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Article ÖĞRETİMDE BİLGİSAYAR KULLANIMINA İLİŞKİN ÖĞRETMEN GÖRÜŞLERİ(2001) Çağıltay, Kürşat; Çakıroğlu, Jale; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Çakıroğlu, ErdinçBu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye'deki ögretmenlerin bilgisayarları nasıl kullandıklarını ve ögretirnde bilgisayar kullanımını nasıl algıladıklarını onaya koymaktır. Araştırma için veriler, çeşitli konularda 95 soru içeren bir anket aracılIgı ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmaya Türkiye'nin üç şehrinden rasgele seçilen 27 okulda çalışan 202 ögretmen katılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre ögretmenlerin büyük çogunlugu bilgisayarların ögrenme ve ögretim sürecini olumlu etkileyecegini belinirken çok azı bu konuda kaygı taşımaktadır.Article BİR ELEKTRONİK KÜTÜPHANE PROJESİNE BAŞLARKEN(2001) Çağıltay, Nergiz; Software EngineeringBu çalışmanın temel amacı, İndiana Üniversitesi elektronik (sayılsal) kütüphane programında halen yürütülmekta olan çalışmalrı incelemektir. Ayrıca, sunulan bilgiler ışığında bu kapsamda ne tür projeler gerçekleştirildiğini irdeleyerek bir elektronik kütüphane projesine nasıl başlanılması gerektiği ve proje aşamalarında nelere dikkat edilmesi gerektiği gibi konularda bir değerlendirme yapmaktır. Bu çalışmanın, ülkemizde bu konuda yapılmakta olan ve yapılması planlanan benzeri projelere ışık tutması amaçlanmıştır.Article SAYISAL KÜTÜPHANELERİN TASARIMINDA SAYISAL NESNELER EĞİTİMİ NASIL DESTEKLENEBİLİR?(2002) Çağıltay, Nergiz; Çağıltay, Kürşat; Software Engineering"Tekrar kullanılabilen öğrenme nesenleri" çevrimiçi eğitim dünyasında nesne tabanlı yaklaşımların kullanılması açısından önemli bir gelişmedir. Aynı şekilde, sayısal kütüphane çalışmaları da "sayısal nesenler" olarak adlandırılan nesne tabanlı yaklaşımlardan etkilenmektedir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı tekrar kullanılabilen öğrenme nesneleri çerçevesinde her iki alandaki gelişmelrin kesiştiği noktayı incelemek ve bu gelişmeler ışığında sayısal kütüphanelerin çevrimiçi eğitim açısından önemini irdelemektir.Article Romberg Integration: A Symbolic Approach with Mathematica(2003) Yazıcı, Ali; Ergenç, Tanıl; Altaş, İrfan; Mathematics; Software EngineeringHigher order approximations of an integral can be obtained from lower order ones in a systematic way. For 1-D integrals Romberg Integration is an example which is based upon the composite trapezoidal rule and the well-known Euler-Maclaurin expansion of the error. In this work, Mathematica is utilized to illustrate the method and the under lying theory in a symbolic fashion. This approach seems plausible for discussing integration in a numerical computing laboratory environment.Article İnsan Kafasındaki Dokuların Öziletkenliklerinin in vivo E/MEG Verileri ile Kestirilmesi ve Üç Değişik Kestirim Algoritma Sonuçlarının Karşılaştırılması(Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, 2004) Şengül, Gökhan; Baysal, Uğur; Haueısen, Jens; Computer EngineeringDoku öziletkenliklerinin bilinmesi, insan vücudunun güvenilir hacim iletken modellerinin oluşturulmasında ve ileri/ters biyoelektrik alan problemlerinin çözümünde gereklidir. Bu çalışmada, insan kafasindaki dokulann öziletkenliklerinin EEG ve MEG verileri kullanılarak in vivo kestirimi ipin üç farklı kestirim algoritmasi kullanılarak elde edilen sonuçlar karşılaştırılmıştır. Uygulanan bu algoritmalar; En Küçük Hatalar Karesi (E.K.H.K) kestirim algoritmasi, Bayesian MAP kestirim algoritmasi ve istatistiksel Kısıtlı Minimum Ortalama Hatalar Karesi (1.K.M.O.H.K) algoritmasıdır. Algoritmalar, geometrik yapı, ön bilgisi ile doku öziletkenlikleri ile doğrusallaştırma ve enstrümantasyon gürültüsünün istatistiksel ön bilgilerini girdi olarak kullanır. E/MEG verileri, medyan sinirin uyarıkdığı kaynak konumlandırma deneyinden sırasıyla 32 kanallı EEG ve 31 kanallı magnetometre ile somatosensory korteks üzerinden ölçülmüştür. Kafanın anatomik geometri bilgisi 256 adet TI ağırlıklı MRI görüntüden elde edilmiş ve kafa derisi, kafatası ve beyin olarak homojen üç bölgeye bölütlendirilmiştir. Sözkonusu algoritmalar kullanılarak kafa derisi, kafatası ve beyin öziletkenlikleri ve hata oranları üç farklı algoritma ile kestirilmiştir. Hata oranları E.K.H.K için %90, Bayesian Map kestirim algoriması için % 20.5 ve İ.K.M.O.H.K algoritması için %12.5 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Sonuçta İ.K.M.O.H.K algoritmasının diğer algoritmalara kıyasla daha düşük hata oranları verdiği gösterilmiştir.Article Students’ Preferences on Web-Based Instruction: linear or non-linear(2006) Çağıltay, Nergiz; Yıldırım, Soner; Software EngineeringThis paper reports the findings of a study conducted on a foreign language course at a large mid-west university in the USA. In the study a web-based tool which supports both linear and non-linear learning environments was designed and developed for this course. The aim of this study was to find out students’ preferences pertaining to the learning environment and to address the factors affecting their preferences. The results of this study showed that the individual characteristics of the students affected their preferences on the learning path (linear or non-linear).Article How Content Management Problem of a Remote Laboratory System can be handled by integrating an open source learning management system? Problems and solutions(IEEE, 2007) Çağıltay, Nergiz; Özdoğru, Burcu; Software