Structural properties of an engineered outer membrane protein G mutant, OmpG-16SL, investigated with infrared spectroscopy

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The department of Avionics aims to train qualified technicians of electrics-electronics as required for maintenance, repairs and renewal procedures in the national and international sector of civil aviation. The department trains students in how to perform maintenance and repairs on electrical and electronic equipment of aircrafts using contemporary methods and techniques that fit the provisioned rules. The department holds a SHY147 certificate. Therefore, the curriculum of education meets that for technician training provisioned by the European Aviation Safety Agency, in addition to subjects of basic electricity and electronics. The education is provided in English as the language for aviation. An Avionics Laboratory, an Aircraft Communication and Navigation Laboratory, an Aircraft Electrical Systems Laboratory and a Cockpit Instrumentation Laboratory are available at the İncek campus of our University. The department also provides in-house training with actual aircrafts at the training hangar at the Esenboğa Airport.
Organizational Unit
Physics Group
Atılım University Physics Division was established with the purpose of educating the first-year students of the Engineering and other Departments by providing the general physics courses and, in addition, to make scientific and technological researches at the universal level. Now adays, Physics Division provide the students of Engineering, School of Aviation and Mathematics Departments with the general physics lectures having international education quality. We have in the Group the facilities of the mechanics and electricity laboratories, where the students have the opportunity to realize the practice of the theoretical knowledge in physics. Beside the compulsory courses (General Physics I and General Physics II) there are also elective courses offered by the Group. The faculty members in the Group, whose research interests and fields are given in web-page of the Group in details, perform theoretical as well as experimental researches and make publications in SSC-index journals. Graduate program, with master of sciences and doctorate degree courses and theses, is offered in different scientific areas (for details, see the web-page of the Division). In the Physcis Division there are 6 faculty members, five research assistants, and one technician.

Journal Issue


The structural and functional differences between wild type (WT) outer membrane protein G and its two mutants are investigated with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Both mutants have a long extension to the primary sequence to increase the number of beta-strands from 14 (wild type) to 16 in an attempt to enlarge the pore diameter. The comparison among proteins is made in terms of pH-dependent conformational changes and thermal stability. Results show that all proteins respond to pH change but at different degrees. At acidic environment, all proteins contain the same number of residues participated in beta-sheet structure. However, at neutral pH, the mutants have less ordered structure compared to WT porin. Thermal stability tests show that mutants differ significantly from WT porin at neutral pH. Although the transition temperature is directly proportional with the amount of beta-sheet content, the changes in the pre-transition phase that pave the way to structural breakdown are shown to involve interactions among charged residues by two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy analysis. Results of the analysis show that side chain interactions play an active role under increasing temperature. Both mutants have more unordered secondary structure but they respond to pH change in tertiary structure level. Findings of this study provided deeper insight on the active players in structural stability of the WT porin. Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma


Korkmaz, Filiz/0000-0003-3512-3521; Yilmaz, Irem/0009-0002-9551-329X


OmpG, porin, infrared spectroscopy, protein engineering, 2DCOS analysis

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL





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