Doğru Akım Motorlarının Doğrusal Karesel İzdüşümsel Denetimi

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Electrical-Electronics Engineering
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering covers communications, signal processing, high voltage, electrical machines, power distribution systems, radar and electronic warfare, RF, electromagnetic and photonics topics. Most of the theoretical courses in our department are supported by qualified laboratory facilities. Our department has been accredited by MÜDEK since 2013. Within the scope of joint training (COOP), in-company training opportunities are offered to our students. 9 different companies train our students for one semester within the scope of joint education and provide them with work experience. The number of students participating in joint education (COOP) is increasing every year. Our students successfully completed the joint education program that started in the 2019-2020 academic year and started work after graduation. Our department, which provides pre-graduation opportunities to its students with Erasmus, joint education (COOP) and undergraduate research projects, has made an agreement with Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences (Austria) starting from this year and offers its students undergraduate (Atılım University) and master's (Upper Austria) degrees with 3+2 education program. Our department, which has the only European Remote Radio Laboratory in Foundation Universities, has a pioneering position in research (publication, project, patent).

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Bu araştırmanın amacı izdüşümsel kontrol yaklaşımından yola çıkarak doğru akım motorlareı için konum ve hız denetim yasaları geliştirmek ve elde edilen kapalı döngü denetleyicilerin bozucu etkilere karşı kararlılık ve performansını incelemektir. Kontrol algoritmalarında doğrusal karesel regülator ve kutup yerleştirme tekniği referans tam hal geri besleme denetleyici olarak tasarlanmakta ve çıktı geri beslemesi için tam hal uzayından çıktı uzayına dik izdüşüm alınmktadır. Elde edilen denetleyicilerin dış bozucu etki torklarına karşı performans ve kararlılık analizi teorik düzlemde girdiden-hale kararlılık yaklaşımıyla, sayısal düzlemde de rastgele sinyal olarak modelleme yapılarak benzetimler yoluyla yapılmaktadır. Hesaplama ortamı olarak MATLAB tercih edilmiştir.
Projective control is a method of control based on output feedback to control a linear system. The main objective of this research is to design an output feedback controller for obtaining a DC Motor position and speed tracking controller, and analyze the stability of closed loop against exogenous disturbance torques using input-to-state stability theory. The control algorithm is implemented by using pole placement and Linear Quadratic Regulator as a reference full state feedback controller and one applies orthogonal projection of full state space to output state space to obtain the output feedback controller. The overall designs are demonstrated by MATLAB based simulations.



Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bilimleri-Bilgisayar ve Kontrol, Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Control, Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği, Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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