Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe Menekşe

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Gonca Gökçe Menekşe, Dalveren
Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse
G., Dalveren
D.,Gonca Gökçe Menekşe
Gonca Gokce Menekse, Dalveren
Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe Menekşe
D.,Gonca Gokce Menekse
D., Gonca Gokce Menekse
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Doktor Öğretim Üyesi
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Scholarly Output




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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 24
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 2
    Insights from Eye-movement Events in an Educational Computer-based-simulation Environment (ECE) for Endo-neurosurgery Training Considering Gender, Hand Condition and Scenario Effects
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018) Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe Menekşe; Cagiltay,N.E.; Information Systems Engineering
    Surgical residents of endo-neurosurgery are required to develop several surgical skills such as eye-hand coordination, ability to use both hand coordination, and depth perception. During the process of gaining these skills, there are several effective factors on the individual performance such as gender, nature of the scenarios and hand condition that can be important to better organize appropriate training programs. Earlier studies show that, surgeons' mental workload show differences according to the difficulty levels of the tasks and hand conditions during the operations. Also there are some evidences showing that male surgeons performing the surgical tasks with a better performance compared to the females. However, in the literature there are not many studies conducted to better understand these effects by analyzing the eye-movements on simulation-based surgical training environments. This study aims to understand the mental workload and gender differences from fixation number and fixation duration eye-movement events. In this study four different computer-based-simulation scenarios which are developed for an Educational Computer-based-simulation Environment (ECE) for endo-neurosurgery training have been performed by 23 (3 female) surgical residents. Participants have performed each scenario in different hand conditions (dominant, non-dominant and both hand). While surgical residents were performing the scenarios their eye-movements were recorded by an eye-tracker. The Binocular Individual Threshold (BIT) classification algorithm was used for eye-movement event classification. According to the results of fixation number and fixation duration events in these four scenarios, hand conditions, scenario fidelity levels and gender are found to be important factors that make changes on mental workload of surgical residents. It can be concluded that, in non-dominant and both hand conditions mental workload increases according to the dominant hand condition. Additionally results show that scenario fidelity levels and gender have an effect on the eye-movements of surgical residents. © 2018 IEEE.
  • Master Thesis
    Türkçe yapılandırılmış yazılım gereksinimleri için ortak metin tasarımı
    (2021) Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe Menekşe; Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe Menekşe; Information Systems Engineering
    E-Devlet uygulamalarında birçok proje yapılmaktadır ve bir uygulamanın en iyi şekilde yapılabilmesi için iyi bir analiz çalışmasının yapılması şarttır. Kötü yapılmış bir analiz çalışması sonucunda geliştirilen uygulamalarda hatalar kaçınılmazdır. Analiz cümlelerinin doğru anlaşılması ve aktarılması çok önemlidir. Yazılım gereksinimlerinin kalitesini belirlemek ve bu gereksinim bildirimlerini değerlendirmek için bir yöntem veya modele ihtiyacımız vardır. Bu gereksinimlerin çoğu, ana dillerini kullanan kullanıcıların doğal dilinde ifade edilmektedir. Yazılım gereksinimi için kalite modeli hakkında birkaç araştırma yapılmıştır, ancak Türkçe dili ifadesi için, özellikle e-Devlet alanında çok fazla araştırma yapılmamıştır. Ek olarak, Türkçe dilinde yazılım gereksinimleri belirtim bildirimlerinin yazılmasında bir standart yoktur. Bu tezin asıl amacı ortak metinler tanımlayarak ve analiz cümlelerinin belirli bir yapıya getirilmesini sağlayarak doğal dilden kaynaklı hataların en aza indirilmesi ve standardize edilmesini sağlamaktır. Gereksinim cümlesini girecek analist ya da gereksinim mühendisinin cümleyi düzgün girilebilmesini sağlayan bir model oluşturulmuştur. Oluşturulan model Türkçe dilinde Yazılım Gereksinimleri Spesifikasyonu (SRS) için bir kalite değerlendirme modeli olarak kullanılabilir. Modelin gereksinimleri ortak metin şablonlarıyla eşleştirebilmesi, benzerlik değerlerini hesaplayabilmesi ve yazılım gereksinimleri, düzenleyici belgeler ve kullanıcı gereksinimleri arasındaki gereksinimleri daha uygun bir biçimde şablona ekleyebilmesi için bir ara yüz tasarlanmıştır. Bu model, bir e-Devlet uygulamasının SRS'sinin kalitesini artırmak için uygulanmıştır. Sonuç olarak e-Devlet uygulamasına yenilikçi ve modern bir yaklaşım sunulmuştur. Literatüre bir çözüm önerisi ve akademik araştırma getirilmiştir.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 20
    Insights from surgeons' eye-movement data in a virtual simulation surgical training environment: effect of experience level and hand conditions
    (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2018) Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe Menekşe; Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Information Systems Engineering; Software Engineering
