Türkiye'de kadınların kurumsal siyasete katılımı: Siyasi tarihinde geldiğimiz noktaya CHP ve MHP penceresinden bakış
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Türkiye'de kadınların siyasete katılması ve daha çok temsil edilebilmesi sorunu giderek daha çok konuşulmakta ve beklendik ölçüde olmasa da olumlu gelişmeler görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın ana konusu; Türkiye'de kadınların kurumsal ya da parlementer siyaset alanında, geldiği noktaya Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi ve Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi üst düzey yöneticilerinin bakış açılarının belirlenmesidir. Kadınların siyasal yaşama katılımı hiç kuşku yok ki siyasal partilerle sınırlı değildir. Demokratik toplumlarda, yurttaşların başta sivil toplum kuruluşları olmak üzere, yerelde, mahalle ölçeğinden başlayarak a ve siyasi yaşama katılımları önemsenmekte, desteklenmekte ve gelişmektedir. Ancak, bu çalışmanın odağı kadınların kurumsal siyasete katılımıdır. , Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi ve Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi içinde karar organlarında yer alan üyelerin; kadın kollarına, kadınların siyasette yeterince yer alamamasına, kadın kotasına, toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinden kaynaklanan engellere bakış açıları ile bu sorunlara ilişkin değerlendirmeleri incelenmiştir. İncelemede elde edilen ana bulgular şu şekildedir; kadın kollarının kadınların siyasal yaşama katılımını olumlu etkilediği düşünülmektedir. 'Annelik ve çocuğun bakım sorumluluğu', ev içi ortak yaşamın gereği olan 'günlük işler' ve siyasetin sürdürülüş biçiminden kaynaklı 'seyahatler', 'uzun süreli çalışmalar', 'günün geç saatlerine sarkan ve dolaylı olarak ev içi erkek egemen ve çevresel toplumsal baskılar' engelleyici unsurlar olarak sıralanmaktadır. Ataerkil yapıya, eğitim sorunlarına ve kadınların ekonomik güçlerinin, özgürlüklerinin yeterli olmamasına vurgu yapmaktadırlar. Anahtar Kelimeler: Siyaset, kadın, toplumsal cinsiyet
In Turkey the problem of participation and increasing representation of women in politics became more discussed and although not as expected, there are still positive developments. The main topic of this study is the determination of the point of view of the chief executives of Republican People's Party and Nationalist Movement Party on the women's standing point reached in the area of institutional or parliamentary politics in Turkey. There is no doubt that women's participation in political life is not limited to political parties. In democratic societies, the importance given to participation of citizens to political life is supported and developed by Non-Governmental Organizations to local neighborhood in scale. However, the focus of this study is the participation of women at institutional politics. The perspectives of members of the decision-maker bodies of Republican People's Party and Nationalist Movement Party on the women's branches, insufficiently taking part in politics, women's quota, the obstacles arising from gender roles and the assessments of these issues are examined as well. The main findings of the analysis are:The efects of women's branches on women participation at political life are considered as positive. 'Maternity and child care responsibility', ,'daily jobs' necessary for in-house symbiosis and 'journeys' originated from the continuation of the politics , 'over-time working', 'indirect domestic male-dominated and environmental social pressures due to working after day light' are sorted as obstructing components. Study emphasizes the patriarchal structure, educational issues and insufficiency of women's economic power and freedom. PRP and NMP which have parliamentary groups in TNGA agreed to support this study. Face to face interviews were conducted with total 10 members who are considered as they duly represent CEC members of these two radical political parties. Keywords:Politics, woman, gender
In Turkey the problem of participation and increasing representation of women in politics became more discussed and although not as expected, there are still positive developments. The main topic of this study is the determination of the point of view of the chief executives of Republican People's Party and Nationalist Movement Party on the women's standing point reached in the area of institutional or parliamentary politics in Turkey. There is no doubt that women's participation in political life is not limited to political parties. In democratic societies, the importance given to participation of citizens to political life is supported and developed by Non-Governmental Organizations to local neighborhood in scale. However, the focus of this study is the participation of women at institutional politics. The perspectives of members of the decision-maker bodies of Republican People's Party and Nationalist Movement Party on the women's branches, insufficiently taking part in politics, women's quota, the obstacles arising from gender roles and the assessments of these issues are examined as well. The main findings of the analysis are:The efects of women's branches on women participation at political life are considered as positive. 'Maternity and child care responsibility', ,'daily jobs' necessary for in-house symbiosis and 'journeys' originated from the continuation of the politics , 'over-time working', 'indirect domestic male-dominated and environmental social pressures due to working after day light' are sorted as obstructing components. Study emphasizes the patriarchal structure, educational issues and insufficiency of women's economic power and freedom. PRP and NMP which have parliamentary groups in TNGA agreed to support this study. Face to face interviews were conducted with total 10 members who are considered as they duly represent CEC members of these two radical political parties. Keywords:Politics, woman, gender
Siyasal Bilimler, Political Science
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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