EngineeringThis paper represents the design and implementation of the integration process of an open source learning management system (LMS) to the remote laboratory platform. The reason of using a learning management system is to prevent the problems which can be seen in the learner side of the remote laboratory systems. However, since using a learning management system such as Moodle can handle the learner problems, since it is a separate system, there are still other problems to be handled such as integrating it with the other parts of remote laboratory systems. This study explores the background information of LMS, the problems faced while integrating Moodle to remote laboratory applications, the chosen content management systems’ architecture, our architecture for integrating Moodle with the remote laboratory system and the solutions we propose for the problems.Article Effects of anisotropy in a physical torso phantom on source reconstructions from a current dipole(Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging of the Brain and Heart and the International Conference on Functional Biomedical Imaging, 2007) Lıehr, Mario; Şengül, Gökhan; Baysal, Uğur; Haueısen, Jens; Computer EngineeringIn this study, we investigated experimentally the influence of anisotropic compartments on source reconstruction using phantom measurements with an artificial current dipole as signal source. The anisotropic compartment was built from single skeins with a nine times higher conductivity than the surrounding solution. We placed the dipole at the lower borders of the anisotropic bulk and measured the magnetic field and the electric potential for each dipole location. The current dipole was rotated in relation to the anisotropic skeins and potentials and fields were recorded for different angles between anisotropic skeins and current dipole. We found that the estimated dipole orientations are strongly influenced by the anisotropy, while the reconstructed position of the dipole is not significantly influenced. We conclude that for bioelectric and biomagnetic source reconstruction, it is necessary to take into account anisotropic structures in the volume conductor if dipole orientations are of interest.Article HOW ASSESSMENT SYSTEM OF AN OPEN SOURCE LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CAN BE INTEGRATED TO A REMOTE LABORATORY APPLICATION? PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS(IEEE, 2007) Aydın, Cansu Çiğdem; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Software EngineeringMost of the education programs need an assessment system for formative and summative evaluation purposes. Similarly, in the ERRL* project which is a distance remote radio frequency laboratory application, assessment system is required. However, developing an assessment system cost is very high and requires some extra time for testing and development purposes. Open source systems provide these services in a standard way. Since the source is open, it is possible to make some modifications to better adapt these systems to the requirements of developed systems. Similarly, in the Moodle part of the system we need to integrate the test and the experiment platforms. In order to better guide the learners in the system, they should take some tests about the devices and the theoretical content included in the system. It is important to prevent users who do not have the enough knowledge directed to the experiments platform. These testing requirements should be integrated into the remote laboratory system, so that, the learners should not need to jump between different systems and interfaces. This article presents implementation process of open source Learning Management System software’s assessment module to a remote laboratory application and it also discusses the advantages, disadvantages of using an open source Web based assessment system.Article Norm estimates of a class of Calderon–Zygmund type strongly singular integral operators(Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 2007) Aksoy, Ümit; Çelebi, Okay; MathematicsIn this article, we prove the Lp boundedness of a class of Calderon–Zygmund type strongly singular operators. In particular, we give an estimate for the L2 norm of these operators in the unit disc of the complex plane.Article Symplectic and multi-symplectic methods for coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations with periodic solutions(Computer Physics Communications, 2007) Aydın, Ayhan; Karasözen, Bülent; MathematicsWe consider for the integration of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations with periodic plane wave solutions a splitting method from the class of symplectic integrators and the multi-symplectic six-point scheme which is equivalent to the Preissman scheme. The numerical experiments show that both methods preserve very well the mass, energy and momentum in long-time evolution. The local errors in the energy are computed according to the discretizations in time and space for both methods. Due to its local nature, the multi-symplectic six-point scheme preserves the local invariants more accurately than the symplectic splitting method, but the global errors for conservation laws are almost the same.Article DEVELOPING A DATA WAREHOUSE FOR DISTANCE REMOTE LABORATORY(IEEE, 2007) Türkmen, Güzin; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Computer Engineering; Software EngineeringData warehouse is an important