    Today, with the advancements in the eye-tracking technology, it has become possible to follow surgeons' eye movements while performing surgical tasks. Despite the availability of studies providing a better understanding of surgeons' eye movements, research in the particular field of endoneurosurgery is very limited. Analysing surgeons' eye-movement data can provide general insights into how to improve surgical education programmes. In this study, four simulation-based task-oriented endoscopic surgery training scenarios were developed and implemented by 23 surgical residents using three different hand conditions; dominant, non-dominant, and both. The participants' recorded eye data comprised fixation number, fixation duration, saccade number, saccade duration, pursuit number, pursuit duration, and pupil size. This study has two main contributions: First, it reports on the eye-movement behaviours of surgical residents, demonstrating that novice residents tended to make more fixations and saccades than intermediate residents. They also had a higher fixation duration and followed the objects more frequently compared to the intermediates. Furthermore, hand conditions significantly affected the eye movements of the participants. Based on these results, it can be concluded that eye-movement data can be used to assess the skill levels of surgical residents and would be an important measure to better guide trainees in surgical education programmes. The second contribution of this study is the eye-movement event classifications of 10 different algorithms. Although the algorithms mostly provided similar results, there were a few conflicted values for some classifications, which offers a clue as to how researchers can utilise these algorithms with low sampling frequency eye trackers.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 7
    Evolution of Software Testing Strategies and Trends: Semantic Content Analysis of Software Research Corpus of the Last 40 Years
    (Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers inc, 2022) Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe Menekşe; Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Roman, Dumitru; Soylu, Ahmet; Information Systems Engineering; Software Engineering
    From the early days of computer systems to the present, software testing has been considered as a crucial process that directly affects the quality and reliability of software-oriented products and services. Accordingly, there is a huge amount of literature regarding the improvement of software testing approaches. However, there are limited reviews that show the whole picture of the software testing studies covering the topics and trends of the field. This study aims to provide a general figure reflecting topics and trends of software testing by analyzing the majority of software testing articles published in the last 40 years. A semi-automated methodology is developed for the analysis of software testing corpus created from core publication sources. The methodology of the study is based on the implementation of probabilistic topic modeling approach to discover hidden semantic patterns in the 14,684 published articles addressing software testing issues between 1980 and 2019. The results revealed 42 topics of the field, highlighting five software development ages, namely specification, detection, generation, evaluation, and prediction. The recent accelerations of the topics also showed a trend toward prediction-based software testing actions. Additionally, a higher trend on the topics concerning "Security Vulnerability", "Open Source" and "Mobile Application" was identified. This study showed that the current trend of software testing is towards prediction-based testing strategies. Therefore, the findings of this study may provide valuable insights for the industry and software communities to be prepared for the possible changes in the software testing procedures using prediction-based approaches.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Structured SRS for e-Government Services With Boilerplate Design and Interface
    (Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers inc, 2023) Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe Menekşe; Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Information Systems Engineering
    There are many projects being carried out to develop e-Government applications. In order to develop an efficient application, a proper requirements specification is strictly required. However, in the case of improper requirements specifications, errors are unavoidable for the developed applications. Therefore, it is necessary to use a model to determine the quality of software requirements. In the literature, several studies have been presented to propose a quality model for software requirements. Yet, there is no study on the development of a quality model for software requirements in Turkish language. Thus, the purpose of this study is to propose a quality assessment model of Software Requirements Specification (SRS) in Turkish language for e-Government applications. The proposed model aims at defining common texts and confirming that the sentences used in writing SRS are developed within an assured structure in order to minimize and standardize the errors originating from natural language. For this purpose, a model based on the Rupp's boilerplate is created that allows the analyst or requirements engineer to accurately enter the requirements statements. In this study, an interface (webpage) is also created so that the model may match requirements with common text templates, compute similarity values, and also may insert the requirements, regulatory documents, and user requirements into the template in a more convenient format. In order to evaluate the proposed model, the sentences in the 32 documents, including 843 requirements, were adapted to the model. Then, the usability of the model was validated by the requirement engineers serving in a Government service. According to the results, it is concluded that the proposed model is applicable, and is able to improve the quality of SRS in Turkish language for e-Government applications.
