Termomekanik denetimli haddeleme yöntemi ile API X60 ve X70 sınıfı çelik levha üretimi

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Organizational Unit
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
The main fields of operation for Metallurgical and Materials Engineering are production of engineering materials, defining and improving their features, as well as developing new materials to meet the expectations at every aspect of life and the users from these aspects. Founded in 2004 and graduated its 10th-semester alumni in 2018, our Department also obtained MÜDEK accreditation in the latter year. Offering the opportunity to hold an internationally valid diploma through the accreditation in question, our Department has highly qualified and experienced Academic Staff. Many of the courses offered at our Department are supported with various practice sessions, and internship studies in summer. This way, we help our students become better-equipped engineers for their future professional lives. With the Cooperative Education curriculum that entered into effect in 2019, students may volunteer to work at contracted companies for a period of six months with no extensions to their period of study.

Journal Issue


Bu çalışma, API PSL2 X60M ve X70M sınıflarında çelik levha üretimi için haddeleme ve soğutma koşullarını belirlemek üzere bir ön çalışma olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kimyasal kompozisyonları ilgili API spesifikasyonuna uygun 200 mm kalınlığında iki adet tam boy Nb-Ti-V mikroalaşımlı çelik slab, 14 adet küçük slaba dilimlenmiş ve bu slab dilimlerine 20 mm kalınlığında levha üretmek üzere farklı koşullarda termomekanik haddeleme ve hızlandırılmış soğutma işlemleri uygulanmıştır. Özel olarak; i) bitirme haddelemesi sıcaklığı, ii) toplam ezmenin kaba ve bitime haddelemesi arasındaki dağılımı ve iii) duşlu masa kullanarak hızlandırılmış soğutma uygulamanın etkileri çalışılmıştır. Deneme üretimi levhalardan alınan numunelerin mekanik testleri (çekme, darbe ve düşürme ağırlıklı yırtma deneyi-DWTT) ve metalografik incelemeleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. API PSL 2 kapsamında X60 sınıfı çelik levhalar için istenen mekanik özellikleri karşılayan ince taneli ferritik içyapıların tek başına denetimli haddeleme ile üretilebildiği koşullar belirlenmiştir. Öte yandan, API X70 sınıfı çelik levha üretimi için denetimli haddelemeye ek olarak hızlandırılmış soğutmanın da uygulanması gerekmiştir.
This study was undertaken as an initial work to determine the rolling and cooling conditions for the production of API PSL2 X60M and X70M grade steels plates. Two full size Nb-Ti-V microalloyed steel slabs of 200 mm thickness with compositions compliant to the API specification were sliced into 14 small size slabs and these small slabs were subjected to different thermomechanical controlled rolling and accelerated cooling operations to produce 20 mm thick plates. Specifically, the effects of i) finish rolling temperature, ii) partitioning of the total reduction between the rough and finish rolling phases, and iii) accelerated cooling using water shower were studied. Mechanical tests (tensile, impact and drop weight tear test-DWTT) and metallographic examinations of the samples taken from the trial production plates were done. The conditions that could produce fine grained ferritic microstructures with mechanical properties satisfying the API PSL 2 requirements for API X60 steel plates solely by controlled rolling were determined. On the other hand, the use of accelerated cooling in addition to controlled rolling was required for the production of API X70 grade steel plates.



Metalurji Mühendisliği, Metallurgical Engineering

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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