Pervane arızası durumunda kuadrotorun stabilitesini sağlamak

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Organizational Unit
Mechatronics Engineering
The Atılım University Department of Mechatronics Engineering started its operation in 2002 as the Education Program in Mechatronics Engineering holding a “department” status in Turkey. In addition, it is the first and the only institution for mechatronic engineering education to obtain a MÜDEK (Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs) accreditation for a duration of 5 years. Mechatronics engineering is a discipline of engineering that combines mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering and software technologies on a machine or a product. These features place the field on a pedestal in today’s industry. The education at our department is also backed by substantial laboratory opportunities. Our students create interesting products of their skills and creativity for their dissertation projects. Should they wish to do so, our students may also proceed with a double-major program in the fields of Computer Engineering, Electrical - Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, or Mechanical, Automotive or Software Engineering. Upon their demands, the Department of Mechatronic Engineering also offers a “Cooperative Education” program implemented in coordination with industrial institutions. Students receiving a portion of their training at industrial institutions and prepare for professional life under this program

Journal Issue


Bu tezde, sabit kanatlı bir kuadrotorun, yalpalama hareketinden feragat ederek bir veya iki zıt pervanesini kaybetmesine rağmen 3 boyutlu uzayda konumunu koruması için bir çözüm sunulmaktadır. Bu kontrol stratejisinde, kuadrotor, araca göre sabitlenmiş bir birincil eksen etrafında döner ve bu ekseni ötelenme hareketi gerçekleştirmek için değiştirir. Bir pervane veya iki karşıt pervane kaybetmesine rağmen kuadrotorun tutumunu ve konumunu stabilize etmek için çok döngülü bir kademeli kontrol kanunu geliştirilmiştir. İlk olarak, motor arıza senaryoları için denge çözümleri hesaplanır. Daha sonra, bir referans ve bir özel kuadrotor için doğrusallaştırılmış sistem etrafında bir azaltılmış durum denetleyicisi ve konum denetleyicisi tasarlanır. Matlab/Simulink ve Matlab/Simscape üzerinde simülasyonlar yapılarak sonuçlar karşılaştırılır. Son olarak, özel yapım bir kuadrotorun CAD çizimleri, kuadrotorun eylemsizlik momentini hesaplamak için kullanılır ve sonuçlar Çift Telli Pendulum deneyi ile doğrulanır. Sonuçlar, kuadrotorun pervane arızası durumunda stabiliteye ulaştığını göstermektedir.
In this thesis, a novel solution is presented for a fixed-wing quad-rotor to maintain its position in 3D space, despite losing one or two--opposite-- propellers by sacrificing the yaw motion. According to the proposed solution, quad-rotor spins about a primary axis, fixed with respect to the vehicle and changes this axis for translational movement. A multi-loop cascaded control law is used in order to stabilize the attitude and the position of the quad-rotor for propeller failures. First, equilibrium solutions for motor failure scenarios are calculated. Then, a reduced attitude controller and position controller is designed around the linearized system for a reference and a custom quadrotor. Simulations are performed on Matlab/Simulink and Matlab/Simscape and results are compared. Lastly, CAD drawings of a custom quadrotor is used to estimate the moment of inertia of the quadrotor and results are verified with the Bifilar Pendulum Experiment. The results show that quadrotor stability has been achieved for propeller failure.



Mekatronik Mühendisliği, Mechatronics Engineering

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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