contemporary issue for many organizations and is relatively a new field in the realm of information technology. As data warehousing, e learning is also a new field. Little research has been done regarding the special considerations and characteristics of academic data and the complexity of analyzing such data. Educational institutions measure success very differently from business-oriented organizations and the analyses that are meaningful in such environments cause unique problems in data warehousing. Especially for the educational purposes, data warehouses offer several benefits. This paper discusses the use of Data Warehouse and Decision Support resources to aid in the assessment of Distance Remote Laboratory Environment.Article UNCONVENTIONAL NATURAL GAS FROM ABANDONED COAL MINES: MODELLING AND PERFORMANCE PREDICTION AT THE FRANKENHOLZ-ST. BARBARA MINING COMPLEX(The International Journal of Mineral Resources Engineering, 2007) Durucan, Şevket; Shı, Ji-quan; Korre, AnnaThis paper describes a joint research project carried out by Imperial College and Deutsche Steinkohle Aktiengesellschaft (DSK), in which the Imperial College in house gas-water two-phase Coalbed Methane (CBM) simulator was further developed to model abandoned mine methane recovery in the Saar Coalfield. Historical data on mining and methane emissions, as well as the long-term methane production data monitored at the Hangard shaft was used to validate the model developed. A satisfactory match tothe historical and currrent field data was achieved. Predictionsfor future production opportunities were made for the Allenfeld shaft in conjunction with production from the Hangard shaft which has been in production since 1960.Article A COMPANY-PERSPECTIVE COST ANALYSIS OF THE PERSONAL DUST MONITOR (PDM)(The International Journal of Mineral Resources Engineering, 2007) Reed, W.r.; Volkweın, J.c.; Joy, G.j.The personal dust monitor (PDM) is a new coal mine respirable dust sampling instrument that has the ability to provide accurate end-of-shift and real-time respirable dust exposure data. A hypothetical cost comparison analysis of the PDM with the current MSHA-required coal mine dust personal sampling unit (CMDPSU) was conducted. Some simplifying assumptions were made to create hypothetical cases for analysis. This analysis was limited to respirable dust sampling of the one designated operator (DO) and one designated area (DA) for one mechanized mining unit (MMU) which operated one shift per day. Only sampling intervals of the minimum sampling as required by federal regulations and continuous sampling were analyzed. This cost analysis from the company perspective is only one part of an overall cost/benefit analysis that should be conducted at a later date. In this analysis, company-associated costs were examined for both sampling systems. Results show that the PDM, while it has high initial costs of approximately $ 12,600, may be a cost-effective sampling system for measuring coal mine respirable dust. The estimated present worth cost of conducting the minimum requried dust sampling over a five-year life ranges from $5,850 to $19,000 for the CMDPSU, with the higher present worth cost including costs of potential violations incurred. For the PDM, the comparable present worth cost is $14,900 to $19,300, with the lower present worth cost representing a lower capital cost of $8,150 per unit if more than 850 units are produced per year, while the higher present worth cost reflects the results with the higher $12,600 capital cost.Article QUALITY COST ASSESSMENT IN MINE TUNNELLING WITH DRILLING AND BLASTING(The International Journal of Mineral Resources Engineering, 2007) Kenzap, Serguei A.; Kazakıdıs, Vassilios N.A decision making process for equipment selection in mine lateral development is presented. This addressess the need of mine development projects to increase actual lateral development rates for single headings using drilling and blasting techniques. The approach described in this papaer focuses on quality issues in a lateral development cycle by linking them to the "time value of money" concept. Th total poor quality cost estimation in lateral development is presented in case study #1, where typical lateral development practice at Falconbridge Ltd (now Xstrata Nickel) in the Sudbury basin was analyzed. A conceptual example, presented in case study#2, showa the practical application of the proposed approach and emphasizes the benefits of discrete event simulation in conjunction with process quality quantification in mine lateral development.Article Using Learning Style Theory in Remote Laboratory Applications(IEEE, 2007) Tokdemir, Gül; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Computer Engineering; Software EngineeringStudies have shown that, while learning different concepts, people sometimes use different approaches. These different approaches define individual learning styles. Understanding learning style differences is thus an important step in improving performance of the individuals and educational institutions. In this study, a learning style assessment tool was used to examine the relationship between students’ learning styles and their performance in engineering education programs of Atilim University. 