Yazın çevirisinde eğretileme çevirisi: Zorluklar ve olası çözümler

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English Translation and Interpretation
Since 2001, our Department has offered education at an extent that matches the similar Departments of European Universities, with a program that involves theoretical and practical courses within the frameworks of translation and interpretation. The goals that we aim our students to reach involve the utilization of knowledge, behaviors and equipment, interpersonal operation in interpretation, the management of the process of production, expertise in language skills with respect to fields and general culture, and access to information. Our students have no difficulty in being hired upon graduation, having gained an awareness regarding the expectations and the conditions of the professional life through our strong cooperation with the national and the international sector. With French and Russian courses offered for 4 years, our students steal the spotlight in the market, having obtained a C-Language Certificate. Our graduates are employed as freelance interpreters, institution interpreters, regulators as multi-layered language experts, terminology experts, subtitle experts and web localization experts.

Journal Issue


Bu çalışma edebi metinlerdeki metaforların hedef dile çevrilmesi esnasında karşılaşılan, kaynak metinde yer alan dilsel ve kültürel faktörlerin korunması konusunda yaşanan zorluklara odaklanmıştır. Bu çalışmada kullanılmak üzere, M.S. 1606'da İngiliz yazar William Shakespeare tarafından yazılan ve Arapça'ya Hüseyin Ahmed Ameen ve Mutran Khalil Mutran tarafından tercüme edilen Macbeth oyunu seçilmiştir. Çalışma, Newmark'ın metafor çeviri yöntemlerini göz önünde bulundurarak, bahsi geçen çevirmenlerin genel olarak 'sözcüğü sözcüğüne' ve 'silme' çeviri tekniklerini kullandığını göstermiştir. Çevirmenler bu şekilde, pek çok noktada kaynak metnin dilsel ve kültürel özelliklerini korumayı başarabilmişlerdir. Bu çalışma ayrıca çevirmenin söz konusu metaforu İngilizce'den Arapça'ya çevirirken, belli bir kültürel, sosyal ve politik bilgi birikimine de sahip olması gerektiğini ortaya koymuştur.
The study focused on the challenges in translating metaphors in literary texts mainly in the conservation of the linguistic and traditional aspects of the original text. This study chose Macbeth play written by English writer William Shakespeare in 1606 AD translated by two Arabic translators; Hussein Ahmed Ameen, and Mutran Khalil Mutran. By resorting to Newmark's metaphor translation procedures, the study concluded that the two translators used mainly literal and ellipses translation strategy. They managed to maintain both dialectal and social features of the foundation text in many cases. It has also revealed that the translator should have a cultural, social and political comprehension in translating metaphor from English into Arabic.



Mütercim-Tercümanlık, Arapça, Edebi metinler, Translation and Interpretation, Kültürel özellikler, Arabic, Literary texts, Metafor, Cultural characteristics, Çeviri, Metaphor, Translation, İngilizce, English

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