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Master Thesis 4d fmri'ye dayalı alzheimer hastalığı tespiti içın 3d-capsnet ve rnn kullanımı(2023) Ismaıl, Alı Mohamed Kotb Mohamed Ismaıl Alı Mohamed Kotb Mohamed; Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe Menekşe; Information Systems EngineeringAD ilerlemesinin erken tahmin edilmesi, bilişsel gerilemeyi daha etkili bir şekilde yavaşlatmaya yardımcı olabilir. Dinlenme durumu fonksiyonel manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (rs-fMRI) kullanılarak otomatik AD teşhisi için evrişimli sinir ağlarına (CNN'ler) dayalı farklı yöntemlerin uygulanmasına yönelik birkaç çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmalarda tanıtılan yöntemler 2 büyük zorlukla karşılaşmaktadır. Bu zorluklardan ilki, overfitting ile sonuçlanan küçük boyutlu fMRI veri kümeleridir. İkincisi ise, fMRI verilerinin 4D bilgilerinin verimli bir şekilde modellenmesinin gerekmekte olduğudur. Bazı araştırmalar, 4D bilgilerini modellemek için fMRI verilerinden oluşturulan fonksiyonel bağlantı (FC) matrislerine derin öğrenme yöntemleri uygulamaktadır. Diğerleri ise değerli bilgi kaybına neden olan ayrı 2D dilimler veya 3D hacimler olarak fMRI verilerine uygulamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, AD teşhisi için fMRI verilerinin uzay-zamansal (4D) bilgilerini modellemek için CapsNet-RNN tanıtılmaktadır. Modelde, bir fMRI zaman serisinin hacimlerinden uzamsal özellikleri çıkarmak için, özellikle küçük boyutlu veri kümelerinde overfitting sorununu hafifletmek için geleneksel CNN'lerin bir modifikasyonu olan Kapsül Ağı (CapsNet) kullanılmaktadır. Uzamsal özellikler daha sonra zaman serisi boyunca zamansal ilişkileri modellemek için RNN ile kullanılmaktadır. RNN'ler. Modelimiz AD - NC ve lMCI - eMCI sınıflandırma görevleri için sırasıyla %86,5 ve %61,8 doğruluk elde edebilmiştir.Article Citation Count: 4Are Left- and Right-Eye Pupil Sizes Always Equal?(int Group Eye Movement Research, 2019) Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil; Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Information Systems Engineering; Software EngineeringEye movements provide very critical information about the cognitive load and behaviors of human beings. Earlier studies report that under normal conditions, the left- and right-eye pupil sizes are equal. For this reason, most studies undertaking eye-movement analysis are conducted by only considering the pupil size of a single eye or taking the average size of both eye pupils. This study attempts to offer a better understanding concerning whether there are any differences between the left- and right-eye pupil sizes of the right-handed surgical residents while performing surgical tasks in a computer-based simulation environment under different conditions (left-hand, right-hand and both hands). According to the results, in many cases, the right-eye pupil sizes of the participants were larger than their left-eye pupil sizes while performing the tasks under right-hand and both hands conditions. However, no significant difference was found in relation to the tasks performed under left-hand condition in all scenarios. These results are very critical to shed further light on the cognitive load of the surgical residents by analyzing their left-eye and right-eye pupil sizes. Further research is required to investigate the effect of the difficulty level of each scenario, its appropriateness with the skill level of the participants, and handedness on the differences between the leftand right-eye pupil sizes.Doctoral Thesis Bağlam-farkında uyarlamalı yazılım sistemlerinde göz-hareketi verisi ile gözlemleme: Endoskopik-nöroşirurji eğitim programları için bir durum çalışması(2017) Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe Menekşe; Çağıltay, Nergiz; Software Engineering; Information Systems EngineeringGünümüzde modern yazılımlar, ortamdaki sürekli değişimlerle uyumlu olmaları gerektiğinden dolayı çok karmaşık hale gelmektedir. Çevreyle ilgili olguları izleyebilmek ve çevredeki değişikliklerin olası sonuçlarını daha iyi anlayabilmek için toplanan verileri analiz etme yeteneği aracılığıyla otonomik davranışları desteklemeleri gerekmektedir. Başka bir deyişle, bağlam-farkında uyarlamalı yazılım sistemi (BFYUS), çalışma ortamındaki bu değişikliklere cevaben kendisini çalışma zamanında ayarlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Bağlam, son kullanıcı, programlama, birincil özellikler (ör. kimlik, yer ve zaman) ve fiziksel koşullar gibi yazılım sistemi tarafından gözlemlenen herhangi bir şey olarak tanımlanır. Bu nedenle BFYUS mimarisi, geniş bir veri yelpazesini izleyerek farklı amaçlar için çeşitli seviyelerde uygulanabilir. Bununla birlikte, şu anda bu sistemlerin uyguladığı adaptasyonun seviyesini ve kapsamını gösteren hiçbir kavramsal çerçeve yoktur. Bu çalışmada, öncelikle BFYUS'ın ana boyutlarını daha iyi anlamak için ilgili literatür incelenmiştir. Daha sonra, belirli bir BFYUS tarafından gerçekleştirilen adaptasyonun seviyesine ve kapsamına daha iyi hitap edebilmek için