Ankara'da Bulunan Beş Yıldızlı Otel İşletmelerinde Hizmet Verme Yatkınlığının Örgütsel Bağlılık ve İş Tatmini İlişkisi Üzerindeki Aracı Etkisi
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Mevcut çalışmada, konaklama veya otel işletmelerinde iş tatmini düzeyini etkileyebilecek örgütsel bağlılık ve hizmet verme yatkınlığı değişkenlerini incelemek hedeflemiş olup, bu hedefe ulaşmak için Ankara'da bulunan 5 yıldız statüsündeki 11 otelden çeşitli departmanlarda çalışan 233 otel çalışanına ulaşılmıştır. Çalışmada temel olarak hizmet verme yatkınlığının örgütsel bağlılık ile iş tatmini arasındaki aracılık etkisi incelenmiştir. Yapılan literatür taramalarında bu değişkenleri bazı demografik değişkenlerin de etkilediği belirtildiğinden dolayı bu değişkenler de çalışmada göz önünde bulundurulmuş olup öncelikli olarak korelasyon analizi ile çalışmanın tüm değişkenleri arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Sonrasında çalışmanın temel hipotezini test etmek için aracı değişken analizi yapılmış ve korelasyonda çalışmanın ana değişkeni ile ilişkili bulunan demografik değişkenler de kontrol değişkeni olarak analize dahil edilmiştir. Mevcut çalışmada bağımsız değişken olarak örgütsel bağlılık ve örgütsel bağlılığın alt boyutları olan duygusal bağlılık, devamlılık bağlılığı ve normatif bağlılık; aracı değişken olarak hizmet verme yatkınlığı, bağımlı değişken olarak ise iş tatmini kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda hizmet verme yatkınlığının toplam örgütsel bağlılık ve iş tatmini ilişkisinde, duygusal bağlılık ve iş tatmini ilişkisinde, devamlılık bağlılığı ve iş tatmini ilişkisinde kısmi aracı değişken rolünü üstlendiği bulunurken; normatif bağlılık için bu ilişki bulunamamıştır. Elde edilen bulgular literatür göz önünde bulundurularak değerlendirilmiştir.
In the present study, it was aimed to examine the organizational commitment and service orientation variables which can affect the level of job satisfaction in accommodation or hotel establishments. To reach this aim, 233 hotel employees from 11 five-star hotels located in Ankara was included to the research. In this study, the mediation effect of service orientation on relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction was examined. In literature, it was stated that some demographic variables affected this relationship; thus some demographic variables were also taken into consideration. Firstly, the relationships between all variables were examined via correlational analysis. Secondly, in order to test the basic hypothesis of the study, the mediation analysis was performed and the demographic variables related to the main variables of the study were controlled. The sub-dimensions of organizational commitment and organizational commitment as independent variable, job satisfaction as a dependent variable; and service orientation as mediator variable were included to the analysis. As a result of the analyzes, it was found that service orientation has a partial mediator role in the relation between total organizational commitment, affective commitment, continuance commitment and job satisfaction, This relationship was not found for normative commitment. The findings were evaluated in the light of literature.
In the present study, it was aimed to examine the organizational commitment and service orientation variables which can affect the level of job satisfaction in accommodation or hotel establishments. To reach this aim, 233 hotel employees from 11 five-star hotels located in Ankara was included to the research. In this study, the mediation effect of service orientation on relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction was examined. In literature, it was stated that some demographic variables affected this relationship; thus some demographic variables were also taken into consideration. Firstly, the relationships between all variables were examined via correlational analysis. Secondly, in order to test the basic hypothesis of the study, the mediation analysis was performed and the demographic variables related to the main variables of the study were controlled. The sub-dimensions of organizational commitment and organizational commitment as independent variable, job satisfaction as a dependent variable; and service orientation as mediator variable were included to the analysis. As a result of the analyzes, it was found that service orientation has a partial mediator role in the relation between total organizational commitment, affective commitment, continuance commitment and job satisfaction, This relationship was not found for normative commitment. The findings were evaluated in the light of literature.
Turizm, İşletme, Ankara, Beş yıldızlı oteller, Tourism, Demografik değişkenler, Business Administration, Ankara, Hizmet vermeye yatkınlık, Five star hotels, Demographic variables, Oteller, Service orientation, Örgütsel bağlılık, Hotels, Organizational commitment, İş doyumu, Job satisfaction
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