Türkiye'de oy verme davranışı; CHP örneği

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Public Relations and Advertising
The Department of Public Relations and Advertising started its 4-year undergraduate degree program in 2000 under the School of Business. The Department of Public Relations and Advertising offers a program that stresses the skill of analytical thinking for students. The program is based on academic standpoints and supported by practices and new technologies. The department offers the opportunity to take elective courses from its own curriculum, or from other departments, in addition to theoretical and practical courses that complement each other. With a program offered in English, the Department of Public Relations and Advertising has mutual contracts with universities from Spain, the Netherlands and Finland within the scope of the “Erasmus Exchange Program”. In addition, the graduate degree program of “Public Relations and Advertising” under the Graduate School of social Sciences aims to sustain the continuity of undergraduate-level education and training, and to meet the demands of those pursuing to advance academically.

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Demokrasilerde yöneticiler seçimlerle belirlenir. Yöneticiler, karar alma ve uygulama sürecinin en önemli aktörleridir. Yöneticilerin belirlenmesi ise demokrasilerde seçimlerde oy vererek gerçekleştirilir. Bu bağlamda oy verme davranışına etki eden faktörlerin incelenmesi önemlidir.Bu çalışma, Türkiye?de oy verme davranışında CHP seçmenini etkileyen faktörleri tahlil etmeyi amaçlamıştır. Bu amaçla, iki bölümden oluşan çalışmanın birinci bölümünde, Sosyo-ekonomik faktörler ( Yaş, Cinsiyet, Gelir, Eğitim), Kişisel değerler (Muhafazakârlık, Dindarlık), Siyasal değerler (İslamcılık, Milliyetçilik), güncel sorun alanı Avrupa Birliği ve Medya Takipçiliği birer değişken olarak belirlenerek teorik olarak tanımlanmıştır. Diğer bölümlerde ise belirlenen teorik çerçevenin kullanılar veri tabanı ile değerlendirilmesine yer verilmiştir. Oy verme davranışını etki eden ilgili değişkenlerin CHP seçmeni nezdindeki anlamlılığı analiz edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler:1- Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi2- Oy Verme Davranışı3- Siyasi Partiler4- Seçimler5- Oy
In democracies, goverments, the most important actors in the decisionmaking and implementation processes, are appointed by elections. Determination is carried out by the administrators of the vote in the elections in democracies. In this context, it is important to examine the factors affecting electoral behavior.This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the voting behavior of the CHP (Republican People's Party) constituency in two parts. For this purpose, in the first part, Socio-economic factors (age, sex, income, education), personal values (Conservatism, Pietism), Political Values (Islamism, Nationalism), the European Union as a problem area and Media Followership are determined as variables and defined theoretically.The other parts are the assessment of the database used within the previously determined theoretical framework. In this part, the significance of the variables affecting electoral behavior in the case of the CHP constituency is analyzed.Key Words: 1-Cumhuriyet Halk Party, 2- Voting Behavior,3- Political Parties, 4- Elections, 5- Vote



Siyasal Bilimler, Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi, Oy kullanma, Seçimler, Political Science, Cumhuriyet Halk Party, Seçmen davranışı, Voting use, Elections, Seçmenler, Voter behaviour, Siyaset, Voters, Politics, Siyasi partiler, Political parties

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