Ir-Spectroscopic Characterization of an Elongated Ompg Mutant

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Physics Group
Atılım University Physics Division was established with the purpose of educating the first-year students of the Engineering and other Departments by providing the general physics courses and, in addition, to make scientific and technological researches at the universal level. Now adays, Physics Division provide the students of Engineering, School of Aviation and Mathematics Departments with the general physics lectures having international education quality. We have in the Group the facilities of the mechanics and electricity laboratories, where the students have the opportunity to realize the practice of the theoretical knowledge in physics. Beside the compulsory courses (General Physics I and General Physics II) there are also elective courses offered by the Group. The faculty members in the Group, whose research interests and fields are given in web-page of the Group in details, perform theoretical as well as experimental researches and make publications in SSC-index journals. Graduate program, with master of sciences and doctorate degree courses and theses, is offered in different scientific areas (for details, see the web-page of the Division). In the Physcis Division there are 6 faculty members, five research assistants, and one technician.

Journal Issue


OmpG is a nonselective, pH dependent outer membrane protein from Escherichia coli. It consists of 281 residues, forming a 14-stranded beta-sheet structure. In this study, OmpG is extended by 38 amino acids to produce a 16-stranded beta-barrel (OmpG-16S). The resulting protein is investigated by IR-spectroscopy. The secondary structure, pH-dependent opening/closing mechanism, buffer accessibility and thermal stability of OmpG-16S are compared to OmpG-WT. The results show that OmpG-16S is responsive to pH change as indicated by the Amide I band shift upon a switch from acidic to neutral pH. This spectral shift is consistent with that observed in OmpG-WT, which confirms the existence of structural differences consistent with the presence of the open or closed state. Secondary structure analysis after curve-fitting of Amide I band revealed that the additional residues do not fold into beta-sheet; rather they are in the form of turns and unordered structure. In thermal stability experiments, OmpG-16S is found to be as stable as OmpG-WT. Additionally, H/D exchange experiments showed no difference in the exchange rate of OmpG-16S between the acidic and alkaline pH, suggesting that the loop L6 is no longer sufficient to block the pore entrance at acidic pH. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Korkmaz, Filiz/0000-0003-3512-3521; Yildiz, Ozkan/0000-0003-3659-2805


Outer membrane protein (OMP), IR spectroscopy, Protein engineering, Porin, beta-Barrel

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL

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