched from one business school to another in Ankara, the capital city of T & uuml;rkiye, and QSR NVivo 12 for Windows was used to analyze the qualitative data. The findings reveal that the main reason of student churn is associated with obstacles regarding the use of English as the medium of instruction. This is followed by dissatisfaction with the school or the department. The reasons for students preferring another university are also related to having friends at the university chosen, proximity to home, referrals, and family members. The study provides important insights to university administrators pertaining to the reasons associated with student churn in higher education. When the results are examined by university type, it is seen that the dissatisfaction with the university or department was the primary reason for the students who left the state universities, while the foreign language problem was the reason for the students who left the foundation universities. Considering the findings of the study, the university administration should concentrate on how to improve students' foreign language skills, invest more in research and innovation, and increase social activities to improve communication among students.Article From Partners To Rivals: Normative Power Europe Meets Normative Power China?(Uluslararasi Iliskiler Konseyi dernegi, 2024) Yilmaz, GoezdeThe European Union (EU) has been promoting its norms, values, and rules for decades. However, in the current international environment, the EU's normative power is not being received well outside the EU, particularly in reference to the growing power of illiberal states. Within that context, this study explores EU-China relations across time and unpacks the position of normative power Europe towards China and the Chinese response. The study foregrounds the fruitless attempts of the EU to project its transformative power onto China and the growing resistance by China against this, which it expresses by presenting itself to the West as an alternative power with an alternative understanding of international politics.Article Exploring the Link Between English Language Instructors' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Satisfaction With Teaching Online(Arab World English Journal, 2024) Taysi, Eda; Alagozlu, NurayThe aim of this study was to explore the relationship between English language instructors' perceived levels of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and their satisfaction with teaching online. 205 English instructors working at universities in Turkey participated in the study. A mixed-method approach was employed for data collection, incorporating quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative data were obtained through the TPACK-EFL and the Online Faculty Satisfaction (OFSS) scale, while qualitative data were gathered via in-depth interviews with the instructors. The findings revealed a significant relationship between instructors' TPACK and their satisfaction with teaching online. This research carries several important implications for TPACK in language teaching and its implementation in both online and classroom settings.Article Evaluation of the Effects of Avatar on Learning Temporomandibular Joint in a Metaverse-Based Training(Wiley, 2024) Basmaci, Fulya; Bulut, Ali Can; Ozcelik, Erol; Ekici, Saliha Zerdali; Kilicarslan, Mehmet Ali; Cagiltay, Nergiz ErcilPurposeAvatars, representing users in the digital world, can influence users' behavior and attitudes. This study evaluates the impact of representing dental students receiving temporomandibular joint (TMJ) education in the metaverse via an anonymous or identified avatar.MethodsParticipants included 80 dental students in their fourth and fifth years of study. They were randomly assigned to either the avatar group (identified avatar) or the control group (anonymous avatar). Prior to training, participants completed a demographic questionnaire and a pretraining knowledge assessment. TMJ training was conducted in the metaverse for both groups. Pre- and post-training assessments included the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and a shyness scale to ensure group comparability. A post-test consisting of five questions was administered to both groups after 2 weeks of training.ResultsThere were no significant differences in pretraining scores for prior knowledge (p = 0.67), trait anxiety (p = 0.28), state anxiety (p = 0.92), or shyness (p = 0.42) between the avatar and control groups, indicating comparability at baseline. Post-training analysis revealed significantly higher post-test scores in the avatar group (median = 80) compared to the control group (median = 60) (p = 0.03).ConclusionsMetaverse environments offer various benefits for students, educators, and educational institutions in health education programs. Representing learners and their identities in training environments can enhance learning outcomes.Article Evaluating Efficacy and Outcomes: Comparison of Laser Treatment and Crystallized Phenol in Pilonidal Sinus Disease(Frontiers Media Sa, 2025) Emral, Ahmet Cihangir; Gulen, Merter; Ege, BahadirObjective The aim of this study is to comprehensively evaluate the efficacy of laser ablation and crystallized phenol application in the treatment of pilonidal sinus disease, focusing on treatment success, recurrence rates, complications, and the patients' return to normal life.Material and method Data from patients treated for pilonidal sinus disease with laser ablation and crystallized phenol application at our clinic between January 2020 and September 2023 were retrospectively reviewed. Preoperative data including pit counts, disease stage, preoperative pilonidal