Otomotiv Mühendisliği Bölümünün Yarış Aracının (ATEV2022) Süspansiyon Sisteminin Optimazasyon Çalışması

Project Abstract
This project is suggesting an optimum design for suspension system of ATEV2020 vehicle (Automotive Engineering Department racing car). Different models of suspension were investigated and compared according to their functionality in the target vehicle. Some parameters like minimum manufacturing error, feasibility in mounting the parts, driver comfort, vehicle stabilitiy and degree of ease in setting steering angles were considered in selection period. The selected mechanism’s CAD model were assembled on the vehicle and its dynamic effects were investigated by composing a model in Matlab software. Matlab/SimMechanics toolbox was used for this kind of simulation. In order to understand the concept of mechanism, 2D model equations are extracted from the literature. Then the model is expanded for 3D application. As the 3D models for suspension system are not available in the literature, it is thought that this kind of study will contribute significantly to the design of suspension system on vehicle prototypes.
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Elektrikli araç, süspansiyon, optimizasyon tasarımı, simülasyon, sürüş testi,