Karakaya, Kasım Murat

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Karakaya, Murat
Karakaya, Kasım Murat
K., Kasim Murat
K.,Kasım Murat
Kasim Murat, Karakaya
K., Karakaya
K.,Kasim Murat
Karakaya, Kasim Murat
Kasım Murat, Karakaya
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 30
  • Article
    (International Journal of Scientific Research in Information Systems and Engineering, 2017) Şengül, Gökhan; Karakaya, Murat; Bostan, Atila; Karakaya, Kasım Murat; Computer Engineering
    Due to increase of vehicle usage all around the world, the importance of safety driving in traffic is increasing. All of the countries around the world are taking actions to increase the safety driving habitats and decrease the number of traffic accidents. One of the applied precautions is to put necessary automatic auditing mechanisms into service for controlling the drivers as they drive since reckless drivers may not obey many traffic rules. In this study, image and video processing based methods are applied to identify the dangerously lane changing vehicles/drivers in the traffic. The proposed method focuses on to detect three different violations in traffic: the vehicles frequently changing traffic lanes, the vehicles changing lanes when it is forbidden, and the vehicles overtaking the other vehicles using the right lanes instead of left one. The proposed method is based on the image and video processing techniques. It first detects the vehicles in video sequences, then tracks the vehicles in the following frames and determines the lane changes of the vehicles. In the vehicle detection phase an image subtraction method is used. In the vehicle tracking phase, Kalman filtering tracking algorithm is used. After determining the lane changes of the vehicles/drivers, a rule based decision system is used to find out the vehicles/drivers improperly changing lanes and those vehicles are marked on the video. The proposed method is tested on the videos captured from real traffic environments and promising results are obtained.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 2
    Image Tag Refinement with Self Organizing Maps
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019) Üstünkök, Tolga; Acar, Ozan Can; Karakaya,M.; Karakaya, Kasım Murat; Software Engineering; Computer Engineering
    Nowadays, data sharing has become faster than ever. This speed demands novel search methods. Most popular way of accessing the data is to search its tag. Therefore, creating tags, captions from an image is a research area that gains reputation rapidly. In this study, we aim to refine image captions by utilizing Self Organizing Maps. We extract image and caption pairs as feature vectors and then cluster those vectors. Vectors with similar content clustered close to each other. With the help of those clusters, we hope to get some relevant tags that do not exist in the original tags. We performed extensive experiments and presented our initial results. According to these results, the proposed model performs reasonably well with a 54% precision score. Finally, we conclude our work by providing a list of future work. © 2019 IEEE.
  • Article
    (International Journal of Scientific Research in Information Systems and Engineering, 2017) Şengül, Gökhan; Şengül, Gökhan; Bostan, Atila; Karakaya, Kasım Murat; Computer Engineering
    In this paper, we propose a model for using smart watches as Internet of Things (IoT). IoT can be defined as a network of physical devices, vehicles, buildings and other items which have electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity so that these “things” can collect and exchange data. In the proposed system, the purpose is to identify daily activities such as walking, sitting, falling, etc., by using the data acquired from the sensors of a smart watch. As smart watches have the necessary hardware and sensors, the implementation such an IoT application would not cost much. Moreover, analyzing the sensor data would yield useful information. Besides it would be a user-friendly system that does not make the elderly uncomfortable. As being a watch, this device can be always on the user. The proposed system is implemented and the results of initial experiments and user experiences are promising.
  • Article
    Yollara Yerleştirilen El Yapımı Patlayıcılara Karşı Kablosuz Algılayıcı Ağların Kullanımı
    (Bilim ve Teknoloji, 2013) Karakaya, Kasım Murat; Computer Engineering
    Günümüzde dünyanın birçok farklı noktasında yaşanan asimetrik savaş ve çatışma koşullarında teröristler tarafından öldürücü bir silaha dönüştürülen El Yapımı Patlayıcılar (EYP) güvenlik kuvvetleri ile sivil halka verdikleri kayıplar nedeniyle küresel çapta giderek büyük bir tehdit oluşturmaktadırlar. Örneğin, yol kenarlarına yerleştirilen EYP 2001-2008 yılları arasında Irak’ta 3000’den, Afganistan’da ise 240’dan fazla Amerikan askerinin ölümüne neden olmuştur [1]. Başka bir deyişle Iraktaki tüm Amerikan kayıplarının %60’ı, Afganistanda ise %50’si EYP saldırıları ile olmuştur. Amerikan ordusu bu tehdite karşı istihbarat ağlarını kullanmak ve direnişçilerin EYP tetiklemek için kullandığı radyo frekans aralıklarını karıştırmak gibi tedbirler geliştirmiştir. Ancak Direnişçiler de bu tedbirlere karşılık vererek uzaktan patlatmada kullanılan teknikleri hızlıca değiştirip çeşitlendirmişlerdir.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    Ontology-supported enterprise architecture analysis
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017) Karakaya, Kasım Murat; Karakaya,M.; Computer Engineering
    Today, processing integrated information within and between enterprises is increasingly becoming more and more critical, and so is the implementation and evaluation of an Enterprise Architecture (EA). The review of literature on EA evaluation shows several issues. However, the evaluation of EAs has not attracted sufficient attention, and thus, this research area has not been explored thoroughly yet. We believe that in order to ensure consistency, interoperability and computational inferences among EAs, a complete and holistic approach, rather than monolithic, should be developed. Therefore, in this study, we propose an ontology-supported process model for the evaluation of EAs, and present the implementation details. The main contributions of the present study are the improvements realized in the expressiveness, extensibility, and computable power of EAs, and their evaluation techniques. Although the proposed model requires gathering empirical evidences and investigating applications in concrete cases, the first implications of the proposed model indicates its validity and feasibility, and, hence, the initial results are promising for continuing future studies. © 2017 IEEE.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 2