abscess history, disease duration (week), treatment success, recurrence/persistent disease, postoperative complications, healing time (days), and visual analogue scale (VAS) scores on postoperative days 1 and 7, as well as return to normal life (days), were analyzed.Results A total of 121 patients were included in the study, with 51 receiving laser ablation and 70 receiving crystallized phenol application. The postoperative outcomes revealed that the wound healing period and postoperative VAS values were statistically significantly better in the laser ablation group.Conclusion Wound healing was faster and postoperative pain was less in the laser group compared to the phenol group. According to this study, both methods can successfully treat the disease in selected cases.Article Effects of Lotrafilcon a and Senofilcon a Bandage Contact Lenses on Visual Outcome and Ocular Comfort After Photorefractive Keratectomy(Galenos Publ House, 2024) Yakar, Konuralp; Alacamli, GoeksuObjectives: To compare the efficacy of two different silicone hydrogel bandage contact lenses (BCLs) in terms of visual rehabilitation and ocular discomfort following photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). Materials and Methods: This prospective study included 60 eyes of 30 patients who underwent bilateral PRK surgery to correct myopia and/ or astigmatism refractive errors. Following surgery, lotrafilcon A BCLs were applied to the right eye and senofilcon A BCLs were applied to the left eye. When the BCLs were removed on postoperative day 5, subjective ocular symptoms of discomfort were evaluated on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 indicated no discomfort and 10 indicated maximum discomfort. The postoperative spherical equivalents (SE) of both eyes were compared at 15 days and 1 month. Postoperative SE <= +/- 0.50 diopters was accepted as emmetropia. The number of patients who achieved emmetropia was also compared at 15 days and 1 month postoperatively. Results: Scores for ocular discomfort in the first 5 days postoperatively did not differ significantly between the BCLs (p>0.05). However, a statistically significant difference was observed between the two lenses in terms of SE values at postoperative 15 days and 1 month (p<0.05). Eyes fitted with the senofilcon A BCL demonstrated better postoperative visual rehabilitation. Conclusion: Although post-PRK ocular discomfort scores did not differ significantly between the two BCLs, the senofilcon A lenses performed better in terms of achieving the target SE postoperatively.Article Design Team Effectiveness and Architects' Personality Types(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2025) Alan, Ece; Arditi, David; Gunaydin, Husnu Murat; Akcay, Emre CanerPurposeThe personalities of the design team members constitute one of the factors that influence team effectiveness. In this study, 223 members of the "American Institute of Architects" who are employed by the largest architectural design firms in the United States of America were categorized according to their personality types by using "The Enneagram Personality Type Model." Also, the respondents' opinions about eight team effectiveness outcomes were recorded in order to explore the relationship between team members' personality types and team effectiveness outcomes.Design/methodology/approachThe information was collected by a questionnaire where the first part included 144 pairs of statements that were used to identify respondents' personality types. The second part sought designers' opinions about the importance of eight team effectiveness outcomes rated on a Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5. The results were assessed by performing the Kruskal-Wallis test first and Dunn's post-hoc test with Bonferroni adjustment subsequently.FindingsThe findings highlight the significance of personality types in effective design teams. While Type 6 (loyalist and skeptic) and Type 3 (achiever and performer) architects prioritize team effectiveness the most, Type 7 architects (enthusiasts and epicureans) assign the lowest importance. However, the presence of Type 1 (reformist and perfectionist) and Type 8 (challenger and protector) architects within the same design team may involve challenges or conflicts.Originality/valueThe primary contribution of this study is that it is the first study in the construction management literature that utilizes The Enneagram of Personality Test to understand the relationship between team members' personality types and team effectiveness outcomes. This study is of direct relevance to practitioners and could be utilized in design team-building activities.Article Cannabinoid Receptor Ligands Modulate Fibrosis and Inflammation in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: a Preliminary Study(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2024) Kose, Sevil; Onen, Selin; Gizer, Merve; Boduroglu, Esin; Gonullu, Ugur; Korkusuz, PetekBackground/aim: No specific pharmacological treatment regimen for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) exists. Therefore, new antiinflammatory therapeutic strategies are needed. Cannabinoids (CBs), known for their inflammation-modulating and antifibrotic effects, may be potential medication candidates for treating IPF. We aim to evaluate the inflammation-modulating and antifibrotic effects of CB receptor (CBR) agonists and antagonists in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated normal human lung fibroblast, epithelial cells, IPF fibroblast cells, and monocytes. Materials and methods: We detected CBRs in normal human lung fibroblasts (LL24) and IPF fibroblast cells (LL29), epithelial cells (A549) and monocytes (THP-1) by flow