Performance Analysis of a Gas-To System Based on Protonic-Ceramic Electrochemical Compressor

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Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd

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Energy Systems Engineering
The Department of Energy Systems Engineering admitted its first students and started education in the academic year of 2009-2010 under Atılım University School of Engineering. In this Department, all kinds of energy are presented in modules (conventional energy, renewable energy, hydrogen energy, bio-energy, nuclear energy, energy planning and management) from their detection, production and procession; to their transfer and distribution. A need is to arise for a surge of energy systems engineers to ensure energy supply security and solve environmental issues as the most important problems of the fifty years to come. In addition, Energy Systems Engineering is becoming among the most important professions required in our country and worldwide, especially within the framework of the European Union harmonization process, and within the free market economy.

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In this study, two scenarios are considered to evaluate the performance of a protonic ceramic electrochemical hydrogen compressor (EHC) and reformer integrated with a pro-ton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). First scenario includes integration of an EHC with PEMFC and in the second scenario, steam methane reforming (SMR) is replaced by an EHC. Results show that the highest energy and exergy efficiencies of the system in the first scenario is achieved when the area-specific resistance (ASR) in EHC is 1.5 Ucm2. An in-crease in the working temperature of EHC causes a considerable rise in the exergy destruction and an increase of energy efficiency by 7% in the first scenario, while the temperature of the reformer affects the exergy destruction, negligibly. The parametric study indicates that the best value of the current density of PEMFC is 0.8481 A/cm2 and 0.8324 A/cm2 and the best current density of PEM-EHC value is 0.4468 A/cm2 and 0.11 A/cm2 in the 1st and 2nd scenarios, respectively. Under the same conditions, energy and exergy efficiencies for the first scenario are 61.63% and 54.9% and for the second scenario are 42.48% and 14.61%, respectively.(c) 2023 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Colpan, Can Ozgur/0000-0003-0855-3147; BANIASADI, EHSAN/0000-0001-7835-8094; DEVRIM, YILSER/0000-0001-8430-0702;


Electrochemical hydrogen, compressor, Proton exchange membrane fuel cell, Reformer, Energy and exergy efficiencies

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