Berberoğlu, Hatice Merve Demirci

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Name Variants
H., Berberoglu
Hatice Merve Demirci, Berberoğlu
H. M. D. Berberoglu
Berberoğlu, Hatice Merve Demirci
H. M. D. Berberoğlu
B.,Hatice Merve Demirci
B., Hatice Merve Demirci
Berberoglu, Hatice Merve Demirci
Hatice Merve Demirci, Berberoglu
Demirci, Hatice Merve
Demirci, H. Merve
Job Title
Öğretim Görevlisi
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Scholarly Output




Citation Count


Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 1
    User Experience over Time with Personal Assistants of Mobile Banking Application in Turkey
    (Springer international Publishing Ag, 2020) Berberoğlu, Hatice Merve Demirci; Berberoglu, Mehmet; Industrial Design
    Being able to chat with artificial intelligence-based applications has been changing user interaction and has opened doors for a various number of new user experiences. The new apps that emerged lately with new technologies now launched in mobile banking applications as the form of personal assistants. This paper aims to research what features of the assistants affect the overall user experience. At the end of the study, a possible design guideline for designing these assistants in Turkey discussed, since most of the existing guidelines are for personal assistants for everyday life. Twelve users of Maxi, one of the most used personal mobile banking assistant, participated in the research and evaluated their experience after 15 days of usage. The research showed that their impression was positive during the first interview but during the second interview, there was a decline for all values of the impressions of user experience. In the end, the results showed that the original application of the bank was more preferable than the personal assistant.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    Online Shopping Web Sites' Perceived Usability: A Case Study with Turkish Shopping Related Web Sites
    (Springer international Publishing Ag, 2021) Berberoğlu, Hatice Merve Demirci; Industrial Design
    Using an online shopping website could be considered preferable to shopping from a crowded shop where one may interact with other people. The underlying reasons for this preference related to the psychology of the people; whether they are introverted or shy, or while online shopping, people may feel freer than being in a physical shop with lots of people, which may lead them to feel irritated [1]. On the other hand, the reason may relate to the websites' design and usability to make them a better option. This study aims to analyze the shopping sites' interface designs' perceived usability on users in Turkey and the relation of the websites' measured usability with the help of CogTool to make a comprehension between the findings. To reach this aim, first of all, a survey had conducted through an e-mail to choose the most preferred online shopping sites with 25 women. Afterward, one task had been decided; buying the same shoe for participants to complete to measure decided websites' usability. The usability test had been done with CogTool to the chosen websites, and a user test had been done with the ten female users out of 25 as a continuation of the first phase of the study. The study's findings show the underlying reasons for the preferences and the overlapping values between usability and user tests.