kavramsal bir çerçeve önerilmektedir. Önerilen çerçeve üç boyuta sahiptir: adaptasyon bağlamının tanımı, uyarlanması planlanan olayın tanımı ve nihayetinde adaptasyonun nasıl gerçekleştirileceğini gösteren plan. Ek olarak, önerilen kavramsal çerçeve aracılığıyla endo-nöroşirurji eğitim programları için bir durum çalışması yürütülmüştür. Sonuçlar, cerrahların göz hareket olaylarını izleyerek, yetenek seviyelerinin yüksek hassasiyetle (%91.3) tahmin edilebileceğini göstermiştir. Buna göre, bu özel durum için, cerrahların göz hareketi olaylarıyla, içeriğin cerrahların davranışlarına göre uyarlanabileceği görülmüştür. Örneğin, beceri düzeylerini düzenli olarak ölçerek ve öğrencilerin göz hareket olaylarıyla her bir senaryonun zorluk seviyelerini değerlendirerek, müfredattaki bilgisayar tabanlı simülasyon senaryolarının düzeni, farklı el koşullarındaki kullanıcı beceri seviyelerine ve davranışlarına göre uyarlanabilir. Bu, her stajyer için beceri ve bilgiye dinamik olarak adapte edilmiş özel bir müfredat oluşturulmasına yardımcı olacaktır. Bu çalışmanın iki ana katkısı vardır. İlk olarak, BFYUS'ın kapsam ve seviyesini değerlendirmek için kullanılabilecek bir kavramsal model önermektedir. Bu bilgi araştırmacılara ve geliştiricilere BFYUS'ı daha iyi değerlendirip karşılaştırmalarına yardımcı olabilir. Bu tez çalışmasının ikinci katkısı önerilen modelin endo-nöroşirürji alanına uygulanmasıdır. Endo-nöroşirurji alanındaki eğitim programları çeşitli problemlere sahiptir. Bu programların asıl problemi, beceri temelli eğitim fırsatlarıdır. Eğitim ve beceri gelişiminin ameliyathanede sağlanması gerektiğinden dolayı, bu eğitim programlarının, hastaların bakış açısından etik hususlar, sınırlı zaman ve hasta güvenliği riski gibi pek çok dezavantajı vardır. Şu anda, cerrahi eğitim programları için pek fazla alternatif eğitim olanağı bulunmamaktadır. Bu programlarda beceri geliştirme çok kritik olduğu için, bireysel beceri temelli eğitim olanakları gerekmektedir. Cerrahi eğitim programlarını desteklemek için bilgisayar tabanlı simülasyonlara örnekler olsa bile, müfredata entegre modeller sınırlıdır. Ek olarak, özellikle endo-nöroşirurji eğitim programlarında cerrahi eğitim için BFYUS'ın herhangi bir öğretim modeli yoktur. Doğası gereği, BFYUS yaklaşımının endo-nöroşirurji eğitim programlarına çeşitli avantajlar sağlayabileceğine inanıyoruz. Bununla birlikte, endo-nöroşirurji eğitim programları için BFYUS oluşturma süreci çok karmaşıktır, bu tez çalışmasında bir BFYUS kavramsal modeli önerilmektedir. Bu tez çalışmasının bulguları, endo-nöroşirurji eğitim programları için daha iyi BFYUS oluşturmak üzere gelecekteki çalışmalara yardımcı olmak ve bu sistemleri mevcut eğitim programlarına daha iyi entegre etmek amacıyla hazırlanmıştır.Article Citation Count: 3Business Intelligence Strategies, Best Practices, and Latest Trends: Analysis of Scientometric Data from 2003 to 2023 Using Machine Learning(Mdpi, 2023) Gurcan, Fatih; Ayaz, Ahmet; Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Derawi, Mohammad; Information Systems EngineeringThe widespread use of business intelligence products, services, and applications piques the interest of researchers in this field. The interest of researchers in business intelligence increases the number of studies significantly. Identifying domain-specific research patterns and trends is thus a significant research problem. This study employs a topic modeling approach to analyze domain-specific articles in order to identify research patterns and trends in the business intelligence field over the last 20 years. As a result, 36 topics were discovered that reflect the field's research landscape and trends. Topics such as "Organizational Capability", "AI Applications", "Data Mining", "Big Data Analytics", and "Visualization" have recently gained popularity. A systematic taxonomic map was also created, revealing the research background and BI perspectives based on the topics. This study may be useful to researchers and practitioners interested in learning about the most recent developments in the field. Topics generated by topic modeling can also be used to identify gaps in current research or potential future research directions.Article Citation Count: 11Career in Cloud Computing: Exploratory Analysis of In-Demand Competency Areas and Skill Sets(Mdpi, 2022) Ozyurt, Ozcan; Gurcan, Fatih; Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Derawi, Mohammad; Information Systems EngineeringThis study aims to investigate up-to-date career opportunities and in-demand competence areas and skill sets for cloud computing (CC), which plays a crucial role in the rapidly developing teleworking environments with the COVID-19 pandemic. In this paper, we conducted a semantic content analysis on 10,161 CC job postings using semi-automated text-mining and probabilistic topic-modeling procedures to discover the competency areas and skill sets as semantic topics. Our findings revealed 22 competency areas and 46 skills, which reflect the interdisciplinary background of CC jobs. The top five competency