Aslantamer, Özlem Nur

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Özlem Nur, Aslantamer
A.,Özlem Nur
Ö. N. Aslantamer
Aslantamer,Ozlem Nur
Aslantamer, Özlem Nur
Aslantamer, Ozlem Nur
A.,Ozlem Nur
O., Aslantamer
A., Ozlem Nur
Özlem Nur Aslantamer
A., Özlem Nur
O. N. Aslantamer
Ozlem Nur, Aslantamer
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Doktor Öğretim Üyesi
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

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    Covıd-19 Salgını Sonrası Alışveriş Merkezlerinin Kapalı Yarı-Açık / Açık Hava Olmasının ve Peyzaj Tasarımının Kullanıcı Tercihlerindeki Sosyal Sürdürülebilirliğe Etkisi
    (Başkent Üniversitesi, 2023) Aslantamer, Özlem Nur; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
    Covid-19 salgını sürecindeki çevrimiçi eylemlerin zorunlu uygulanmasının ardından toplumun alış veriş merkezlerine alışverişten çok sosyalleşme amacıyla gittikleri, devamında alışveriş merkezlerinin önünde oluşan kalabalık insan topluluklarıyla görülmüştür. Elbette bunun temel sebeplerinden birisi alışveriş merkezlerinin çoğunun kapalı sistem ısıl konfor ve havalandırmaya sahip olması, bulaşı azalt mak amacıyla içeriye alınan kişi sayısının sınırlı sayıda tutulma mecburiyetidir. Bununla birlikte yatırımcı ve tasarımcıların yeni yapılan her alışveriş merkezini cazibe merkezine dö nüştürmeyi amaçladıkları; ılıman iklimli coğrafyalarda yarı-açık veya açık hava alışveriş merkezleri olarak kurgulamaya başladıkları bilinmektedir. Salgın ile iklim koşullarına bakılmaksızın tüm coğrafya larda yarı-açık veya açık hava alışveriş merkezlerinin yaygınlaştırılmasının gelecekte oluşabilecek yeni salgın koşullarına karşı şimdiden önlem olabileceği anlaşılmıştır. Ayrıca bu merkezlerin yarı-açık veya açık hava merkezleri olarak tasarlanması özellikle dolaşım alanlarındaki ısıtma soğutma ve havalandır ma için harcanan enerji kullanımını ortadan kaldırarak, karbon ayak izinin azaltılmasına büyük katkı sağlayacaktır.Bu çalışmada salgın sonrası tüketicilerin ne tür alışveriş merkezlerine gitmeyi tercih edeceklerine dair bir araştırma yapılmış ve alışveriş merkezlerinin mimari olarak kapalı, yarı-açık veya açık hava alışve riş merkezi olarak kurgulanmasının ve peyzaj unsurlarının varlığının kullanıcı tercihlerine etkisi olup olmadığına bakılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonuçlarının kullanıcı algısı çerçevesinde, planlama ve peyzaj ta sarımı ilişkisinde sosyal sürdürülebilirliğe yönelik tasarım kararlarını ortaya koyması ve veri sağlayıcı nitelik taşıması umulmaktadır. Türkiye’nin en büyük üç ili İstanbul, Ankara ve İzmir’de bulunan her şehirde üç olmak üzere top lam dokuz alışveriş merkezi üzerinde rastgele seçilmiş 586 kullanıcı ile yapılan kullanıcıların alışveriş merkezlerinde; mimari olarak kapalı, yarı-açık veya açık hava alışveriş merkezleri ile peyzaj tasarımı tercihlerine yönelik olarak çevrimiçi (on-line) yürütülen anket, araştırma yöntemi olarak kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, salgın sonrasında açık ve yarı-açık alışveriş merkezlerinin daha fazla tercih edileceği, peyzaj tasarımında bitkiler, su öğeleri vs gibi doğal peyzaj unsurlarına ağırlık verileceği belir lenmiştir. Alışveriş merkezlerinin salgından sonra yarı-açık veya açık hava merkezlerine dönüşeceğine dair bu bulguların yeni yapılacak alışveriş merkezi tasarım kararlarının şekillenmesine ve sürdürülebi lirliğine katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.
