Ore-age: a hybrid system for assisting and teaching mining method selection

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Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd

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Industrial Engineering
Industrial Engineering is a field of engineering that develops and applies methods and techniques to design, implement, develop and improve systems comprising of humans, materials, machines, energy and funding. Our department was founded in 1998, and since then, has graduated hundreds of individuals who may compete nationally and internationally into professional life. Accredited by MÜDEK in 2014, our student-centered education continues. In addition to acquiring the knowledge necessary for every Industrial engineer, our students are able to gain professional experience in their desired fields of expertise with a wide array of elective courses, such as E-commerce and ERP, Reliability, Tabulation, or Industrial Engineering Applications in the Energy Sector. With dissertation projects fictionalized on solving real problems at real companies, our students gain experience in the sector, and a wide network of contacts. Our education is supported with ERASMUS programs. With the scientific studies of our competent academic staff published in internationally-renowned magazines, our department ranks with the bests among other universities. IESC, one of the most active student networks at our university, continues to organize extensive, and productive events every year.
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Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliğinin alanı çok geniştir ve temel olarak metaller, seramikler, polimerler ve bu üç malzemenin birlikte oluşturdukları kompozit malzemelerin üretimlerini, şekillendirilmelerini, işlemlerini, karakterizasyonlarını ve kullanımlarındaki davranışlarını kapsar. Yüksek Lisans programımızda amacımız, öğrencilerimizin bu konulardan bir veya birkaçında kapsamlı ve derin bir kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgi birikimine sahip olmaları ve bilgiye ulaşma, ulaşılan bilgileri değerlendirme, deney tasarlama, deney sonuçlarını analiz etme ve raporlama yeteneklerini kazanmalarıdır. Web sayfamızda yer alan bilgilerden de görülebileceği gibi modern cihaz ve ekipmanla donatılmış güçlü laboratuvar altyapımız çok farklı konularda araştırma yapılmasını olanaklı kılmaktadır. Yüksek Lisans müfredatımızda Malzemelerin İleri Termodinamiği, Malzeme Mühendisliğinde Matematiksel Yöntemler ve Malzeme-Süreç Seçimi ve Tasarım Problemleri isimli üç zorunlu ders yer almaktadır. Tezli Yüksek Lisans programımız bu zorunlu derslerin yanında zorunlu olan Seminer, Yüksek Lisans Tezi ve dört teknik seçmeli dersten, Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans programımız ise zorunlu olan Bitirme Projesi ve 7 teknik seçmeli dersten oluşmaktadır. Teknik seçmeli dersler tez danışmanının onayı dâhilinde çok sayıdaki teknik seçmeli ders arasından seçilmektedir. Programımıza Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği mezunlarının yanısıra diğer Mühendislik Bölümleri ile Fizik, Kimya vb. bölümlerin mezunları da kabul edilebilmektedir. Bu bölümlerden mezun olan adayların, her birinin akademik ve profesyonel birikimlerine göre belirlenecek bir bilimsel hazırlık programını tamamlamaları gerekmektedir.
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Department of Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering Department of Atılım University, this opportunity can be attained by two Master of Science programs (with thesis or non-thesis). These programs are divided into the following subdivisions: 1) Construction Management, 2) Materials of Construction, 3) Geotechnical Engineering, 4) Hydromechanics and Water Resources Engineering, 5) Structural Engineering and Mechanics, and 6) Transportation Engineering. So, you can find among these alternatives, a subdiscipline that focuses on your interests and allows you to work toward your career goals. Civil Engineering Department of Atılım University which has a friendly faculty comprised of members with degrees from renowned international universities, laboratories for both educational and research purposes, and other facilities like computer infrastructure and classrooms well-suited for a good graduate education.

Journal Issue


Mining method selection is among the most critical and problematic points in mining engineering profession. Choosing a suitable method for a given ore-body is very important for the economics, safety and the productivity of the mining work. In the past studies there are attempts to build up a systematic approach to help the engineers to make this selection. But, these approaches work based on static databases and fail in inserting the intuitive feelings and engineering judgments of experienced engineers to the selection process. In this study, a system based on 13 different expert systems and one interface agent is developed, to make mining method selection for the given ore-bodies. The agent Ore-Age, to follow his goal of supplying the maximum assistance to engineers in selecting the most suitable method for a specific ore-body, tries to learn the experiences of the experts he has faced. After this learning process the knowledge base is evolved to include these experiences, making the system more efficient and intuitive in mining method selection work. To realize the above goal, the system's tutoring procedure is executed by the agent, in case an inexperienced user enters the system, to complete his/her missing knowledge about mining method selection. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


Atalay, Volkan/0000-0001-7850-0601


software agents, mining method selection, fuzzy logic, neuro-fuzzy systems, tutoring

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL





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