Özalp Yaman, Şeniz

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Name Variants
Ozalp Yaman,Ş.
Ozalp Yaman, Seniz
Ş.,Özalp Yaman
S.,Ozalp Yaman
Şeniz Özalp Yaman
O., Seniz
O. Y. Seniz
Ozalp Yaman,S.
Ozalp Yaman,Seniz
Seniz, Ozalp Yaman
Şeniz, Özalp Yaman
Ö., Şeniz
Ö. Y. Şeniz
Özalp Yaman Ş.
Özalp Yaman,Ş.
S., Ozalp Yaman
Ş., Özalp Yaman
Özalp Yaman, Şeniz
Ozalp-Yaman, Seniz
Yaman, Seniz-Ozalp
Yaman, Şeniz Özalp
Özalp-Yaman, S
Oezalp-Yaman, Seniz
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 36
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    Spectroelectrochemical investigations of pyrimidine-2-thionato-bridged binuclear platinum(III) complexes
    (Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2014) Özalp Yaman, Şeniz; Ozalp-Yaman, Seniz; Ozkan, Ilker; Onal, Ahmet M.; Isci, Huseyin; Chemical Engineering
    The electrochemical behavior of the binuclear platinum(III-III) complexes [Pt-2(C4H3N2S)(4)X-2] (C4H3N2S- = pyrimidine-2-thionate; X- = Cl--,Cl- Br--,Br- I-) have been studied by cyclic voltammetry and insitu spectroelectrochemistry in an acetonitrile-tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate solventelectrolyte couple. An irreversible metal based reduction appears during the cathodic scan for each of the three complexes. The changes in UV-Vis spectra observed in-situ during the reductive electrolysis indicate that all three complexes give the same product, [Pt-2(C4H3N2S)(4)], with a Pt(II)-Pt(II) system. The changes in the reduction potentials of the complexes on changing the axial ligands are interpreted by the changes in the energy of the LUMO level, which is determined by the degree of sigma- and it-interactions of the axial halide ligands with the metal atoms. DFT (B3LYP/LanL2DZ) calculations support our experimental data. (c) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 4
    Radicalic cleavage pathway and DNA docking studies of novel chemotherapic platinum agent of 5,6-di-2-ithienyl-2,3-dihydropyrazine
    (Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2019) Kayı, Hakan; Abdusalam, Mohamed Musbah; Özalp Yaman, Şeniz; Kayi, Hakan; Ozalp-Yaman, Seniz; Chemical Engineering
    A new Pt(II) complex of the general formula ([PtCl2(L)]center dot H2O), where L is 5,6-di-2-thienyl-2,3-dihydropyrazine is synthesized as a potential antitumor agent and its structure is elucidated using a variety of physical and chemical procedures. DNA attaching ability of the complex is studied spectroscopically. UV and fluorometric titration, viscometric measurements and thermal decomposition studies agreed that two binding mode of actions, covalent and non-covalent bindings, are possible simultaneously. DNA helix cleavage studies clearly indicated OH center dot radical pathway in the presence of the reducing agent. Quantum mechanical calculations are carried out to call the minimum energy structures of the ligand and the complex, and to determine the FTIR, H-1 NMR and UV-Vis spectra using the density functional theory (DFT) at the B3LYP/LANL2DZ level of theory. Calculated geometrical parameters for the complex indicated a square-planar structure around the metallic center through the dithiopyridyl ring and two chlorine atoms. The minimum energy structure of the complex obtained from DFT conformational analysis is used in docking studies to investigate complex-DNA binding mechanisms. The complex interacts with DNA through three different mechanisms, namely, intercalation, covalent and electrostatic interaction. The most stable mode of interaction with lowest binding energy (-333.6 kcal/mol) was intercalation mode. Comparisons between theoretical and experimental findings are performed and a good agreement is obtained. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 4
    Simultaneous novel synthesis of conducting and non-conducting halogenated polymers by electroinitiation of (2,4,6-trichloro- or 2,6-dichlorophenolato)Ni(II) complexes
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2005) Özalp Yaman, Şeniz; Bastürkmen, M; Kisakürek, D; Chemical Engineering