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    Citation Count: 0
    Analyzing the key architectural and structural factors in the formation of tall timber projects in Europe
    (Cogent OA, 2024) Aslantamer, Özlem Nur; Aslantamer,Ö.N.; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
    As tall wooden structures emerge as a burgeoning and promising sector, offering considerable ecological and financial benefits across their life cycles, their prevalence is on the rise, particularly in Europe. However, the current corpus of literature fails to offer a detailed assessment of the fundamental architectural and structural planning parameters for European tall timber towers (≥9 stories). To span this gap and improve the comprehension of the developing European tendencies, this study meticulously examined information from 33 tall timber towers in Europe. The principal findings uncovered the following: (i) tall timber buildings predominantly favored residential applications as their primary function, (ii) the prevailing preference for the central core arrangement was evident, (iii) the most prevalent design preference for tall timber buildings was prismatic forms, (iv) widespread adoption of composite materials was evident, with combinations of timber and concrete being particularly prominent, and (v) the structural systems were primarily characterized by shear-frame configurations. By revealing these present-day attributes of tall wooden towers in Europe, this article is anticipated to offer valuable insights to architectural designers, assisting and directing them in the formulation and implementation of forthcoming developments in this domain. © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
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    İç Mekân Kapsamında Sürdürülebilir Işık Kaynağı Türünün Tasarımdaki Rolü ve Önemi
    (Başkent Üniversitesi, 2023) Aslantamer, Özlem Nur; Akagündüz, Alper; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
    Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı, Enerji İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından 2018 senesinde; Tür kiye’ de tüketilen toplam elektrik enerjisindeki aydınlatmanın payı yaklaşık %20 olarak açıklanmıştır. Endüstride tüketilen elektrik enerjisindeki aydınlatmanın payı ise ortalama %10 civarındadır. Kulla nım alanlarına bakıldığında, tüketilen elektrik enerjisinin mağazalarda %30, ofislerde ise %40 oranında aydınlatmada harcandığı bilgisi ulaşılmıştır. Çalışmada aydınlatma kalitesini düşürmeden fonksiyona uygun, gerektiği yerde azaltılabilecek veya tasarruf odaklı yeni teknoloji ürünler kullanarak tüketilen enerjinin etkin aydınlatmaya dönüşebilmesi için önerilerde bulunacaktır. Etkin bir aydınlatma; her mekânda enerji verimli lamba kullanılarak sağlanabilir. Enerji verimli lamba kullanarak aynı aydınlat ma seviyesinde, daha az elektrik enerjisi tüketilmesi de mümkün kılınır. Enerji tasarrufu konusunun ele alınmasının zorunlu hale geldiğini; yapılan araştırmalar ve açıklamalar doğrultusunda, önümüzdeki dönemlerde dünyada ve dolayısı ile Türkiye’de de enerji açığı oluşacağını görüyoruz. Enerji verimliliği, etkin enerji kullanımının teşvik edilmesi için harcanacak vakit ve nakit, yeni enerji kaynaklarının aranıp bulunması, işlenmesi ve kullanıma sunulması için yapılacak yatırım lardan çok daha ekonomiktir.Aydınlatmada kullanılan lambaların ışık şiddetinin artırılıp azaltılma imkânı, aktivitedeki konsantras yonu daha etkin kılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada; yaşam alanlarında kullanılan yapay aydınlatma lambaların dan eski teknolojiyi içeren, enerji sarfiyatı düşük ve halâ yaygın olarak kullanılmaya çalışılan floresan lambalar ve son yıllarda kullanılmaya başlanan teknolojik olarak gelişimi devam eden, yine enerji sarfiyatı düşük led lambalar üzerinde literatür taraması yapılarak bilimsel veriler ışığında görsel kon for, sürdürülebilirlik, verimlilik, iç mekân tasarımına katkı ve göz sağlığı açısından karşılaştırmalı bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Aydınlatma konusunda, tasarruf ve verimlilik için seçilen lambaların aydınlatma tekniklerinin, çeşit lerinin ve kontrol/kumanda sistemlerinin farkındalığı, tüketim tasarrufu ve aydınlatmada kontrollü enerji tüketimi yöntemlerinin biliniyor olması gerekmektedir.
