Poısson denkleminin sonlu elemanlar çözümü

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The Atılım University Department of Mathematics was founded in 2000 and it offers education in English. The Department offers students the opportunity to obtain a certificate in Mathematical Finance or Cryptography, aside from their undergraduate diploma. Our students may obtain a diploma secondary to their diploma in Mathematics with the Double-Major Program; as well as a certificate in their minor alongside their diploma in Mathematics through the Minor Program. Our graduates may pursue a career in academics at universities, as well as be hired in sectors such as finance, education, banking, and informatics. Our Department has been accredited by the evaluation and accreditation organization FEDEK for a duration of 5 years (until September 30th, 2025), the maximum FEDEK accreditation period achievable. Our Department is globally and nationally among the leading Mathematics departments with a program that suits international standards and a qualified academic staff; even more so for the last five years with our rankings in the field rankings of URAP, THE, USNEWS and WEBOFMETRIC.

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Bu tez çalışmasında Sonlu elemanlar yöntemi (FEM) iki boyutlu (2D) poisson denklemini çözmek için uygulanmıştır.([8]). Algoritmamızı oluşturmak için şekil fonksiyonu kullandık. Bu çalışmada kullandığımız şekil fonksiyonları, doğrusal ve ikinci dereceden interpolasyon fonksiyonları olarak seçilmiştir([2],[9]). Doğrusal şekil fonksiyonunu 3 düğümlü üçgen, ve 4 düğümlü dikdörtgen elemanlara uygularken, ikinci dereceden fonksiyon 6 düğümlü üçgen ve dikdörtgen elemanlara uygulanmıştır. Daha sonra incelenen problemin yaklaşık çözümünü hesaplamak için sonlu elemanlar metodunu uyguladık. Çözümün doğruluğunu göstermek için lineer ve kuadratik şekil fonksiyonları kullanılarak sayısal sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Çözümün verimliliği, Sonlu elemanlar yöntemi kullanılarak bulunan sonuçların, tam çözümle karşılaştırılarak gözlemlenmiştir.
The finite element method (FEM) has been implemented in this thesis to solve the two dimensional (2D) Poisson equation (see [8]). We used the shape function procedure to construct our algorithm. The shape function considered in this study employs two types of interpolation functions, which are linear and quadratic shape functions (see [2] and [9]). We made use of linear shape function on 3-node triangular elements and 4-node rectangular elements, while the quadratic shape function has been used on 6-node triangular and rectangular elements. Then we applied the finite element method to compute the an approximate solution of the problem under consideration. Numerical experiments were performed for both linear and quadratic shape functions to show the accuracy of the solution. The efficiency of the method has been observed by comparing the numerical results obtained by using finite element method with the exact solution.



Matematik, Mathematics

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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