areas for CC were identified as "Engineering", "Development", "Security", "Architecture", and "Management". Besides, the top three skills emerged as "Communication Skills", "DevOps Tools", and "Software Development". Considering the findings, a competency-skill map was created that illustrates the correlations between CC competency areas and their related skills. Although there are many studies on CC, the competency areas and skill sets required to deal with cloud computing have not yet been empirically studied. Our findings can contribute to CC candidates and professionals, IT organizations, and academic institutions in understanding, evaluating, and developing the competencies and skills needed in the CC industry.Article Citation Count: 7Covid-19 and E-Learning: An Exploratory Analysis of Research Topics and Interests in E-Learning During the Pandemic(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers inc, 2022) Gurcan, Fatih; Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Derawi, Mohammad; Information Systems EngineeringE-learning has gained further importance and the amount of e-learning research and applications has increased exponentially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is critical to examine trends and interests in e-learning research and applications during the pandemic period. This paper aims to identify trends and research interests in e-learning articles related to COVID-19 pandemic. Consistent with this aim, a semantic content analysis was conducted on 3562 peer-reviewed journal articles published since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, using the N-gram model and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling approach. Findings of the study revealed the high-frequency bigrams such as "online learn ", "online education ", "online teach " and "distance learn ", as well as trigrams such as "higher education institution ", "emergency remote teach ", "education online learn " and "online teach learn ". Moreover, the LDA topic modeling analysis revealed 42 topics. The topics of "Learning Needs ", "Higher Education " and "Social Impact " respectively were the most focused topics. These topics also revealed concepts, dimensions, methods, tools, technologies, applications, measurement and evaluation models, which are the focal points of e-learning field during the pandemic. The findings of the study are expected to provide insights to researchers and future studies.Article Citation Count: 10Detecting Latent Topics and Trends in Software Engineering Research Since 1980 Using Probabilistic Topic Modeling(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers inc, 2022) Gurcan, Fatih; Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil; Soylu, Ahmet; Information Systems Engineering; Software EngineeringThe landscape of software engineering research has changed significantly from one year to the next in line with industrial needs and trends. Therefore, today's research literature on software engineering has a rich and multidisciplinary content that includes a large number of studies; however, not many of them demonstrate a holistic view of the field. From this perspective, this study aimed to reveal a holistic view that reflects topics, trends, and trajectories in software engineering research by analyzing the majority of domain-specific articles published over the last 40 years. This study first presents an objective and systematic method for corpus creation through major publication sources in the field. A corpus was then created using this method, which includes 44 domain-specific conferences and journals and 57,174 articles published between 1980 and 2019. Next, this corpus was analyzed using an automated text-mining methodology based on a probabilistic topic-modeling approach. As a result of this analysis, 24 main topics were found. In addition, topical trends in the field were revealed. Finally, three main developmental stages of the field were identified as: the programming age, the software development age, and the software optimization age.Article Citation Count: 8Digital Transformation Strategies, Practices, and Trends: A Large-Scale Retrospective Study Based on Machine Learning(Mdpi, 2023) Gurcan, Fatih; Boztas, Gizem Dilan; Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Derawi, Mohammad; Information Systems EngineeringThe purpose of this research is to identify the areas of interest, research topics, and application areas that reflect the research nature of digital transformation (DT), as well as the strategies, practices, and trends of DT. To accomplish this, the Latent Dirichlet allocation algorithm, a probabilistic topic modeling technique, was applied to 5350 peer-reviewed journal articles on DT published in the last ten years, from 2013 to 2022. The analysis resulted in the discovery of 34 topics. These topics were classified, and a systematic taxonomy for DT was presented, including four sub-categories: implementation, technology, process, and human. As a result of time-based trend analysis, "Sustainable