İnternette ağızdan ağıza pazarlama bağlamında influencerların satın alma karar sürecinde rolü üzerinde bir araştırma: Instagram örneği

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Public Relations and Advertising
The Department of Public Relations and Advertising started its 4-year undergraduate degree program in 2000 under the School of Business. The Department of Public Relations and Advertising offers a program that stresses the skill of analytical thinking for students. The program is based on academic standpoints and supported by practices and new technologies. The department offers the opportunity to take elective courses from its own curriculum, or from other departments, in addition to theoretical and practical courses that complement each other. With a program offered in English, the Department of Public Relations and Advertising has mutual contracts with universities from Spain, the Netherlands and Finland within the scope of the “Erasmus Exchange Program”. In addition, the graduate degree program of “Public Relations and Advertising” under the Graduate School of social Sciences aims to sustain the continuity of undergraduate-level education and training, and to meet the demands of those pursuing to advance academically.

Journal Issue


Günümüzde sık kullanılan iletişim araçlarından biri olan sosyal medya, sosyal bilimler alanında son zamanlarda araştırılan konuların başında gelmektedir. Teknolojinin gelişmesine paralel olarak yaygınlaşan bilgisayar, tablet ve akıllı telefon kullanımı ile beraber iletişim şekillerinin yanı sıra satın alma davranışı da değişiklik göstermiştir. Bu çalışmada influencerların satın alma karar sürecindeki rolü internette ağızdan ağıza pazarlama bağlamında Instagram örnekleminde tartışılmıştır. Nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden derinlemesine mülakat tekniğinin kullanıldığı çalışmada, Instagram kullanan ve influencer takip eden 20 katılımcı ile görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Influencer pazarlaması ve güven, satın alma karar sürecinde influencerların rolüne ilişkin bulgularından hareketle temalar oluşturulmuştur. influencerların tanıttığı ürün/hizmetin tüketicilerin ilgisini çektiği ve satın alma isteği oluşturduğu saptanmıştır. Yapılan görüşmelerde, tüketicilerin influencerlara güven duymamasına karşın, paylaşımlarını incelediği saptanarak, güven duyulmamasına rağmen influencerların satın alma karar sürecinde rol oynadığı tespit edilmiştir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Sosyal Medya, Ağızdan Ağıza İletişim, İnternette Ağızdan Ağıza Pazarlama, Influencer Pazarlaması, Influence
Social media, which is one of the frequently used communication tools, is an area that has been subject to various researches. Along with the use of computers, tablets and smartphones, which have become widespread in parallel with the development of technology, the purchase behavior has changed as well as the communication styles. In this study, the role of Influencers in the purchasing decision process is discussed in Instagram sample in the context of word of mouth marketing. In the study, in which in-depth interview technique, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was used, interviews were conducted with 20 participants using Instagram and following influencer. Based on the findings of Influencer marketing and trust, the role of influencers in the purchasing decision process, themes were created. It was determined that the product / service introduced by the influencers attracted the attention of consumers and created a desire to purchase. In the interviews, it was determined that although consumers do not trust influencers, they examined their shares and influencers played a role in the purchasing decision process. Key Words: Social Media, Mouth-to-Mouth Communication, Mouth-to-Mouth Communication on Internet, Influencer Marketing, Influencer



Halkla İlişkiler, İşletme, Ağızdan ağıza iletişim, Elektronik pazarlama, Public Relations, Pazarlama, Business Administration, Satınalma kararı, Word of mouth communication, Electronic marketing, Sosyal medya, Marketing, Purchasing decision, İnfluencer, Social media, İnstagram, Influencer, Instagram, İnternet, Internet

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