Is there convergence in renewable energy deployment? Evidence from a new panel unit root test with smooth and sharp structural breaks

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Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd

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Founded in 1997, the Department of Economics is among the founding departments of our University. The Department offers two extensive undergraduate programs, either in English or in Turkish. Our undergraduate programs are catered to developing our students’ skills of analytical thinking, and to practical education. In this regard, the Social Sciences Research and Training Laboratory, founded under the guidance of our department, offers hands-on training to our own students, students and academicians from other universities, and public institutions. Our Department also offers a Graduate Degree Program in Applied Economy and a Doctorate Degree Program in Political Economy for graduates of undergraduate and graduate degree programs.

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This study examines whether the contribution of renewable energy to the total primary energy supply converges in a panel of 24 OECD countries over the period 1960-2020. To this end, a new panel unit root test that allows for both sharp and smooth breaks is proposed to test for the stochastic convergence hypothesis. Although renewable energy convergence is not rejected when the newly proposed test is applied to the full panel of OECD countries, it found only moderate support within the members of the panel using a sequential panel selection methodology. In fact, in two high-income OECD countries, the contribution of renewable energy to the primary energy supply shows no sign of convergence: Poland and Iceland. Therefore, the renewable energy shares seem to be converging to a common steady state in only a group of OECD countries over the long run. This uneven pattern of convergence, in turn, suggests that the OECD countries are still far away from developing a common sustainable renewable energy target, calling for urgent international policy cooperation to encourage the divergent econo-mies to seek out the menu of policies that ensure the worldwide success of renewable energy transformation.


Corakci, Aysegul/0000-0002-0684-4103; Omay, Tolga/0000-0003-0263-2258


Renewable energy, Energy supply, Stochastic convergence, Panel unit root test with sharp and smooth breaks

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL





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