Energy", "DT in Health", "E-Government", "DT in Education", and "Supply Chain" emerged as top topics with an increasing trend. Our findings indicate that research interests are focused on specific applications of digital transformation in industrial and public settings. Based on our findings, we anticipate that the next phase of DT research and practice will concentrate on specific DT applications in government, health, education, and economics. "Sustainable Energy" and "Supply Chain" have been identified as the most prominent topics in current DT processes and applications. This study can help researchers and practitioners in the field by providing insights and implications about the evolution and applications of DT. Our findings are intended to serve as a guide for DT in understanding current research gaps and potential future research topics.Article Citation Count: 6Evaluation of Ten Open-Source Eye-Movement Classification Algorithms in Simulated Surgical Scenarios(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers inc, 2019) Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil; Information Systems Engineering; Software EngineeringDespite providing several insights into visual attention and evidence regarding certain brain states and psychological functions, classifying eye movements is a highly demanding process. Currently, there are several algorithms to classify eye movement events which use different approaches. However, to date, only a limited number of studies have assessed these algorithms under specific conditions, such as those required for surgical training programmes. This study presents an investigation of ten open-source eye-movement classification algorithms using the Eye Tribe eye-tracker. The algorithms were tested on the eye-movement records obtained from 23 surgical residents, who performed computer-based surgical simulation tasks under different hand conditions. The aim was to offer data for the improvement of surgical training programmes. According to the results, due to the different classification methods and default threshold values, the ten algorithms produced different results. Considering the fixation duration, the only common event for all of the investigated algorithms, the binocular-individual threshold (BIT) algorithm resulted in a different clustering compared to the other algorithms. Based on the other set of common events, three clusters were determined by eight algorithms (except BIT and event detection (ED)), distinguishing dispersion-based, velocity-based and modified versions of velocity-based algorithms. Accordingly, it was concluded that dispersion-based and velocity-based algorithms provided different results. Additionally, as it individually specifies the threshold values for the eye-movement data, when there is no consensus about the threshold values to be set, the BIT algorithm can be selected. Especially for such cases like simulation-based surgical skill-training, the use of individualised threshold values in the BIT algorithm can be more beneficial in classifying the raw eye data and thus evaluating the individual progress levels of trainees based on their eye movement behaviours. In conclusion, the threshold values had a critical effect on the algorithm results. Since default values may not always be suitable for the unique features of different data sets, guidelines should be developed to indicate how the threshold values are set for each algorithm.Article Citation Count: 7Evolution of Software Testing Strategies and Trends: Semantic Content Analysis of Software Research Corpus of the Last 40 Years(Ieee-inst Electrical Electronics Engineers inc, 2022) Gurcan, Fatih; Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil; Roman, Dumitru; Soylu, Ahmet; Information Systems Engineering; Software EngineeringFrom the early days of computer systems to the present, software testing has been considered as a crucial process that directly affects the quality and reliability of software-oriented products and services. Accordingly, there is a huge amount of literature regarding the improvement of software testing approaches. However, there are limited reviews that show the whole picture of the software testing studies covering the topics and trends of the field. This study aims to provide a general figure reflecting topics and trends of software testing by analyzing the majority of software testing articles published in the last 40 years. A semi-automated methodology is developed for the analysis of software testing corpus created from core publication sources. The methodology of the study is based on the implementation of probabilistic topic modeling approach to discover hidden semantic patterns in the 14,684 published articles addressing software testing issues between 1980 and 2019. The results revealed 42 topics of the field, highlighting five software development ages, namely specification, detection, generation, evaluation, and prediction. The recent accelerations of the topics also showed a trend toward prediction-based software testing