Bican, Nezih Burak

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Bican, Nezih Burak
N. B. Bican
B.,Nezih Burak
Bıcan N.
N., Bican
Nezih Burak Bican
Bican,Nezih Burak
B., Nezih Burak
Nezih Burak, Bican
Bİcan N.
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Master Thesis
    Çağdaş gerçeklik teknolojilerinin mimari anlatım ve tasarımla etkileşimi üzerine bir değerlendirme
    (2023) Bican, Nezih Burak; Bican, Nezih Burak; Architecture
    Teknoloji, insanın doğayla ilişkisini düzenleyen, farklı alanlardaki sorunları daha kısa ve verimli bir biçimde çözmesini sağlayan araç ve yöntemlerin bilgisini kapsar. Mimarlık alanı, çağlar boyunca kendi pratik ihtiyaçlarını çözümlemek üzere gelişmekte olan teknolojilerden yararlanmıştır. Parşömen, kâğıt gibi somut nesneler üzerine iki ve üç boyutlu el çizimleri ile başlayan bu ilişki, perspektif, fotoğraf, kolaj tekniklerinin gelişmesiyle artmış; geçen yüzyılın son çeyreğinde Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarım (CAD), sunum ve üretim yöntemlerinin gelişmesiyle karmaşık ama çok daha verimli bir seviyeye çıkmıştır. Yirmi birinci yüzyılda gelişen yeni 'gerçeklik' teknolojileri (AR, VR, MR, XR, vb.) sanal evrenlerin gelişmesine önayak olarak dünyada yeni iletişim ve ticaret ortamlarının ortaya çıkmasını sağlamış; mimarlık alanında da dönüştürücü etkiler yaratmıştır. Bu teknolojiler gerek mimarlık pratiğindeki gerekse mimarlık eğitimindeki araçları dönüştürürken mimarların tasarım ve iletişim yaklaşımlarında değişiklikleri de beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu çalışma kapsamında, çağdaş gerçeklik teknolojileri ile mimarlık alanının ilişkisini anlamak üzere bir literatür taraması yapılmış, elde edilen veriler tarihi gelişim içerisinde düzenlenmiş; gerçeklik teknolojilerinin halen sürmekte olan dönüşümü nedeniyle internet tabanlı güncel web siteleri ve sosyal medya kaynaklarındaki bilgiler toplanmış; bu teknolojileri kullanan ve bu konuda araştırma yapan mimar ve akademisyenlerle yapılan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler yoluyla teknolojinin dünü, bugünü ve geleceği üzerine güncel düşünceler bir araya getirilmiş; MAXQDA programı ile gruplandırılarak analitik bir çerçeve elde edilmiştir. Konunun mimari pratik ve eğitim yönleriyle ele alınması, mimarlık alanının bu teknolojilerle olan güncel ve gelecek ilişkilerine dair yerel açılımların yer aldığı bir tartışmanın altlığını oluşturmuş; eleştirel bir değerlendirme ile bu teknolojilerin bir sonraki basamağında neler olacağı ön görülmeye çalışılmıştır.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Spatial design in recent housing developments in Copenhagen: a perspective of social mix and mixing
    (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2023) Bican, Nezih Burak; Architecture
    PurposeThis study attempts to reveal the contemporary tools of spatial design - policy, planning, urban design and architecture - for social mix (SMX) and social mixing (SMXG) by focusing on the recent undertakings in Denmark, the case in point being Copenhagen.Design/methodology/approachThe study applies a combined research methodology consisting of qualitative strategies. By making use of regulatory document reviews and interviews with key respondents, the study puts together the tools for SMX which are, otherwise, disorganised. Dwelling on reviews of municipal local plans, site visits and semi-structured interviews with municipal agents in charge, it provides a comparative urban morphology analysis of three recently developed neighbourhoods on the basis of SMX and SMXG.FindingsThis study presents the untitled "toolbox" of Danish authorities to regulate the SMX policies and spatial efforts within a variety of planning/design scales to facilitate SMXG among the inhabitants of the neighbourhoods. The examination of successive cases manifests that SMX strategies have been integrated with those of SMXG, with a gradual upwards inclination, since mixing different tenures, types, sizes and prices have not been successful in guaranteeing social interaction. In doing so, the "in-between" zones have become the primary realm of control with an observable differentiation in the studied cases.Originality/valueStudies are scant concerning the spatial design efforts regarding social mix and mixing. The present work contributes to filling this gap by examining a cutting-edge practice in a mature milieu and describing it in a thorough and comparative manner.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    Comparative analysis of three innovative housing models in Copenhagen for social mix
    (Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, Faculty of Architecture, 2020) Bican, Nezih Burak; Architecture
    Copenhagen has been attracting residents both from abroad and other regions of Denmark, embracing a comprehensive development plan following an economic boom since the 1990s. Local decision-makers have been striving to transform the housing stock of the city in line with the evolving demographics of the city and consequent new demands of the urban society. At the same time, people are seeking cheaper and flexible alternatives of living; thus, social housing (almen bolig) emerges as an affordable option with reasonable qualities for Copenhagen residents. This study uses a comparative analysis to evaluate spatial approaches of three innovative social housing models developed by partnerships of some non-profit housing associations with Copenhagen municipality in 2015. Each model has a distinct motto; Generationernes Byhus (GBYH) builds up neighbourhood across generations; Boliger for Alle (BOFA) provides opportunity of transition across ownership types; and Almene Storbyboliger (ASBB) creates flexible/plastic system addressing demographical structure under change. Methodologically, the research is based on interviews with key stakeholders and in-depth analysis of visual and written documents. It provides a comparative analysis of the models, concentrating particularly on dwelling design approaches which address social mix and diversity. The paper concludes that although the social housing market is strictly controlled for socio-economic reasons, it still has the potential to support the evolution of the urban demography of Danish society thanks to embracement of innovative perspectives both by governmental authorities and forerunning housing associations. © 2020, Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, Faculty of Architecture. All rights reserved.
