Erhan, İnci

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İnci, Erhan
E., Inci
Erhan, Inci
Inci, Erhan
I., Erhan
Erhan, İnci
Erhan, Inci M.
Erhan, I. M.
Ercan, I
Erhan, İnci M.
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 48
  • Article
    Citation Count: 23
    Meir-Keeler Type Contractions on Modular Metric Spaces
    (Univ Nis, Fac Sci Math, 2018) Aksoy, Ümit; Karapinar, Erdal; Erhan, İnci; Karapınar, Erdal; Mathematics
    In this paper we introduce contraction mappings of Meir-Keeler types on modular metric spaces and investigate the existence and uniqueness of their fixed points. We give an example which demonstrates our theoretical results.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    Voltage-current characteristics of Bi-2223 superconducting tape near Tc under γ irradiation
    (Wiley-v C H verlag Gmbh, 2004) Kayed, Tarek Said; Erhan, İnci; Mathematics; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
    Voltage-current characteristics at four different applied magnetic fields (7, 20, 30, and 40 mT) of Bi2Sr2Ca2CU3Ox superconducting tape were measured in the temperature range from 100 to 115 K. They were also measured at zero magnetic field before and after gamma irradiations up to 10 MRad at different temperatures just below the critical temperature. The data were fitted to a power law expression V = I (beta(T)) in which the exponential parameter P under 20 mT field and after irradiation is found to fluctuate around three and then drops to unity near the critical temperature which may be interpreted as a sign of Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. The electrical properties of the tape were found to be very sensitive to gamma irradiation where most of the changes take place in low gamma doses.
  • Article
    Boyamak ne kadar zor olabilir?
    (Bilim ve Teknoloji, 2013) Erhan, İnci; Erhan, İnci; Onur, Cansu Betin; Mathematics
    Botaniğe ve dağcılığa meraklı olan 21 yaşındaki İngiliz genç Francis Guthrie (1831- 1899) bir gün elindeki İngiltere haritasını boyarken bir şey fark etti. Görünüşe göre bütün haritayı, birbirine komşu* bölgeler farklı renklerden olacak şekilde, boyamak için dört renk yeterli idi. Bunu ispatlayabilir miydi? Francis matematik eğitimi gördüğü Londra Üniversitesinden iki yıl önce mezun olmuş, ardından da hukuk eğitimi almıştı. Bu çıkarımını, kendisi gibi matematik eğitimi gören küçük kardeşi Frederick aracılığı ile, öğrencisi olduğu dönemin ünlü matematikçilerinden Augustus De Morgan’a iletti (23 Ekim 1852). Dört Renk Problemi De Morgan’ı çok etkilemiş ve heyecanlandırmıştı. Öyle ki aynı gün meslektaşı Sir William Rowan Hamilton’a bir mektup yazarak problemi anlattı.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 4
    (Element D.O.O., 2019) Erhan, İnci; Erhan,I.M.; Mathematics
    In this paper we introduce a series solution method for Cauchy problems associated with Caputo fractional delta derivatives on time scales with delta differentiable graininess function. We also apply the method to Cauchy problems associated with dynamic equations and present some illustrative examples. © The Author(s) 2019.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 44
    Cyclic contractions and fixed point theorems
    (Univ Nis, Fac Sci Math, 2012) Erhan, İnci; Erhan, Inci M.; Karapınar, Erdal; Mathematics
    In this manuscript, the existence and uniqueness of fixed points of a class of cyclic operators defined on a closed subset of a Banach space is discussed. Fixed point theorems for some contractions from this class are introduced and illustrative examples are given.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 13
    Coupled fixed point theorems on partially ordered G-metric spaces
    (Springer int Publ Ag, 2012) Erhan, İnci; Kumam, Poom; Karapınar, Erdal; Mathematics
    The purpose of this paper is to extend some recent coupled fixed point theorems in the context of partially ordered G-metric spaces in a virtually different and more natural way.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Fixed points of α -admissible mappings on partial metric spaces
    (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2014) Erhan, İnci; Mathematics
    In this paper, a general class of α-admissible contractions on partial metric spaces is introduced. Fixed point theorems for these contractions on partial metric spaces and their consequences are stated and proved. Illustrative example is presented. © 2014 Inci M. Erhan.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 154
    On the solution of a boundary value problem associated with a fractional differential equation
    (Wiley, 2020) Sevinik Adıgüzel, Rezan; Aksoy, Ümit; Karapinar, Erdal; Erhan, İnci; Karapınar, Erdal; Mathematics
    The problem of the existence and uniqueness of solutions of boundary value problems (BVPs) for a nonlinear fractional differential equation of order 2
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    The Taylor series method of order p and Adams-Bashforth method on time scales
    (Wiley, 2023) Erhan, İnci; Erhan, Inci M.; Mathematics
    A recent study on the Taylor series method of second order and the trapezoidal rule for dynamic equations on time scales has been continued by introducing a derivation of the Taylor series method of arbitrary order p$$ p $$ on time scales. The error and convergence analysis of the method is also obtained. The 2-step Adams-Bashforth method for dynamic equations on time scales is concluded and applied to examples of initial value problems for nonlinear dynamic equations. Numerical results are presented and discussed.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 11
    Cyclic Contractions on G-Metric Spaces
    (Hindawi Ltd, 2012) Erhan, İnci; Yildiz-Ulus, A.; Karapınar, Erdal; Mathematics
    Conditions for existence and uniqueness of fixed points of two types of cyclic contractions defined on G-metric spaces are established and some illustrative examples are given. In addition, cyclic maps satisfying integral type contractive conditions are presented as applications.