İnşaat Mühendisliği Eğitiminin Aktif Öğrenme Teknikleri Kullanılarak İyileştirilmesi
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Son yıllarda, inşaat mühendisliği, dünya çapındaki çeşitli alanlardaki değişen koşullara uyum sağlayabilmek için hızla gelişmiştir. Bununla birlikte 21. Yüzyıl öğrencileri de 20. Yüzyıl öğrencilerinden oldukça farklıdır. Bu öğrenciler üzerinde teknolojideki gelişmelerin büyük etkileri vardır. Pasif öğrenme metodlarını içeren geleneksel eğitim metodları artık şimdiki öğrenciler üzerinde başarılı olamamaktadır. Bu dönemdeki öğrencilerin çoğu aktif öğrenme metodları kullanırlar ve onlardan iyi performans alabilmek için aktif öğretme metodları kullanılmalıdır. Bu çalışmada, bilgisayar oyunları, uygulamalı alıştırmalar, laboratuvar çalışmaları aktif öğretme metodları olarak kullanılmıştır ve bu metodlar, statik, dinamik, mukavemet ve betonarme derslerine uygulanmış, öğrenci performanslarındaki değişim gözlenmiştir.
In the last few decades the civil engineering prefession has rapidly developed to be able to adapt to changing conditions in various areas worldwide. Besides, the 21st century students are also completely different from the students who lived in the 20th century. The advances in technology have a great influence on these students. They don?t know the life before computer, cell phones etc. The traditional educational methods containing passive teaching methods no longer work for current students. Most of the students in this century are active learners and active teaching methods should be used to be able to get good performance from these students. In this study computer games, hands-on-practices, experiments, laboratory works used as active teaching methods and applied on different courses such as Statics, Dynamics, Strength of Materials, and Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete, and the change in students? performance is evaluated.
In the last few decades the civil engineering prefession has rapidly developed to be able to adapt to changing conditions in various areas worldwide. Besides, the 21st century students are also completely different from the students who lived in the 20th century. The advances in technology have a great influence on these students. They don?t know the life before computer, cell phones etc. The traditional educational methods containing passive teaching methods no longer work for current students. Most of the students in this century are active learners and active teaching methods should be used to be able to get good performance from these students. In this study computer games, hands-on-practices, experiments, laboratory works used as active teaching methods and applied on different courses such as Statics, Dynamics, Strength of Materials, and Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete, and the change in students? performance is evaluated.
İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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