actions. Additionally, a higher trend on the topics concerning "Security Vulnerability", "Open Source" and "Mobile Application" was identified. This study showed that the current trend of software testing is towards prediction-based testing strategies. Therefore, the findings of this study may provide valuable insights for the industry and software communities to be prepared for the possible changes in the software testing procedures using prediction-based approaches.Master Thesis Farklı koşullarda görüntü algılama algoritmaları YOLO ve faster R-CNN'nin karşılaştırılması(2021) Abdulghanı, Abdulghanı Mawlood A.ghanı; Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe Menekşe; Information Systems EngineeringBu tezde, hem zorlu hava koşullarında hem de karanlıkta daha iyi nesne tespiti açısından YOLOv4 ile YOLOv3 ve Faster R-CNN'yi karşılaştırıyoruz. Yağmurlu, sisli ve karlı hava koşullarında ve hatta geceleri yayalar, arabalar, otobüsler ve motosikletler gibi hareket eden nesneleri tespit etmek zor olabilir. Bu çalışma, hiçbirinin başlangıçta kötü hava koşullarında veya geceleri performans göstermesinin amaçlanmadığını akılda tutarak, bu tür durumlarda hangisinin en iyi performansı gösterdiğini belirlemek için üç modülü değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışma Tesla P4 GPU, 12GB RAM kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Bu algoritmaları, YOLOv4'ün 40.000 yineleme, 72 mAP ve 0.63 geri çağırma ile en iyi sonuçları aldığı bir açık görüntü veri seti ile eğittik. Öte yandan, YOLOv3 36000 yinelemede, 65.53 mAP'de ve 0.54 geri çağırma'da maksimum puan almıştır. Son olarak, Faster R-CNN 36000 yineleme, 51 mAP ve 0.49 geri çağırma elde etmiştir. Algılama performansı değerlendirmesi açısından, 30 FPS ile videoda YOLOv4 42 FPS'de, YOLOv3 37 FPS'de ve Faster R-CNN 10 FPS'de performans göstermiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, YOLOv4, YOLOv3 ve Faster R-CNN'ye kıyasla en iyi performansı göstermiştir.Article Citation Count: 0Group Discussion in a Blended Environment in Engineering Education(Uikten - Assoc information Communication Technology Education & Science, 2021) Mishra, Deepti; Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Volden, Frode S.; Allen, Carly Grace; Computer Engineering; Information Systems EngineeringGroup work is a necessary element of engineering education and group members need information about one another, group process, shared attention and mutual understanding during group discussions. There are several important elements for establishing and maintaining a group discussion such as participant's role, seating arrangement, verbal and non-verbal cues, eye gaze, gestures etc. The present study investigates these elements for identifying the behavior of group members in a blend of traditional face-to-face discussion along with computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) setting. The results of this study have shown that, speaking duration is the key factor for identifying the leadership in a group and participants mostly used eye gazes for turn taking. Although this study is a mix of face-to-face and CSCW discussion setting, participants mostly behave like face-to-face group discussion. However, unlike the previous studies involving face-to-face discussion, the relation between seating arrangement and amount of attention is not apparent from the data during this study.Conference Object Citation Count: 0Insights from Eye-movement Events in an Educational Computer-based-simulation Environment (ECE) for Endo-neurosurgery Training Considering Gender, Hand Condition and Scenario Effects(Ieee, 2018) Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil; Software Engineering; Information Systems EngineeringSurgical residents of endo-neurosurgery are required to develop several surgical skills such as eye-hand coordination, ability to use both hand coordination, and depth perception. During the process of gaining these skills, there are several effective factors on the individual performance such as gender, nature of the scenarios and hand condition that can be important to better organize appropriate training programs. Earlier studies show that, surgeons' mental workload show differences according to the difficulty levels of the tasks and hand conditions during the operations. Also there are some evidences showing that male surgeons performing the surgical tasks with a better performance compared to the females. However, in the literature there are not many studies conducted to better understand these effects by analyzing the eye-movements on simulation-based surgical training environments. This study aims to understand the mental workload and gender differences from fixation number and fixation duration eye-movement events. In this study four different computer-based-simulation scenarios which are developed for an Educational Computer-based-simulation Environment (ECE) for endo-neurosurgery training have been performed by 23 (3 female) surgical residents. Participants have performed each scenario in different hand