cytometry. We determined TGF-(31, IL-8, and TNF-alpha inflammatory cytokines in the LL24, LL29, A549, and THP-1 cell culture supernatants on days 1 and 5 by ELISA. We evaluated the cell viability in LL24, LL29, and A549 cells on days 1, 3, and 5 spectrophotometrically and detected collagen Type I (ColI) production in the LL24 and LL29 cell culture supernatants on days 1, 3, and 5 by ELISA. Results: LL24, LL29, A549, and THP-1 cells exhibited CB1 (CB1R) and CB2 (CB2R) receptors. CB1R and CB2R agonists WIN55,2122 and JWH015 inhibited fibroblastic and epithelial cell proliferation on day 5. TGF-(31 and TNF-alpha release increased, while IL-8 release decreased in LL24, LL29, A549, and THP-1 cells in response to the administration of WIN55,212-2 and JWH015 at a 10-2 mM concentration. CB1R and CB2R antagonists AM251 and AM630 did not block agonistic responses, suggesting a nonclassical CBRmediated pathway. CB2R agonist JWH015 decreased ColI expression in IPF lung fibroblasts LL29 on day 3. Conclusion: These results suggest that CB signaling regulates the progression of pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis via CBR activation. This may offer a potential pharmacological tool for developing antifibrosis therapies.Article Biocompatibility of Electrospun Pva-Based Nanocomposite With Chemical Vapor Deposition-Derived Graphene Monolayer(Lukasiewicz Research Network-industrial Chemistry inst, 2024) Sasmazel, Hilal Turkoglu; Alazzawi, Marwa; Sadhu, Verra; Gozutok, MelikeThe biocompatibility of electrospun PVA with monolayer graphene obtained by chemical vapor deposition (PVA/CVD-grown MLG) nanocomposite was investigated. The properties of PVA/ CVD-grown MLG nanocomposite were compared with those of electrospun PVA mat. Raman analysis confirmed the presence of graphene monolayer on PVA. Although no significant changes in tensile properties were observed, the electrical conductivity increased from 0.1 (PVA mat) to 0.4 mu S/cm (PVA/ CVD-grown MLG). Thermal stability was also increased, as evidenced by the higher onset temperature and temperature of maximum decomposition rate determined by TGA. The contact angle decreased slightly, which resulted in higher PBS absorption and degradation of the nanocomposite. Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) decreased from 40 (PVA mat) to 37 g/m2 h (PVA/CVD-grown MLG). Cell culture studies showed better cell viability, population, and growth in the case of PVA/CVD-grown MLG nanocomposite due to improved physical, chemical and mechanical properties.Article Artificial Intelligence in Education: a Text Mining-Based Review of the Past 56 Years(Springer, 2025) Ekin, Cansu Cigdem; Cantekin, Omer Faruk; Polat, Elif; Hopcan, SinanArtificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) is a broad and multifarious area of study that spans across various academic fields. Due to the high numbers of studies in this field, it seems too challenging to analyze all of them in depth in a single study. Additionally, there is a lack of research that provides a comprehensive overview of the main trends and topics in AIED. This study, hence, aims to fill this gap by using text mining techniques to examine how artificial intelligence (AI)-related research in education has evolved over time. To this end, a total of 11,027 articles indexed by the Scopus database in the field of education between 1967 and 2023 were examined. Based on the findings, there has been a significant increase in AIED since 2014, covering 73% of the publications. Over the past three decades, AIED research has increasingly concentrated on engineering student populations and conference proceedings. Notably, AI solutions are extensively employed in education, with a strong focus on personalization, assessment, and evaluation. They also play a prominent role in research review processes, such as text mining and topic modeling for summarizing research findings. The findings contribute to the field, enhancing our understanding of the patterns of AI's integration into education and offering guidance for prospective research endeavors.Article Analysis of the Structural and Optical Characteristics of Znse Thin Films as Interface Layer(Springer, 2025) Emir, Cansu; Tataroglu, Adem; Gokmen, Ugur; Ocak, Sema BilgeThis research reveals the results of a comprehensive analysis of the optical and structural features of zinc selenide (ZnSe) thin film. The studied film was synthesized using the thermal evaporation method after preparation on the glass substrate. The film's structural characteristics, which have been determined by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), and X-ray diffraction (XRD), confirm the polycrystalline nature of the films with a predominant cubic zinc-blende structure. The surface morphology investigated through SEM reveals a uniform grain distribution with minimal surface defects, indicating high-quality film formation. In order to examine the optical characteristics, the ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy method is used in a spectral range between 300 and 900 nm. In this way, the ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy data are utilized to obtain optical features such as extinction coefficient (k), optical band gap (Eg), refractive index (n), absorption coefficient (alpha), and optical conductivity (sigma opt). These optical properties are assessed using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, revealing a direct band gap of approximately 2.88 eV, which is consistent with the bulk properties of ZnSe and suitable for optoelectronic applications. The results of this study clearly show that the studied ZnSe film can be used for optoelectronic device applications.