329 students (55 female) participated in this study. At their first year in the program, students’ learning styles are measured by a learning style assessment tool developed by David Kolb. The results show that, at the Atilim University’s engineering education program, most of the students are having assimilator type of learning style (45%). Convergers (27%) and divergers (22%) follow the assimilators. The number of accommodators is very limited (5%). This information can be used to create adaptive teaching environments in distance education courses.Article How to Teach Usage of Equipments in a Remote Laboratory(IEEE, 2007) Alparslan, Nimet Ceren; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Özen, Mustafa; Aydın, Elif; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering; Software EngineeringEuropean Remote Radio Laboratory (ERRL) is an e learning project for students, teachers and technicians of the universities who will use the very important devices of this laboratory remotely. These devices are very expensive to buy and can be broken easily while they have been using by the people who does not really know how to use them professionally. As a solution we have developed an e-learning system which aims to support the ERRL learners while studying on how to use equipments in the system. The system is developed according to the electronic performance support systems (EPSS) approach. An EPSS is a computer-based, well structured system which improves the performance of individuals. It is an electronic infrastructure that contains, stores and distributes personal (individual) or corporate knowledge to enable people to reach necessary levels of performance in the fastest possible time and with minimum teaching support of other people. This paper discusses how the content for such a system is developed and how this content is interactively used in the EPSS platform. The technical details of the developed EPSS are also discussed in this study. We believe that this paper will help instructional system designers for designing different alternatives to improve learners’ performance.Article HOW ASSESSMENT SYSTEM OF AN OPEN SOURCE LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CAN BE INTEGRATED TO A REMOTE LABORATORY APPLICATION? PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS(The 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal,Indoor and Mobile Radio Communication (PIMRC’07), 2007) Aydın, Cansu Çiğdem; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Software EngineeringMost of the education programs need an assessment system for formative and summative evaluation purposes. Similarly, in the ERRL* project which is a distance remote radio frequency laboratory application, assessment system is required. However, developing an assessment system cost is very high and requires some extra time for testing and development purposes. Open source systems provide these services in a standard way. Since the source is open, it is possible to make some modifications to better adapt these systems to the requirements of developed systems. Similarly, in the Moodle part of the system we need to integrate the test and the experiment platforms. In order to better guide the learners in the system, they should take some tests about the devices and the theoretical content included in the system. It is important to prevent users who do not have the enough knowledge directed to the experiments platform. These testing requirements should be integrated into the remote laboratory system, so that, the learners should not need to jump between different systems and interfaces. This article presents implementation process of open source Learning Management System software’s assessment module to a remote laboratory application and it also discusses the advantages, disadvantages of using an open source Web based assessment system.Article A REMOTE LABORATORY FOR TRAINING IN RADIO COMMUNICATIONS: ERRL(IEEE, 2007) Kara, Ali; Aydın, Elif; Öktem, Ruşen; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering; Software EngineeringThis paper presents, first, a short survey of remote laboratory initiatives in electrical and computer engineering, and then discusses design and development phases of remote laboratory environment on radio communications, the ERRL (European Remote Radio Laboratory). As being the first attempt in establishing of such a large scale remote laboratory on radio communications, ERRL enables access to high technology RF equipments and setups through the Internet. The software structure, target groups and experimental set ups of ERRL are shortly discussed. First attempts on implementation of pilot experiments are discussed.Article INVESTIGATIONS INTO IMGI DUMP-SITE HYDROLOGY, SUB-SURFACE WATER AMD AND SOIL/MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION TO ASSESS BASELINE DATA AND THE POLLUTION POTENTIAL TO SOO-YOUNG RIVER(The International Journal of Mineral Resources Engineering, 2008) Bhattacharya, Jayanta; Yım, Gil Jae; Jı, Sang Woo; Lee, Hyeon Seok; Mın, Jeong Sık; Cheong, Young WookDump site leachates, augmented by surface oxidation and solubilization of cations and anions, and are causing widespread distribution of potential pollutants to the Imgi stream. This study examines the surface physical, geochemical and hydrological characteristics to assess the release of various metals and sulfate. The study also examines the surface water transport of selected ions in the stream to assess non-reactive and sedimentation prospects of different ions. Further, The local soil characterization vis-a-vis unaltered soil was also made to determine the pyhsical degradation.