    NiL2(Ph)(2)(.)xH(2)O [L=3,5-dimethylpyrazole or N-methyl imidazole; Ph=DCP or TCP; x=0, 1 or 3] complexes were synthesised and characterised by analytical and spectroscopic methods using elemental analysis and FTIR. The electrochemical behavior of the complexes was studied by cyclic voltammetry in tetrabutylammoniumtetrafluoroborate-N,N-dimethylformamide electrolyte-sol vent couple. Cyclic voltammogram of the complexes displayed two-step oxidation processes under the nitrogen gas atmosphere. The polymerization of the complexes was accomplished in the same solvent-electrolyte couple by the constant potential electrolysis of NiL2(Ph)(2)(.)xH(2)O, synthesizing the poly(di- or monochlorophenylene oxide)s via free radical mechanism. The simultaneous polymerization of non-conducting polymer and conducting polymer (the conductivity of 0.7 S cm(-2)) were achieved by electroinitiated polymerization of Ni(DMPz)(2)(TCP)(2). The structural analysis of the polymers were performed using FTIR, H-1 NMR and C-13 NMR spectroscopic techniques and DSC for the thermal analysis. The kinetics of the polymerization was followed by in situ UV-vis spectrophotometer during the electrolysis. The low temperature ESR spectrum of the electrolysis solution also confirmed the formation of phenol radical (g=2.0028). One electron oxidation process of NiL2(DCP)(2)(.)xH(2)O produces a new Ni(II) complex, Ni(L-L)(DCP)(2)(S) by the rapid decomposition of (NiL2)-L-III(DCP)(2) into a ligand radical producing a singlet with the g value of 2.0015. Second electron oxidation process generates oligemers, which could not be isolated from the electrolyte solution. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    Electrochemistry of acetate-, carbonate-, sulfate-, and dihydrogenphosphate-bridged dirhodium(II) complexes
    (Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 2003) Özalp Yaman, Şeniz; Önal,A.M.; Isci,H.
    Complexes, [Rh2(B-B)4L2]n (B-B = CH3CO2-, L = CH3CN, H2O, Cl-, Br-, SCN-; B-B = CO32-, SO42-, H2PO4-, L = H2O, Cl-, Br-, SCN-) were prepared and their cyclic voltammograms (CV) and electronic absorption spectra were measured in solution. The CV of the complexes exhibits a reversible one-electron transfer from a metal-based orbital. Constant potential electrolysis at the oxidation peak potential of [Rh2 (O2CCH3)4 (NCCH3)2] in acetonitrile yielded [Rh2 (O2CCH3)4 (NCCH3)2]+, a mixed valent Rh(II)-Rh(III) cation complex. The formation of the mixed valent complex was monitored by measuring electronic absorption spectra of the solution in situ during the oxidative electrolysis. The reductive electrolysis of the mixed valent complex solution, in the same electrolysis cell, yielded the original electronic absorption spectrum of the starting complex. The changes in the oxidation and reduction potentials of the complexes with different axial ligands, L = H2O, Cl-, Br-, SCN-, are correlated to the relative energy changes of HOMO and LUMO of the complexes, which indicates the metal-axial ligand σ- and π-bonding interactions. Spectroscopic and CV data indicate that the degree of σ-interaction is Cl- > Br- > SCN-, and that of π-interaction is Br- > SCN- > Cl-.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    Spectroelectrochemical Investigation of Nuclease Active Pt(II) Complexes Containing Pyrrole Oxime
    (Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2015) Kayı, Hakan; Kayi, Hakan; Özalp Yaman, Şeniz; Chemical Engineering
    In this paper, the electrochemical oxidation of three Pt(II) complexes containing pyrrole oxime (HL) having a general formula of [Pt(NH3)Cl(L)] (1), [Pt(L)(2)] (2), and K[PtCl2(L)] (3) has been investigated by in-situ spectroelectrochemistry in dimethylformamide (DMF). An irreversible metal-based oxidation process occurs during the anodic scan for each of the three complexes. The electronic absorption spectral changes indicate that all the three complexes generate similar Pt(IV) compounds and free ligand. Our experimental data is supported by quantum chemistry calculations utilizing density functional theory. In addition, the frontier orbital energy distributions indicate that electron densities are localized on mainly platinum atom. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Master Thesis