  • Master Thesis
    Farklı koşullarda görüntü algılama algoritmaları YOLO ve faster R-CNN'nin karşılaştırılması
    (2021) Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe Menekşe; Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe Menekşe; Information Systems Engineering
    Bu tezde, hem zorlu hava koşullarında hem de karanlıkta daha iyi nesne tespiti açısından YOLOv4 ile YOLOv3 ve Faster R-CNN'yi karşılaştırıyoruz. Yağmurlu, sisli ve karlı hava koşullarında ve hatta geceleri yayalar, arabalar, otobüsler ve motosikletler gibi hareket eden nesneleri tespit etmek zor olabilir. Bu çalışma, hiçbirinin başlangıçta kötü hava koşullarında veya geceleri performans göstermesinin amaçlanmadığını akılda tutarak, bu tür durumlarda hangisinin en iyi performansı gösterdiğini belirlemek için üç modülü değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışma Tesla P4 GPU, 12GB RAM kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Bu algoritmaları, YOLOv4'ün 40.000 yineleme, 72 mAP ve 0.63 geri çağırma ile en iyi sonuçları aldığı bir açık görüntü veri seti ile eğittik. Öte yandan, YOLOv3 36000 yinelemede, 65.53 mAP'de ve 0.54 geri çağırma'da maksimum puan almıştır. Son olarak, Faster R-CNN 36000 yineleme, 51 mAP ve 0.49 geri çağırma elde etmiştir. Algılama performansı değerlendirmesi açısından, 30 FPS ile videoda YOLOv4 42 FPS'de, YOLOv3 37 FPS'de ve Faster R-CNN 10 FPS'de performans göstermiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, YOLOv4, YOLOv3 ve Faster R-CNN'ye kıyasla en iyi performansı göstermiştir.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Group Discussion in a Blended Environment in Engineering Education
    (Uikten - Assoc information Communication Technology Education & Science, 2021) Mıshra, Deepti; Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe Menekşe; Volden, Frode S.; Allen, Carly Grace; Computer Engineering; Information Systems Engineering
    Group work is a necessary element of engineering education and group members need information about one another, group process, shared attention and mutual understanding during group discussions. There are several important elements for establishing and maintaining a group discussion such as participant's role, seating arrangement, verbal and non-verbal cues, eye gaze, gestures etc. The present study investigates these elements for identifying the behavior of group members in a blend of traditional face-to-face discussion along with computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) setting. The results of this study have shown that, speaking duration is the key factor for identifying the leadership in a group and participants mostly used eye gazes for turn taking. Although this study is a mix of face-to-face and CSCW discussion setting, participants mostly behave like face-to-face group discussion. However, unlike the previous studies involving face-to-face discussion, the relation between seating arrangement and amount of attention is not apparent from the data during this study.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Üniversite Web Sitesi Ana Sayfalarının KullanılabilirliğininDeğerlendirilmesi: Göz İzleme Yaklaşımı
    (2021) Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe Menekşe; Peker, Serhat; Software Engineering; Information Systems Engineering
    Ziyaretçilerin ilk karşılandığı yer olan üniversite web sitesi ana sayfalarının iyi bir tasarıma sahip olması ve ziyaretçileri tarafındankullanışlı bulunması, aday öğrenci, araştırmacı, yerli ve yabancı akademik kuruluşlar gibi dış paydaşların üniversiteye olan ilgileriniartırmak ve sürekli kılmak adına oldukça kilit rol oynamaktadır. Bu motivasyondan yola çıkarak bu çalışma, seçilen beş Türküniversitesinin ana sayfa tasarımlarını kullanılabilirlik yönünden değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda göz izlemeyaklaşımı kullanılmış, bir insan-bilgisayar etkileşimi laboratuvarındaki göz izleme cihazı ve diğer donanımlar vasıtasıyla katılımcılarınilgili web sayfalarıyla olan etkileşimlerini incelenmiştir. Deneklerin görüntüleme davranış verilerinin belirli göz