  • Book Part
    Citation Count: 0
    Architectural Competitions in a Maturing Milieu: Mapping the Agency of Actors
    (Springer, 2023) Bican, Nezih Burak; Guneri,G.; Architecture
    The last three decades, overwhelmed with capitalist competitive urbanisms, have witnessed a renewal of interest in the relationship between urban form and “the right to just cities,” mainly upon discussions over diversity and participation. The same period also witnessed the triumph of architectural competitions both as effectual tools of agonism and as potential means of cultivating participatory cultures in the production of urban space. Recent discussions, hereof, suggest that competitions’ agonistic vocations counteracted the pluralist. To solidify this critical rhetoric, withal, there is insufficient research on power dynamics, structures, and implications of competitions. Herein, this study, in its broadest sense, investigates the potency of architectural competitions in allocating spatial, social, political, and economic resources and capacities. The work critically and creatively maps the dynamics and structures of competitions and further testifies (potential) agencies of multifarious actors among these, specifically delving into the emergent local governance structures of two cities from a developing country: Istanbul and Ankara. With divergent spatial development histories and trajectories, the two become complementary cases, novel local governance models of which fundamentally operationalize architectural competitions as means of commoning and register a radical paradigm shift. From a critical and comparative framework, the research reviews literature and relevant data and relies on semi-structured interviews with local government officials, city councilors, competition organizers, jurors, and critics. The findings highlight repressive processual components and potential means and methods of cultivating public agency and a solid and longstanding tradition of public participation in urban space production via architectural competitions. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    (Middle East Technical Univ, 2020) Bican, Nezih Burak; Architecture
    Housing settlements have been regenerated in recent decades across the world, particularly those built in Europe for social purposes in the post-war period. As unique sets of problems accumulate in each case, interventions tend to address individual issues of different scales and localities. This study aims to contribute to housing research with a focus on the regenerative spatial interventions of urban design and architecture and their tangible reflection on sustainability. The research work, including related documentation reviews and interviews with critical stakeholders, examines in detail a regeneration case of social housing estate in Copenhagen - Gyldenrisparken - regarded as an international best practice. The estate was a settlement built in the 1960s, legally listed as 'ghetto' in the 2000s, and regenerated between 2004 and 2015 through an unprecedentedly collaborative project in Denmark. Exploring the regeneration of social housing through the concepts of liveability, place making, and sustainability, this study introduces a methodological tool which solidifies in form of a three-dimensional matrix accompanied by perspective illustrations in three scales. By this means, it registers and classifies each individual spatial intervention, discovers the relations among them and their intended goals, and builds up a new basis of knowledge for later regenerations. The tool developed bridges the theory of sustainability with the practice of regenerative design, while providing a basis of systematization and comparison for other cases aiming future implementations and decision-makers of different scales.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 4
    Public mass housing practices in Turkey: the urgent need for research-based spatial decision-making
    (Springer, 2020) Bican, Nezih Burak; Architecture
    In Turkey, the Housing Development Administration (HDA/Toplu Konut Idaresi-TOKI) became a major public actor in the housing market in the 2000s by undertaking nearly ten per cent of the annual national housing production. Going forward, HDA plans to further increase its rate of housing in the coming years with an even wider scale of urban transformation across the country in line with central policies. To date, the implementation strategy for public mass-housing has had an overall prescription, mainly based on the quickest and cheapest means of mass production. However, shortcuts taken to reduce the costs have so far bypassed critical architectural and planning priorities, resulting in friction among different actors and further socio-economic problems. This study reviews the background of public mass housing and urban transformation attempts in Turkey, concentrating on research and implementation experience of HDA in the 1990s and 2000s with a historical perspective. Taking a closer look at the basic spatial decision-making (SDM) mechanism behind its social housing provision and briefly discussing the controversies of urban transformations it participated in, the study addresses the common shortfalls of the current public housing practice in the light of the existing research and experience in the country. The study calls for the re-establishment of a comprehensive research basis independent from bureaucratic actors to ground the practice on and help sustain the built environment.