conditions (dominant, non-dominant and both hand). While surgical residents were performing the scenarios their eye-movements were recorded by an eye-tracker. The Binocular Individual Threshold (BIT) classification algorithm was used for eye-movement event classification. According to the results of fixation number and fixation duration events in these four scenarios, hand conditions, scenario fidelity levels and gender are found to be important factors that make changes on mental workload of surgical residents. It can be concluded that, in non-dominant and both hand conditions mental workload increases according to the dominant hand condition. Additionally results show that scenario fidelity levels and gender have an effect on the eye-movements of surgical residents.Conference Object Citation Count: 2Insights from Eye-movement Events in an Educational Computer-based-simulation Environment (ECE) for Endo-neurosurgery Training Considering Gender, Hand Condition and Scenario Effects(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018) Dalveren,G.G.M.; Cagiltay,N.E.; Information Systems EngineeringSurgical residents of endo-neurosurgery are required to develop several surgical skills such as eye-hand coordination, ability to use both hand coordination, and depth perception. During the process of gaining these skills, there are several effective factors on the individual performance such as gender, nature of the scenarios and hand condition that can be important to better organize appropriate training programs. Earlier studies show that, surgeons' mental workload show differences according to the difficulty levels of the tasks and hand conditions during the operations. Also there are some evidences showing that male surgeons performing the surgical tasks with a better performance compared to the females. However, in the literature there are not many studies conducted to better understand these effects by analyzing the eye-movements on simulation-based surgical training environments. This study aims to understand the mental workload and gender differences from fixation number and fixation duration eye-movement events. In this study four different computer-based-simulation scenarios which are developed for an Educational Computer-based-simulation Environment (ECE) for endo-neurosurgery training have been performed by 23 (3 female) surgical residents. Participants have performed each scenario in different hand conditions (dominant, non-dominant and both hand). While surgical residents were performing the scenarios their eye-movements were recorded by an eye-tracker. The Binocular Individual Threshold (BIT) classification algorithm was used for eye-movement event classification. According to the results of fixation number and fixation duration events in these four scenarios, hand conditions, scenario fidelity levels and gender are found to be important factors that make changes on mental workload of surgical residents. It can be concluded that, in non-dominant and both hand conditions mental workload increases according to the dominant hand condition. Additionally results show that scenario fidelity levels and gender have an effect on the eye-movements of surgical residents. © 2018 IEEE.Conference Object Citation Count: 2Insights from Eye-movement Events in an Educational Computer-based-simulation Environment (ECE) for Endo-neurosurgery Training Considering Gender, Hand Condition and Scenario Effects(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018) Dalveren,G.G.M.; Cagiltay,N.E.; Information Systems EngineeringSurgical residents of endo-neurosurgery are required to develop several surgical skills such as eye-hand coordination, ability to use both hand coordination, and depth perception. During the process of gaining these skills, there are several effective factors on the individual performance such as gender, nature of the scenarios and hand condition that can be important to better organize appropriate training programs. Earlier studies show that, surgeons' mental workload show differences according to the difficulty levels of the tasks and hand conditions during the operations. Also there are some evidences showing that male surgeons performing the surgical tasks with a better performance compared to the females. However, in the literature there are not many studies conducted to better understand these effects by analyzing the eye-movements on simulation-based surgical training environments. This study aims to understand the mental workload and gender differences from fixation number and fixation duration eye-movement events. In this study four different computer-based-simulation scenarios which are developed for an Educational Computer-based-simulation Environment (ECE) for endo-neurosurgery training have been performed by 23 (3 female) surgical residents. Participants have performed each scenario in different hand conditions (dominant, non-dominant and both hand). While surgical residents were performing the scenarios their eye-movements were recorded by an eye-tracker. The