hareketlerine gözizleme cihazı yazılımı kullanılarak odaklanma sayısı, ilk ziyarete kadar geçen süre, ve toplam ziyaret süresi olarak sınıflandırılmasındansonra, ANOVA methodu ile istatistiksel detaylı analizi yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, kullanıcıların ilgili sayfalardaki menübileşenlerini bulma görevlerini yerine getirdikleri halde, bu sayfaların kullanılabilirliğinde istenilen bileşeni kısa sürede farkedememe,farklı alanlarda arama gibi zorluklarla karşılaştıklarını göstermiştir. Bu çalışma, bu alanda çalışan araştırmacılara, üniversite websayfalarının göz izleme yöntemi ile kullanılabilirliklerinin değerlendirmesine ilişkin değerli bir referans olmasının yanı sıra paydaşlarınilgisini çeken ve daha kullanıcı merkezli üniversite web sitesi ana sayfalarının tasarlanması yönünde çıkarımlar sunmaktadır.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    Business Intelligence Strategies, Best Practices, and Latest Trends: Analysis of Scientometric Data from 2003 to 2023 Using Machine Learning
    (Mdpi, 2023) Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe Menekşe; Ayaz, Ahmet; Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Derawi, Mohammad; Information Systems Engineering
    The widespread use of business intelligence products, services, and applications piques the interest of researchers in this field. The interest of researchers in business intelligence increases the number of studies significantly. Identifying domain-specific research patterns and trends is thus a significant research problem. This study employs a topic modeling approach to analyze domain-specific articles in order to identify research patterns and trends in the business intelligence field over the last 20 years. As a result, 36 topics were discovered that reflect the field's research landscape and trends. Topics such as "Organizational Capability", "AI Applications", "Data Mining", "Big Data Analytics", and "Visualization" have recently gained popularity. A systematic taxonomic map was also created, revealing the research background and BI perspectives based on the topics. This study may be useful to researchers and practitioners interested in learning about the most recent developments in the field. Topics generated by topic modeling can also be used to identify gaps in current research or potential future research directions.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 4
    Are Left- and Right-Eye Pupil Sizes Always Equal?
    (int Group Eye Movement Research, 2019) Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe Menekşe; Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Information Systems Engineering; Software Engineering
    Eye movements provide very critical information about the cognitive load and behaviors of human beings. Earlier studies report that under normal conditions, the left- and right-eye pupil sizes are equal. For this reason, most studies undertaking eye-movement analysis are conducted by only considering the pupil size of a single eye or taking the average size of both eye pupils. This study attempts to offer a better understanding concerning whether there are any differences between the left- and right-eye pupil sizes of the right-handed surgical residents while performing surgical tasks in a computer-based simulation environment under different conditions (left-hand, right-hand and both hands). According to the results, in many cases, the right-eye pupil sizes of the participants were larger than their left-eye pupil sizes while performing the tasks under right-hand and both hands conditions. However, no significant difference was found in relation to the tasks performed under left-hand condition in all scenarios. These results are very critical to shed further light on the cognitive load of the surgical residents by analyzing their left-eye and right-eye pupil sizes. Further research is required to investigate the effect of the difficulty level of each scenario, its appropriateness with the skill level of the participants, and handedness on the differences between the leftand right-eye pupil sizes.