    Azot ve kükürt verici atomlu ligand içeren yeni platin(II) komplekslerinin tasarımı, sentezi ve DNA'ya bağlanma kabiliyetleri
    (2017) Özalp Yaman, Şeniz; Yaman, Şeniz Özalp; Chemical Engineering
    Cis platine nazaran daha etkin ve daha düşük doku direncine sahip DNA-hedefli potansiyel yeni antitümör ilaçlarının sentezi biyoinorganik kimyanın en zorlu görevlerinden bir tanesidir. Bu amaçla cis, bis ve asimetrik geometride 5,6-di-2-tiyenil-2,3-dihidro¬pirazin içeren üç yeni platin(II) kompleksi sentezlenmiş analizleri tamamlanarak DNA'ya bağlanma kabiliyetleri spektroskopik ve jel elektroforez yöntemleriyle çalışılmıştır. Spektroskopik veriler ve hesaplanan bağlanma sabitleri komplekslerin DNA'ya farklı şekillerde bağlandığını göstermiştir. Cis ve asimetrik kompleksler kovalent etkileşimle bazlara bağlanırken, Bis kompleks DNA ile zayıf ölçüde bir interkalatif etkileşim göstermektedir. Jel elektroforez sonuçları da spektroskopik bulgularla uyum içindedir.Tüm komplekslerDNA'nın çift sarmalında asimetrikten bis komplekse azalan bir sıra ile bir indirgen varlığında (askorbik asit) yükseltgeme yoluyla tek taraflı olarak kırılmaya sebep olmaktadır. Öte yandan, nötr ortamda gerçekleştirilen sitotoksisite deneyleriBis kompleksinin insan beyin hücrelerinde oluşan kanser türüne (Human Glioblastoma) karşı tedavide kullanılabilecek en umut verici antikanser bileşiği olduğunu göstermiştir.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 152
    Heavy Metal Removal Investigation in Conventional Activated Sludge Systems
    (C Ej Publishing Group, 2020) Balku, Şaziye; Balku, Saziye; Özalp Yaman, Şeniz; Energy Systems Engineering; Chemical Engineering
    The combination of industrial and domestic wastewater in municipal WWTPs (waste water treatment plants) may be economically profitable, but it increases the difficulty of treatment, and also has some detrimental effects on the biomass and causes a low-quality final effluent. The present study evaluates the treatment process both in the presence and absence of heavy metals using ASM3 (activated sludge model no.3) so as to improve the model by means of incorporating other novel inhibitory kinetic and settler models. The results reveal that the presence of heavy metal, a case study for copper and cadmium at a concentration of 0.7 mgL(-1) in a biological treatment system has a negative effect on heterotrophic bacteria concentration by 25.00 %, and 8.76 % respectively. Meanwhile, there are no important changes in COD (chemical oxygen demand), SS (total suspended solids) and TN (total nitrogen) in the final effluent in the conventional system. However, all these parameters are acceptable and consistent with EU Commission Directives. The results indicate that ASM3 can predict and provide an opportunity of the operation for an activated sludge wastewater treatment plant that receives the effluent from an industrial plant.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 14
    Synthesis, characterization, redox behavior and hydrogenation catalytic activity of bis(N-aryl-3, 5-But2-salicylaldiminato)palladium(II) complexes
    (Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2005) Özalp Yaman, Şeniz; Tas, E; Köksal, F; Özalp-Yaman, S; Chemical Engineering
    The synthesis, spectroscopic (H-1 NMR, IR, UV-Vis), electron-transfer properties and catalytic reactivity of new palladium(II) complexes, with N-aryl-3,5-Bu-2(t)-salicylaldimines prepared from 3,5-Bu-2(t)-salicylaldehyde and o-,p-substituted anilines (X-C6H4NH2, X = H. F. Cl, Br, CH3, OCH3, t-Bu, 5,6-benzo) are reported. Cyclic voltammetry studies of the complexes exhibit an irreversible anodic peak that corresponds to the phenoxide/phenoxyl oxidation. The chemical oxidation of the complexes with (NH4)(2)Ce(NO3)(6) in CHCl3, besides relatively stable Pd-II-phenoxyl radical complexes (g = 2.0083-2.0114), also generate nitroxide radicals exhibiting strongly anisotropic spectra (g(parallel to) = 2.0061, g(perpendicular to) = 2.0072, A(parallel to) = 37.5, A(perpendicular to) = 5.38 G) typical for immobilized nitroxide radicals. It has been found that the introduction of t-Bu groups on the salicylic ring increases catalytic activity of towards hydrogenation of nitrobenzene in DMF at room temperature. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Antiproliferative activity of platinum(II) and copper(II) complexes containing novel biquinoxaline ligands
