Effect of Co-Existing Ions on Salinity Gradient Power Generation by Reverse Electrodialysis Using Different Ion Exchange Membrane Pairs

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Chemical Engineering
Established in 2010, and aiming to train the students with the capacity to meet the demands of the 21st Century, the Chemical Engineering Department provides a sound chemistry background through intense coursework and laboratory practices, along with fundamental courses such as Physics and Mathematics within the freshman and sophomore years, following preparatory English courses.In the final two years of the program, engineering courses are offered with laboratory practice and state-of-the-art simulation programs, combining theory with practice.

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This study investigates the influence of co-existing ions on the salinity gradient power generation performance of the reverse electrodialysis (RED) using three different commercial ion exchange membrane pairs. The feed solutions, including the mixture of two different salts, were prepared with 90 wt.% of NaCl and 10 wt.% of LiCl, KCl, CaCl2, MgCl2 or Na2SO4 by keeping the salt ratio between high concentrate solution and low concentrate solution constant as 1:30 (g/g) at various flow velocities (50, 125 and 200 mL/min). It was observed that the divalent ions exhibited a negative impact on the performance of the RED system due to their high valence and low ionic mobility depending on their high hydrated radius and low diffusion coefficients compared to those of the monovalent ions. On the other hand, the effect of the monovalent ions differed according to the properties of ion exchange membranes used in the RED stack. When the power generation performances of ion exchange membrane pairs employed in the RED stack were compared, it was considered that Neosepta AMX and CMX membranes provided the highest power density due to their low membrane thicknesses, low electrical resistances, and relatively high ion exchange capacities compared to other two commercial ion exchange membrane pairs.


Güler, Enver/0000-0001-9175-0920; Altıok, Esra/0000-0001-5229-4766


blue energy, co-existing ions, divalent ions, ion-exchange membranes, monovalent ions, reverse electrodialysis

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