Otomobil fren diskinin termal performansının ölçülmesi

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Automotive Engineering
Having started education in 2009, the Atılım university Department of Automotive Engineering offers an academic environment at international standards, with its education in English, a contemporary curriculum and ever-better and ever-developing laboratory opportunities. In addition to undergraduate degree education, the graduate program of multi-disciplinary mechanical engineering offers the opportunity for graduate and doctorate degree education automotive engineering. The Atılım University Automotive Engineering has been selected to be the best in Turkey in 2020 in the field of automotive engineering with studies in energy efficiency, motor performance, active/ passive automotive security and vehicle dynamics conducted in the already-existing laboratories of its own. Our graduates are employed at large-scale companies that operate in Turkey, such as Isuzu, Ford Otosan, Hattat, Honda, Hyundai, Karsan, Man, Mercedes-Benz, Otokar, Renault, Temsa, Tofaş, Toyota, Türk Traktör, Volkswagen (to start operation in 2020). In addition, our graduates have been hired at institutions such as Tübitak, Tai, Aselsan, FNSS, Ministry of National Defence, Tcdd etc. or at supplier industries in Turkey. Due to the recent evolution undergone by the automotive industry with the development of electric, hybrid and autonomous vehicle technologies, automotive engineering has gained popularity, and is becoming ever more exhilarating. In addition to combustion engine technologies, our students also gain expertise in these fields. The “Formula Student Car” contest organized since 2011 by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) where our Department ranked third globally in 2016 is one of the top projects conducted by our department where we value hands-on training. Our curriculum, updated in 2020, focuses on computer calculation and simulation courses, as well as laboratory practice, catered to modern automotive technologies.

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Hızlanma bir araç için çok önemli bir dinamiktir, ancak yavaşlama araç güvenliği için kilit unsurdur. Fren sistemi otomobili yavaşlatacak veya durduracak en önemli ekipmandır. Bir fren sisteminin işlevi, disk ve balatanın sürtünmesi ile gerçekleşir. İçerdiği komponentlerin tasarım ve test adımlarında ısıl performansları hassas bir şekilde ölçülmeli ve komponentin çalışma koşulları altında gereken performansı göstermesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, fren disklerinin hem aerodinamik hem de termal karakteristiklerinin gözlemleneceği bir deney düzeneği tasarlanmış ve üretilmiştir. Deney düzeneği üzerindeki disk, balata, jant ve lastik gibi parçalar tipik bir binek otomobilde kullanılanlar ile birebir aynıdır. Komponentlerle birlikte binek bir otomobilin çeyrek ağırlığı deney düzeneğine silindirik ağırlıklar yardımıyla şaft üzerine uyarlanmıştır. Bunun yanında, deney düzeneğinde tekrarlamalı fren senaryosu kullanılmış olup frenlemenin aerodinamik ve termal çıktılarının ayrıntılı numerik modeller kullanılarak simülasyonları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen deneyler ve simülasyonlarda, otomobilin hızı sebebiyle oluşan hava akışının jant içerisinde yavaşladığı ve buna rağmen jant içerisinde türbülanslı bir hava akışı olduğu gözlemlendi. Termal simülasyonlar ve deneyler sonucunda ise fren diski üzerindeki sıcaklık dağılımı gözlemlenmiş olup fren diskinin balata ile temas ettiği alanın temas alanının tam karşısındaki alanın sıcaklığına göre daha yüksek olduğu ve sıcaklığın eşit dağılmadığı tahmin edilmiştir.
Acceleration is a crucial dynamic for a vehicle, although deceleration is the key element for vehicle safety. A vehicle's braking system is the sole piece of equipment that can bring it to a slowdown or halt. The function of a brake system is performed with the friction between disc and the pad. The thermal performance of the components it contains must be measured precisely in the design and test steps, and the component must show the required performance under operating conditions. In this study, an experimental setup was designed and produced to observe both aerodynamic and thermal characteristics of brake discs. Parts such as disc, pad, rim and tire on the experimental setup are exactly the same as those used in a typical passenger car. The quarter weight of a passenger car was adapted to the experimental setup on the shaft with cylindrical weights. In addition, a repetitive braking scenario was used in the experimental setup and simulations of the aerodynamic and thermal outputs of braking were carried out using detailed numerical models. In the experiments and simulations, it was observed that the air flow caused by the acceleration of the vehicle reduced significantly inside the rim, despites there was a turbulent air flow that takes place with the form of eddies inside the rim. As a result of thermal simulations and experiments, the temperature distribution on the brake disc has been observed, and it has been predicted that the area where the brake disc contact with the brake pad is higher than the temperature of the area directly opposite the contact area and the temperature is not uniformly distributed across the brake disc.



Makine Mühendisliği, Fren sistemleri, Mechanical Engineering, Frenleme, Brake systems, Güvenlik sistemleri, Breaking, Security systems, Sürtünme ısısı, Friction heat

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