Kontrollü ilaç salımı için aljinat nanotaşıyıcı sistemler: in vitro etkilerinin incelenmesi

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Project Abstract

The-use-of nano-sized drug carriers (Nano-Carriers, NC) to increase the therapeutic effectiveness of drugs recently received great attention and emerged as a new research area. In this approach, the studies were revealed that, the drug loaded NCs increase the therapeutic efficiency while successfully reducing the systemic toxicity, although the previously recommended drug dose for patients decreases. On-the-other hand, results of the clinical applications of liposomal carriers, as micro-drug-carrier system, shown that the decrease in dosage, for the drugs in routine use, also decreases the-production of pharmaceutical raw materials and considerably reduces the-industrial energy consumption. Therefore, therapeutic applications of NCs can provide benefits in many aspects, including the improvement in patient’s life expectancy and quality; the-reduction-in the treatment and production costs reflected to patients, healthcare-providers and pharmaceutical industry. while NC-based applications emerged as-an-attractive research area, the-serious contributions -expected- are advancements in pharmaceutical and chemical industry-along-with the economic development of-countries. NCs-are-generally produced-in-bio-degradable-and nondegradable- forms. Among those, polymeric NCs, such as alginate-NC (ANC), has more significant therapeutic-features such as bio-compatibility-and-degradability. Particularly, the metal ions used as cross-binders (CB) for ANT production is also an advantage since the toxicity of metal ions is low compared to organic CBs. However, in the literature no comparative study is available for therapeutic activities and toxicities of ANTs produced with different metal CBs. Therefore, in this study, the aim is to produce highly bio-compatible- ANC with different methods and cross-binders, and-perform-comparative in-vitro evaluation for ANC-mediated enhancement of drug-release capabilities, therapeutic dose and efficacy of ANTs loaded-with-conventional and novel-therapeutics.


Kontrollü ilaç salımı için aljinat nanotaşıyıcı sistemler: in vitro etkilerinin incelenmesi

Project Principal Investigator

Belgin S. İşgör

Project Coinvestigators


Project Code

Project No

ATÜ-BAP 2011-01

Project Start Date

Project End Date

Project Duration

24 months

Project Funder

Atılım Üniversitesi

Project Funding Program


Project Partners

Project Status





Nano-carrier, drug release, alginate, cross-binder
Nano taşıyıcı, ilaç salım, Aljinat, çapraz bağlayıcı

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