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    Evaluating Space Efficiency of Tall Buildings in Turkey
    (Mdpi, 2024) Aslantamer, Özlem Nur; Ilgin, Huseyin Emre; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
    In response to the increasing building demands in Turkey, particularly in the metropolitan area of Istanbul, followed by other major cities such as Ankara and Izmir, the expansion of construction zones has led to the emergence of tall towers as a pragmatic solution. The design and implementation of tall buildings require newer technologies and interdisciplinary collaboration in aspects such as facade installation, vertical circulation solutions, and fire systems, compared to low-rise buildings. In spite of the proliferation of skyscrapers, there is a noticeable lack of thorough study on space efficiency in Turkey's tall buildings. This article aims to fill this significant gap in the literature. The research method employed in this study focuses on a case study of 54 modern towers constructed in Turkey between 2010 and 2023, ranging in height from 147 to 284 m. Key findings are as follows: (1) residential use, central core, and prismatic forms are the most prevalent architectural preferences; (2) the most preferred structural material and system are concrete and the shear-walled frame system, respectively; (3) average space efficiency and the percentage of core-to-gross-floor area (GFA) were 78% and 19%, respectively, with measurement ranges varying from a minimum of 64% and 9% to a maximum of 86% and 34%. This paper will provide insight for construction stakeholders, especially architects, for sound planning decisions in the development of Turkish tall buildings.
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    Space Efficiency in Tall Hotel Towers
    (Mdpi, 2024) Aslantamer, Özlem Nur; Ilgin, Huseyin Emre; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
    Maximizing spatial utilization within tall buildings stands as a paramount planning consideration for ensuring project feasibility, particularly accentuated ins the context of hotel constructions. To date, no comprehensive study has addressed this issue while considering crucial architectural and structural planning factors. This article fills this gap by using a case study method based on data from 31 contemporary tall hotel towers. The findings revealed several key points: (i) central core typology was mostly utilized; (ii) prismatic buildings were the most prevalent forms; (iii) shear-walled frame systems were predominantly employed; (iv) concrete was the preferred choice for hotel construction; (v) the average space efficiency and the ratio of core area to gross floor area (GFA) averaged 81.2% and 16%, respectively; (vi) the range changed from a minimum of 70% to 4% to a maximum of 94% to 28%; and (vii) space efficiency showed an inverse relationship with the height of the building. It is anticipated that this paper will assist architects and structural engineers as well as builders involved in the planning of hotel developments.
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    Space efficiency in timber office buildings
    (Elsevier, 2024) Aslantamer, Özlem Nur; Ilgin, Huseyin Emre; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
    Timber offices indicate a growing field, principally thanks to their potential to offer noteworthy ecological and financial gains over their entire life. Like many other building types, space efficiency is a crucial design parameter in timber structures to ensure a project's feasibility. This factor is especially significant in office buildings, where maximizing rental income reflects effective planning. Currently, there is a lack of exhaustive inquiry providing a thorough insight of space efficiency in modern timber office buildings. This study fills this gap in the literature by collecting data from 33 buildings through literature reviews and case study method to investigate space efficiency with the key architectural and structural factors that influence it. The results showed that: (i) central cores stood out as the prevailing core layouts, while peripheral arrangements were noted as alternative preferences. Prismatic shapes emerged as the most favored options; (ii) timber was extensively used as a primary building material, closely followed by combinations of timber and concrete. Load-bearing systems mainly relied on shear walled frames and configurations; (iii) average space utilization across examined cases was 88 %, with variances ranging from 75 % to 95 % among different instances; (iv) average ratio of core area to GFA was 10 %, showing variations between 4 % and 19 % across various scenarios; and (v) there were no substantial variances noted in the effect of different core planning strategies on spatial efficiency. Similar conclusions were drawn regarding building forms and structural materials. Our paper will assist in crafting design principles customized for diverse stakeholders, including architectural designers of timber offices.
