Quorum Sensing Inhibitör Özelliği Gösteren Yeni Moleküllerin Sentezi ve Çevreci Hidrojel Boya Sisteminde Kullanımı

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Project Abstract

Bacteria present in the seawater quickly form a biofouling on the surfaces immersed in it. This process starts with the adhesion of organic nutrients such as protein and carbohydrates to the surface in the first seconds. Bacteria adhere to the nutrient film on the surface and form a protective biofilm of proteins and polysaccharides around them. The biological fouling process continues with the adhesion and development of diatoms (microalgae), macroalgae spores and macroorganism larvae such as of mussels. However, this sequential model is not valid in all cases. Biological fouling limits the maneuverability of water vehicles, increases fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, antifouling methods are important in terms of economy and environment issues. One of the methods to prevent microfouling on surfaces is to prevent communication between bacteria. Bacteria communicate with each other through "Quorum Sensing" (QS) molecules to permanently attach to surfaces. Gram-negative bacteria use acylated homoserine lactone (AHL) molecules for QS communication. Molecules resembling AHL have the potential to inhibit QS. Hydrogels with a three-dimensional polymer network are also considered promising coatings with high antifouling performances against marine organisms. The super hydrophilic property of hydrogel materials enables them to absorb large amounts of water into three-dimensional polymeric networks and form a hydrated layer on their surface, which can prevent the adhesion of micro or macroorganisms. For these reasons, in order to solve the problem of biological fouling within the scope of the proposed project, it is aimed to synthesize and characterize new QS analogs that will prevent bacteria from forming biofilms and settling on surfaces. As a result of the bacterial tests, the two compounds with the best antibiofilm properties will be used as biocides, and a water-based hydrogel paint formula with anti-QS properties will be developed. With the hydrogel technology, it is aimed to significantly reduce the friction force, fuel consumption and emissions together with the biofouling on the ship surface. The hydrogel paint designed within the scope of the project is water based, self-curing, can be easily applied to a ship surface by brushing or spraying and can be produced in powder form. Environmentalist methods were chosen in both synthesis stages. The use of organic solvents that cause volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to be released into the atmosphere is avoided.


Quorum Sensing Inhibitör Özelliği Gösteren Yeni Moleküllerin Sentezi ve Çevreci Hidrojel Boya Sisteminde Kullanımı

Project Principal Investigator

Şeniz Özalp Yaman

Project Coinvestigators


Project Code

Project No


Project Start Date

Project End Date

Project Duration

30 months

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Project Status

Devam Ediyor




Benzothizole, Biofouling, Chiral Metal Complexes Antifouling Paints, Hydrogel Paints, Antibiofilm Activity, Gram Negative Bacteria, Quorum Sensing.
Benzotiyazol, Biyolojik Kirlenme, Kiral Metal Kompleksler, Antifouling Boyalar, Hidrojel Boyalar, Antibiyofilm Aktivite, Gram Negatif Bakteri, Çoğunluk Algılayıcı.

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