    (Oxford Univ Press, 2024) Kayı, Hakan; Gercek, Zuhal; Özalp Yaman, Şeniz; Yildizhan, Yasemin; Cetin, Yuksel; Adiguzel, Zelal; Ozalp-Yaman, Seniz; Chemical Engineering
    Nowadays, cancer represents one of the major causes of death in humans worldwide, which renders the quest for new and improved antineoplastic agents to become an urgent issue in the field of biomedicine and human health. The present research focuses on the synthesis of 2,3,2MODIFIER LETTER PRIME,3MODIFIER LETTER PRIME-tetra(pyridin-2-yl)-6,6MODIFIER LETTER PRIME-biquinoxaline) and (2,3,2MODIFIER LETTER PRIME,3MODIFIER LETTER PRIME-tetra(thiophen-2-yl)-6,6MODIFIER LETTER PRIME-biquinoxaline) containing copper(II) and platinum(II) compounds as prodrug candidates. The binding interaction of these compounds with calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) and human serum albumin were assessed with UV titration, thermal decomposition, viscometric, and fluorometric methods. The thermodynamical parameters and the temperature-dependent binding constant (KMODIFIER LETTER PRIMEb) values point out to spontaneous interactions between the complexes and CT-DNA via the van der Waals interactions and/or hydrogen bonding, except Cu(ttbq)Cl2 for which electrostatic interaction was proposed. The antitumor activity of the complexes against several human glioblastomata, lung, breast, cervix, and prostate cell lines were investigated by examining cell viability, oxidative stress, apoptosis-terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling, in vitro migration and invasion, in vitro-comet DNA damage, and plasmid DNA interaction assays. The U87 and HeLa cells were investigated as the cancer cells most sensitive to our complexes. The exerted cytotoxic effect of complexes was attributed to the formation of the reactive oxygen species in vitro. It is clearly demonstrated that Cu(ttbq)Cl2, Pt(ttbq)Cl2, and Pt(tpbq)Cl2 have the highest DNA degradation potential and anticancer effect among the tested complexes by leading apoptosis. The wound healing and invasion analysis results also supported the higher anticancer activity of these two compounds. Graphical Abstract Antitumor activity of biqunoxaline complexes.
  • Master Thesis
    2,3-di(2-tiyenil)-kuinoksalin ligantı içeren platin(II) komplekslerininsentezi, karakterizasyonu, elektronik yapıları ve DNA'ya bağlanma kabiliyetleri
    (2018) Özalp Yaman, Şeniz; Yaman, Şeniz Özalp; Chemical Engineering
    Son dönemlerde, birçok geçiş metal kompleksi nükleik asit yapılarında değişiklik meydana getirerek, DNA sarmal yapısını kırmak için kullanılmaktadır. Bu komplekslerden platin(II) iyonu içeren yapılar en çok bilinen bileşiklerdir. Bu çalışmada, cis, bis ve asimetrik geometrilerde 2,3-di(2-tiyenil)-kuinoksalin içeren platin kompleksleri sentezlenmiştir. Hazırlanan komplekslerin kimyasal yapıları elemental analiz ve çeşitli spektroskopik teknikler kullanarak çözümlenmiştir. Komplekslerin DNA'ya bağlanma modları ve bağlanma dereceleri UV-titrasyon, termal bozunma, vizkometrik ve florometrik ölçümlerle belirlenmiştir. Termodinamik parametreler de yine UV-titrasyon metodunun farklı sıcaklıklardaki tekrarıyla hesaplanmıştır. Komplekslerin sitetoksisite deneyleri yapılmış ve IC50 değerleri her bir kompleks için hesaplanmıştır. DNA bağlanma çalışmaları tüm komplekslerin DNA'nın boşluklarına tutunduğunu ya da elektrostatik bir etkileşim yaptığını göstermiştir. MDA231 hücre hatlarında yapılan sitotoksisite deneylerinden oldukça umut verici sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Tüm kompleksler içinde cis-geometrisinde bulunan kompleksin meme kanserine karşı en etkin ajan olduğu gözlenmiştir.