A comprehensive comparison and accuracy of different methods to obtain mean radiant temperature in indoor environment

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Organizational Unit
Energy Systems Engineering
The Department of Energy Systems Engineering admitted its first students and started education in the academic year of 2009-2010 under Atılım University School of Engineering. In this Department, all kinds of energy are presented in modules (conventional energy, renewable energy, hydrogen energy, bio-energy, nuclear energy, energy planning and management) from their detection, production and procession; to their transfer and distribution. A need is to arise for a surge of energy systems engineers to ensure energy supply security and solve environmental issues as the most important problems of the fifty years to come. In addition, Energy Systems Engineering is becoming among the most important professions required in our country and worldwide, especially within the framework of the European Union harmonization process, and within the free market economy.
Organizational Unit
Mechanical Engineering
The Atılım University Department of Mechanical Engineering started education in 2009, and offers graduate and doctorate degree programs, in addition to its undergraduate program. Our main goal is to graduate Mechanical Engineers who have the skills to design, analyze and synthesize; who are able to convert advanced technology and innovations into products; and who have the culture of research and cooperation. While our graduates reach this goal, they adopt the principle of life-long learning, and develop a sense of entrepreneurship, paying importance to professional ethics. With a curriculum prepared in line with the criteria of MÜDEK, we help our students develop themselves professionally, and socially. Graduates of mechanical engineering may be employed in many sectors and in a wide array of positions. Able to work under any field that involves production and energy conversion, graduates of the department may also gain expertise in fields such as aviation, automotive, or material engineering.

Journal Issue


Thermal comfort is defined as "the state of mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment" by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers in the standard of the ASHRAE55. Thermal comfort is affected by six main parameters which are split into two categories; personal (basic clothing insulation value and metabolic rate) and environmental (air temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, and mean radiant temperature) parameters. The mean radiant temperature is a problematic parameter in thermal comfort studies due to its complexity. The mean radiant temperature approaches are based on different techniques such as calculation methods, measurement methods, and assumptions. Although the assumptions are utilized by researchers to abstain complexity, their accuracies are uncertain. To this aim, this study purposes to find the accuracies of calculation and assumption methods by comparing with reference measurement method. An office building in a temperate climate zone is selected as a case study. Two calculation methods and eight assumptions on obtaining mean radiant temperature are compared via in-situ measurements. The results revealed that using assumptions or calculation methods to obtain the mean radiant temperature caused a significant error compared to the reference method and researchers should consider accuracies of these methods before utilizing them in their applications.


ÖZBEY, Mehmet Furkan/0000-0002-5813-3514


Thermal comfort, Mean radiant temperature, Globe thermometer, Assumptions, Calculation methods, Indoor environment

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL





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