    An Undergraduate Curriculum for Deep Learning
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018) Bostan, Atila; Ekin,C.C.; Ekin, Cansu Çiğdem; Karakaya, Kasım Murat; Karakaya,M.; Computer Engineering
    Deep Learning (DL) is an interesting and rapidly developing field of research which has been currently utilized as a part of industry and in many disciplines to address a wide range of problems, from image classification, computer vision, video games, bioinformatics, and handwriting recognition to machine translation. The starting point of this study is the recognition of a big gap between the sector need of specialists in DL technology and the lack of sufficient education provided by the universities. Higher education institutions are the best environment to provide this expertise to the students. However, currently most universities do not provide specifically designed DL courses to their students. Thus, the main objective of this study is to design a novel curriculum including two courses to facilitate teaching and learning of DL topic. The proposed curriculum will enable students to solve real-world problems by applying DL approaches and gain necessary background to adapt their knowledge to more advanced, industry-specific fields. © 2018 IEEE.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 1
    An IoT application for locating victims aftermath of an earthquake
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017) Şengül, Gökhan; Gökçay, Erhan; Gökçay,E.; Karakaya, Kasım Murat; Software Engineering; Computer Engineering
    This paper presents an Internet of Things (IoT) framework which is specially designed for assisting the research and rescue operations targeted to collapsed buildings aftermath of an earthquake. In general, an IoT network is used to collect and process data from different sources called things. According to the collected data, an IoT system can actuate different mechanisms to react the environment. In the problem at hand, we exploit the IoT capabilities to collect the data about the victims before the building collapses and when it falls down the collected data is processed to generate useful reports which will direct the search and rescue efforts. The proposed framework is tested by a pilot implementation with some simplifications. The initial results and experiences are promising. During the pilot implementation, we observed some issues which are addressed in the proposed IoT framework properly. © 2017 IEEE.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 4
    Effect of PSO Tuned P, PD, and PID Controllers on the Stability of a Quadrotor
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019) Üstünkök, Tolga; Karakaya,M.; Karakaya, Kasım Murat; Software Engineering; Computer Engineering
    Many popular quadrotor controllers are based on PID controllers. This study compares the behavior of a quadrotor when its controller is the proportional (P) only, proportional (P) and derivative (D), and all terms of the PID controller which is tuned by a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) implementation. A P, PD, and PID controller integrated quadrotor model is used with realistic parameters while conducting experiments in simulation. Our goal is to find out if it is worth to use PID or some of its terms is enough to get a stable system. According to the preliminary results of the experiments, the statistical difference of results shows that PID is better than both P and PD for the given model. © 2019 IEEE.
  • Master Thesis
    Havada kalış süresi kısıtlı seyir halindeki gemiye konuşlu insansız hava aracının hedef en çoklaması
    (2015) Karakaya, Kasım Murat; Karakaya, Kasım Murat; Computer Engineering
    Bu tez seyir halindeki bir gemi üzerine konuşlu, menzil kısıtlı bir insansız hava aracının (İHA) hedef en çoklaması problemi için bir çözüm yaklaşımı önermektedir. Bu problem, Araç Rotalama Probleminin (ARP) menzil kapasitesi ve depo mobilitesi kısıtlarıyla genişletilmesiyle modellenmekte ve bu özgün genişletme çalışma boyunca Kapasite kısıtlı Mobil Depo ARP (K-MoDARP) olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu problemin doğasının dikte ettiği özgün çözüm gereksinimi probleme özel kısıtlar için uyarlanmış bir genetik algoritma (GA-KMoD) ile karşılanmaktadır. Tezde, çalışmanın amacı, problem tanımı ve önerilen çözümün geliştirme ve uygulaması anlatılmıştır. Ayrıca, önerilen GA-KMoD'un performansı farklı problem kıstasları için yoğun benzetim testleri vasıtasıyla değerlendirilmiştir. GA-KMoD'un ürettiği rotaların kalitesi alternatif yöntemlerle üretilen sonuçlarla karşılaştırılmıştır. Deneysel sonuçlar, önerilen çözüm yönteminin alternatif yöntemlere göre olan üstünlüğünü net bir şekilde ortaya koymaktadır.
  • Master Thesis
    Kontrollü çok konulu metin üretimi için yeni bir derin öğrenme yaklaşımı
    (2022) Karakaya, Kasım Murat; Karakaya, Kasım Murat; Computer Engineering
    One of the most important tasks in the Controllable Text Generation (CTG) domain is to create topic-controlled texts. In this study, we propose and design three different approaches, and conduct extensive experiments on them to observe the performance of the controlled multi-topic reviews generated in Turkish. In the first approach, we generate controlled multi-topic text using a single-layer GPT language model by incorporating several control techniques. To control the language model, we first add topic information to the sequential input, as a second technique we add the automatically extracted keywords for each topic to the sequential input in addition to the first technique. The last technique that we propose is a novel sampling strategy. We propose to use a topic selection classifier that enables the next token selection according to the probability of the selected tokens being on the desired topic. Then, we apply these approaches to a more advanced language model, the multi-layer GPT, and interpret the results. In addition to these experiments, we compare three different deep learning text classification models in order to create a reliable multi-topic review classifier.