Bir ve iki boyutlu düzlemsel yapılar üzerine konulmuş yüklerin dağılımları

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Electrical-Electronics Engineering
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering covers communications, signal processing, high voltage, electrical machines, power distribution systems, radar and electronic warfare, RF, electromagnetic and photonics topics. Most of the theoretical courses in our department are supported by qualified laboratory facilities. Our department has been accredited by MÜDEK since 2013. Within the scope of joint training (COOP), in-company training opportunities are offered to our students. 9 different companies train our students for one semester within the scope of joint education and provide them with work experience. The number of students participating in joint education (COOP) is increasing every year. Our students successfully completed the joint education program that started in the 2019-2020 academic year and started work after graduation. Our department, which provides pre-graduation opportunities to its students with Erasmus, joint education (COOP) and undergraduate research projects, has made an agreement with Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences (Austria) starting from this year and offers its students undergraduate (Atılım University) and master's (Upper Austria) degrees with 3+2 education program. Our department, which has the only European Remote Radio Laboratory in Foundation Universities, has a pioneering position in research (publication, project, patent).

Journal Issue


Bu çalışmada bir boyutlu ve iki boyutlu düzlemsel geometrik yapılar üzerine konulmuş klasik noktasal yüklerin dağılım ve enerji özelliklerini inceledik. Yükler 1/r tipinde bir Coulomb alanı etkisi altındadırlar. Problemin fiziği ile ilgili kısa bir giris¸ bölümünden sonra, konu hakkında oldukça detaylı bir literatür araştırması sunduk. Bunu problemin sayısal ve analitik çözümlerine yönelik yaklaşımlar izledi. Sonra, bir kare, bir disk, bir ellips, ve iki boyutlu bir elipsoit üzerine yerleşirilmiş yüklerin en düşük enerjili dağılımları hakkındaki çalışmalarımızın sonuçlarını oldukça detaylı bir şekilde verdik. Bu çalışmadaki sayısal sonuçlar, basit bir Monte-Carlo yaklaşımını da içeren kuvvet küçülltme yöntemi kullanarak yazılmış simülasyonlardan elde edilmişlerdir.
We have investigated configurational and energetical features of classical identical point charges confined to a one-dimensional (1D) rod and two-dimensional (2D) plate-like geometrical structures. The charges are under the effect of a Coulombic 1/r field. After an introductory brief chapter dealing with the physics of the problem at hand, we have presented a highly detailed literature review about the main subject. What follow are then the numerical and analytical approaches towards the solution of the problem. Then we have presented our outcomes in great detail about the global minimum-energy configurations of charges on a square, on a disk, on an ellipse, and on a 2D ellipsoid. The numerical results reported here are obtained from computational simulations which are generally based on force minimization method, with a highly basic application of Monte-Carlo approach.



Fizik ve Fizik Mühendisliği, Physics and Physics Engineering

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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