Binocular Individual Threshold (BIT) classification algorithm was used for eye-movement event classification. According to the results of fixation number and fixation duration events in these four scenarios, hand conditions, scenario fidelity levels and gender are found to be important factors that make changes on mental workload of surgical residents. It can be concluded that, in non-dominant and both hand conditions mental workload increases according to the dominant hand condition. Additionally results show that scenario fidelity levels and gender have an effect on the eye-movements of surgical residents. © 2018 IEEE.Article Citation Count: 16Insights From Pupil Size to Mental Workload of Surgical Residents: Feasibility of an Educational Computer-Based Surgical Simulation Environment (ECE) Considering the Hand Condition(Sage Publications inc, 2018) Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil; Ozcelik, Erol; Maras, Hakan; Computer Engineering; Information Systems Engineering; Software EngineeringThe advantage of simulation environments is that they present various insights into real situations, where experimental research opportunities are very limited-for example, in endoscopic surgery. These operations require simultaneous use of both hands. For this reason, surgical residents need to develop several motor skills, such as eye-hand coordination and left-right hand coordination. While performing these tasks, the hand condition (dominant, nondominant, both hands) creates different degrees of mental workload, which can be assessed through mental physiological measures-namely, pupil size. Studies show that pupil size grows in direct proportion to mental workload. However, in the literature, there are very limited studies exploring this workload through the pupil sizes of the surgical residents under different hand conditions. Therefore, in this study, we present a computer-based simulation of a surgical task using eye-tracking technology to better understand the influence of the hand condition on the performance of skill-based surgical tasks in a computer-based simulated environment. The results show that under the both-hand condition, the pupil size of the surgical residents is larger than the one under the dominant and nondominant hand conditions. This indicates that when the computer-simulated surgical task is performed with both hands, it is considered more difficult than in the dominant and nondominant hand conditions. In conclusion, this study shows that pupil size measurements are sufficiently feasible to estimate the mental workload of the participants while performing surgical tasks. The results of this study can be used as a guide by instructional system designers of skill-based training programs.Article Citation Count: 20Insights from surgeons' eye-movement data in a virtual simulation surgical training environment: effect of experience level and hand conditions(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2018) Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil; Information Systems Engineering; Software EngineeringToday, with the advancements in the eye-tracking technology, it has become possible to follow surgeons' eye movements while performing surgical tasks. Despite the availability of studies providing a better understanding of surgeons' eye movements, research in the particular field of endoneurosurgery is very limited. Analysing surgeons' eye-movement data can provide general insights into how to improve surgical education programmes. In this study, four simulation-based task-oriented endoscopic surgery training scenarios were developed and implemented by 23 surgical residents using three different hand conditions; dominant, non-dominant, and both. The participants' recorded eye data comprised fixation number, fixation duration, saccade number, saccade duration, pursuit number, pursuit duration, and pupil size. This study has two main contributions: First, it reports on the eye-movement behaviours of surgical residents, demonstrating that novice residents tended to make more fixations and saccades than intermediate residents. They also had a higher fixation duration and followed the objects more frequently compared to the intermediates. Furthermore, hand conditions significantly affected the eye movements of the participants. Based on these results, it can be concluded that eye-movement data can be used to assess the skill levels of surgical residents and would be an important measure to better guide trainees in surgical education programmes. The second contribution of this study is the eye-movement event classifications of 10 different algorithms. Although the algorithms mostly provided similar results, there were a few conflicted values for some classifications, which offers a clue as to how researchers can utilise these algorithms with low sampling frequency eye trackers.Article Citation Count: 1Mobile Application Software Requirements Specification from Consumption Values(Mdpi, 2023) Derawi, Mohammad; Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil; Information