Semi-analytical source (SAS) method for 3-D transient heat conduction problems with moving heat source of arbitrary shape

dc.authoridCetin, Barbaros/0000-0001-9824-4000
dc.authorwosidCetin, Barbaros/J-2911-2014
dc.contributor.authorCetin, Barbaros
dc.contributor.authorKuscu, Yigit F.
dc.contributor.authorCetin, Baris
dc.contributor.authorTumuklu, Ozgur
dc.contributor.authorCole, Kevin D.
dc.departmentAtılım Universityen_US
dc.department-temp[Cetin, Barbaros; Kuscu, Yigit F.] ID Bilkent Univ, Mech Engn Dept, TR-06800 Ankara, Turkey; [Cetin, Baris] Atilim Univ, Computat Sci & Engn Lab CSE Lab, TR-06830 Ankara, Turkey; [Cetin, Baris] FNSS Def Syst Co Inc, R&D Ctr, TR-06830 Ankara, Turkey; [Tumuklu, Ozgur] Univ Illinois, Dept Aerosp Engn, Urbana, IL 61801 USA; [Cole, Kevin D.] Univ Nebraska, Mech & Mat Engn Dept, Lincoln, NE 65588 USAen_US
dc.descriptionCetin, Barbaros/0000-0001-9824-4000en_US
dc.description.abstractIn this study, the semi-analytical source method, which has recently developed by the authors, is implemented for a 3-D fully-transient heat conduction problem with a moving heat source. The method utilizes the exact Green's function for a diffusion problem with a piecewise constant heat source meaning that the heat source term is defined as the superposition of piece-wise constant contributions in each time interval and in each spatial interval. This approach allows the modeling of any arbitrary spatial distribution of heating with time varying power. Moreover, the method is not limited to straight-line motion of the heat source, and can include internal heating as well as surface heating. One important aspect of the method is that spatial discretization is required only on the path of the heating source and at the observation locations of interest, consequently the discretization of the entire domain is not required as in the case of fully-numerical methods. To verify the semi-analytical source method, an experimental setup was constructed and experiments were conducted with a fiber laser, and satisfactory agreement is achieved. Several case studies are also demonstrated with a Gaussian heat source. The semi-analytical source method is particularly well-suited for parallel computing. To explore this aspect, the parallelization of the method is explored using the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and domain decomposition with up to 800 processors on Stampede2. The parallelization results reveal that semi-analytical method is very suitable for parallel computation. For a strong scaling, the method shows an ideal linear scaling with increasing number of processors with a proper load balance. The weak scaling reveals that the parallelization performance exponentially increases with the increasing time domain due to convolution nature of the method in time. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipTurkish Academy of Sciences through Outstanding Young Scientist Program (TUBA-GEBIP); Science Academy, Turkey through Distinguished Young Scientist Award (BAGEP); Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) [2209/A]en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThe authors would like to thank Prof. Melih Cakmacifor his help with the laser platform. B.C. would like to acknowledge funding from the Turkish Academy of Sciences through Outstanding Young Scientist Program (TUBA-GEBIP) and The Science Academy, Turkey through Distinguished Young Scientist Award (BAGEP). Y.F.K. would like to thank the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) regarding the support for the experimental part of this study within the framework of 2209/A. O.T. is grateful for the computational resource provided on NSF XSEDE resources of TACC Dell/Intel Knights Landing, Skylake System (Stampede2).en_US
dc.publisherPergamon-elsevier Science Ltden_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectTransient heat conductionen_US
dc.subjectMoving heat sourceen_US
dc.subjectSemi-Analytical Source methoden_US
dc.titleSemi-analytical source (SAS) method for 3-D transient heat conduction problems with moving heat source of arbitrary shapeen_US