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    Analysis of Space Efficiency in High-Rise Timber Residential Towers
    (Mdpi, 2024) Aslantamer, Özlem Nur; Aslantamer, Ozlem Nur; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
    High-rise timber residential towers (>= eight-stories) represent a burgeoning and auspicious sector, predominantly due to their capability to provide significant ecological and financial advantages throughout their lifecycle. Like numerous other building types, spatial optimization in high-rise timber residential structures stands as a pivotal design factor essential for project viability. Presently, there exists no comprehensive investigation on space efficiency in such towers. This study analyzed data from 51 case studies to enhance understanding of the design considerations influencing space efficiency in high-rise timber residential towers. Key findings included (1) the average space efficiency within the examined cases was recorded at 83%, exhibiting variances ranging from 70% to 93% across different cases, (2) the average percentage of core area to gross floor area (GFA) was calculated at 10%, demonstrating fluctuations within the range of 4% to 21% across diverse scenarios, and (3) no notable distinction was observed in the effect of various core planning strategies on spatial efficiency when properly designed, and similar conclusions were drawn regarding building forms and structural materials. This research will aid in formulating design guidelines tailored for various stakeholders such as architectural designers involved in high-rise residential timber building developments.
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    Space Efficiency in North American Skyscrapers
    (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024) Aslantamer, Özlem Nur; Aslantamer,Ö.N.; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
    Space efficiency in North American skyscrapers is crucial due to financial, societal, and ecological reasons. High land prices in major cities require maximizing every square foot for financial viability. Skyscrapers must accommodate growing populations within limited spaces, reducing urban sprawl and its associated issues. Efficient designs also support environmental sustainability and enhance city aesthetics, while optimizing infrastructure and services. However, no comprehensive study has examined the key architectural and structural features impacting the space efficiency of these towers in North America. This paper fills this gap by analyzing data from 31 case study skyscrapers. Findings indicated that (1) central core was frequently employed in the organization of service core; (2) most common forms were setback, prismatic, and tapered configurations; (3) outriggered frame and shear walled frame systems were mostly used; (4) concrete was the material in most cases; and (5) average space efficiency was 76%, and the percentage of core area to gross floor area (GFA) averaged 21%, from the lowest of 62% and 13% to the highest of 84% and 31%. It is expected that this paper will aid architectural and structural designers, and builders involved in shaping skyscrapers in North America. © 2024 by the authors.
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    High-Rise Timber Offices: Main Architectural and Structural Design Parameters
    (Mdpi, 2024) Aslantamer, Özlem Nur; Aslantamer, Ozlem Nur; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
    High-rise office structures constructed using timber material (with a minimum of eight stories) signify a burgeoning and favorable sector, mainly owing to their ability to offer substantial environmental and economic advantages across their lifespan. However, it is crucial to recognize that the current corpus of scholarly literature lacks a thorough investigation into vital aspects concerning the architectural and structural planning of these sustainable structures. In an effort to fill this gap and augment the understanding of advancing international tendencies, this paper delved into data originating from 27 high-rise offices on a worldwide scale. The primary findings were: (i) Central core arrangements were the most popular, accounting for 67%, followed by peripheral types at 22%. (ii) Prismatic designs were the most frequently used at 85%, with free forms making up 11%. (iii) Material combinations involving timber and concrete were widely prevalent, making up 70% of composite constructions, which were 74% of the sample group, with pure timber constructions at 26%. (iv) Structural systems predominantly utilized shear walled frame systems, comprising 85% of the total. This article serves as a valuable resource for architectural designers, offering guidance on planning and executing future sustainable developments in the domain of high-rise timber office.
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    Space Efficiency in European High-Rise Timber Buildings
    (Mdpi, 2024) Aslantamer, Özlem Nur; Aslantamer, Ozlem Nur; Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
    As towering wooden edifices (>= 8 stories) become a rapidly expanding and promising field, they provide substantial environmental and economic advantages throughout their entire lifespans, leading to their increasing popularity, especially in the European context. Similar to various other construction forms, spatial efficiency is a vital design criterion in timber buildings to guarantee the viability of a project. Currently, there is no thorough study on spatial efficiency in these towers in Europe, which is home to the majority of the world's timber towers. This paper examined data from 56 cases to improve comprehension of the planning factors affecting space efficiency in these buildings. The main findings showed that the average space efficiency across the analyzed examples was documented at 82%, with deviations spanning from 70% to 90%, the average core area to gross floor area (GFA) ratio was determined to be 11%, ranging from 4% to 21%, and no substantial difference was noted in the impact of core arrangements on space efficiency, and parallel findings were observed for forms and construction materials. This article aspires to provide architectural designers with essential perspectives, assisting and directing them in the conception and realization of upcoming ventures both across Europe and internationally in this domain.