Systems Engineering; Software EngineeringIn today's society, mobile applications are becoming more popular and providing several advantages. However, users will resist using a product regardless of how well-tested or solid it is if the wrong requirements are implemented. Understanding the factors that influence the purchase of mobile applications can provide useful information for mobile application design and development. Hence, the purpose of this research is to better understand the impact of consumption values on customers in order to identify the software requirements for a mobile application. This study analyzes the possible behavioral changes of similar groups of university students in a five-year period. For this purpose, a questionnaire is administered to engineering faculty students in 2017 (46 females and 66 males) and 2021 (45 females and 90 males) to better understand customer behavioral changes. The findings highlight the significance of conditional value in customer behavior when purchasing mobile applications. Even though the other consumption values were found to have a negligible effect, there is some evidence indicating that the impact of consumption values on different target customer groups may vary considering their gender and familiarity with apps. Further research needs to be conducted to better understand the possible impact of age, cultural differences, education levels, and special considerations such as visually impaired people. Therefore, this study encourages mobile application designers and developers to raise awareness for the effect of consumption values such as conditional value on their customers' mobile application purchasing behaviors. The possible impact of the consumption values needs to be deeply understood, specifically for the target customer groups, and it should be considered in the software requirements specification (SRS), which is one of the important principles that allow software under consideration for development to function. As a result, a better understanding of consumption values will help developers design and develop better applications by specifying software requirements and marketing strategies.Conference Object Citation Count: 7Simulation-based environments for surgical practice(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017) Dalveren,G.G.M.; Çağıltay,N.E.; Özçelik,E.; Maraş,H.; Computer Engineering; Information Systems EngineeringModeling and simulation environments provide several insights about the real situations such as endoscopic surgery. Endoscopic surgery requires both hand skills, so, understanding the effect of using dominant or non dominant hand on mental workload is important to better design, develop and implement modeling and simulation environments to support real-life implementations of surgical procedures. This experimental study presents a simulation application of eye-tracking approach to understand mental workload in different hand conditions: dominant hand, non-dominant hand and both hand. The results of the study show that, performing simulated surgical tasks by both hands compared to dominant hand, increases mental workload which is evident by higher pupil size. Accordingly, to manage the mental-load problems of surgeons while performing complex tasks that require both hand usage simulation-based environments can be used. Consequently, collection of detailed information such as eye-data, can give several insights about the behaviors of the surgeons. Also, their required skills can be improved by development of simulation and training environments. © 2017 IEEE.Conference Object Citation Count: 6Simulation-Based Environments for Surgical Practice(Ieee, 2017) Dalveren, Gonca Gokce Menekse; Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil; Ozcelik, Erol; Maras, Hakan; Computer Engineering; Software Engineering; Information Systems EngineeringModeling and simulation environments provide several insights about the real situations such as endoscopic surgery. Endoscopic surgery requires both hand skills, so, understanding the effect of using dominant or non dominant hand on mental workload is important to better design, develop and implement modeling and simulation environments to support real-life implementations of surgical procedures. This experimental study presents a simulation application of eye-tracking approach to understand mental workload in different hand conditions: dominant hand, non-dominant hand and both hand. The results of the study show that, performing simulated surgical tasks by both hands compared to dominant hand, increases mental workload which is evident by higher pupil size. Accordingly, to manage the mental-load problems of surgeons while performing complex tasks that require both hand usage simulation-based environments can be used. Consequently, collection of detailed information such as eye-data, can give several insights about the behaviors of the surgeons. Also, their required skills can be improved by development of simulation and training environments.