A Potential Solution to Mystical Materials in Indentation Test

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Elsevier Science Bv

Research Projects

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Organizational Unit
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliğinin alanı çok geniştir ve temel olarak metaller, seramikler, polimerler ve bu üç malzemenin birlikte oluşturdukları kompozit malzemelerin üretimlerini, şekillendirilmelerini, işlemlerini, karakterizasyonlarını ve kullanımlarındaki davranışlarını kapsar. Yüksek Lisans programımızda amacımız, öğrencilerimizin bu konulardan bir veya birkaçında kapsamlı ve derin bir kuramsal ve uygulamalı bilgi birikimine sahip olmaları ve bilgiye ulaşma, ulaşılan bilgileri değerlendirme, deney tasarlama, deney sonuçlarını analiz etme ve raporlama yeteneklerini kazanmalarıdır. Web sayfamızda yer alan bilgilerden de görülebileceği gibi modern cihaz ve ekipmanla donatılmış güçlü laboratuvar altyapımız çok farklı konularda araştırma yapılmasını olanaklı kılmaktadır. Yüksek Lisans müfredatımızda Malzemelerin İleri Termodinamiği, Malzeme Mühendisliğinde Matematiksel Yöntemler ve Malzeme-Süreç Seçimi ve Tasarım Problemleri isimli üç zorunlu ders yer almaktadır. Tezli Yüksek Lisans programımız bu zorunlu derslerin yanında zorunlu olan Seminer, Yüksek Lisans Tezi ve dört teknik seçmeli dersten, Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans programımız ise zorunlu olan Bitirme Projesi ve 7 teknik seçmeli dersten oluşmaktadır. Teknik seçmeli dersler tez danışmanının onayı dâhilinde çok sayıdaki teknik seçmeli ders arasından seçilmektedir. Programımıza Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği mezunlarının yanısıra diğer Mühendislik Bölümleri ile Fizik, Kimya vb. bölümlerin mezunları da kabul edilebilmektedir. Bu bölümlerden mezun olan adayların, her birinin akademik ve profesyonel birikimlerine göre belirlenecek bir bilimsel hazırlık programını tamamlamaları gerekmektedir.
Organizational Unit
Automotive Engineering
Having started education in 2009, the Atılım university Department of Automotive Engineering offers an academic environment at international standards, with its education in English, a contemporary curriculum and ever-better and ever-developing laboratory opportunities. In addition to undergraduate degree education, the graduate program of multi-disciplinary mechanical engineering offers the opportunity for graduate and doctorate degree education automotive engineering. The Atılım University Automotive Engineering has been selected to be the best in Turkey in 2020 in the field of automotive engineering with studies in energy efficiency, motor performance, active/ passive automotive security and vehicle dynamics conducted in the already-existing laboratories of its own. Our graduates are employed at large-scale companies that operate in Turkey, such as Isuzu, Ford Otosan, Hattat, Honda, Hyundai, Karsan, Man, Mercedes-Benz, Otokar, Renault, Temsa, Tofaş, Toyota, Türk Traktör, Volkswagen (to start operation in 2020). In addition, our graduates have been hired at institutions such as Tübitak, Tai, Aselsan, FNSS, Ministry of National Defence, Tcdd etc. or at supplier industries in Turkey. Due to the recent evolution undergone by the automotive industry with the development of electric, hybrid and autonomous vehicle technologies, automotive engineering has gained popularity, and is becoming ever more exhilarating. In addition to combustion engine technologies, our students also gain expertise in these fields. The “Formula Student Car” contest organized since 2011 by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) where our Department ranked third globally in 2016 is one of the top projects conducted by our department where we value hands-on training. Our curriculum, updated in 2020, focuses on computer calculation and simulation courses, as well as laboratory practice, catered to modern automotive technologies.
Organizational Unit
Manufacturing Engineering
Opened in 2003 with the aim to graduate experts in the field of machine-production, our Department is among the firsts in our country to offer education in English. The Manufacturing Engineering program focuses on the manufacturing technologies that shape materials from raw materials to final products by means of analytical, experimental and numerical modeling methods. First Manufacturing Engineering Program to be engineered by Müdek, our department aims to graduate creative and innovative Manufacturing Engineers that are knowledgeable in the current technology, and are able to use production resources in an effective and sustainable way that never disregards environmental facts. As the first Department to implement the Cooperative Education Program at Atılım University in coordination with institutions from the industry, the Manufacturing Engineering offers a practice-oriented approach in education with its laboratory infrastructure and research opportunities. The curriculum at our department is supported by current engineering software, and catered to creating engineers equipped to meet the needs of the production industry.

Journal Issue


Various methods have been designed to determine the elasto-plastic properties of metals. Instrumented indentation test (IIT) is considered to be a good candidate to determine local properties after manufacturing operations. In order to acquire elastoplastic properties from IIT, either dimensional analysis or inverse analysis of the force-displacement curve is performed. However, the major drawback of those methods is the uniqueness of the solution. Some materials may exhibit almost identical force-depth curves, although they have different elastoplastic properties. Those materials are referred as "mystical materials". In this contribution, topological features of the indentation surfaces, i.e. indent size, pile-up and sink-in behaviour, are investigated to find a differentiating property. According to the results, indent size, pile-up and sink-in behaviour may help to find the unique solution to the inverse problem. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity.


Simsir, Caner/0009-0006-7871-4232; Billur, Eren/0000-0001-9984-3697; Davut, Kemal/0000-0002-9860-881X; Music, Omer/0000-0003-0738-5903


Instrumented indentation test, elasto-plastic properties, mystical material

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL




Scopus Q


International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity (ICTP) -- SEP 17-22, 2017 -- Cambridge, ENGLAND




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