The Representation of Magical Doors in Mohsin Hamid's <i>exit West</I>

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English Translation and Interpretation
Since 2001, our Department has offered education at an extent that matches the similar Departments of European Universities, with a program that involves theoretical and practical courses within the frameworks of translation and interpretation. The goals that we aim our students to reach involve the utilization of knowledge, behaviors and equipment, interpersonal operation in interpretation, the management of the process of production, expertise in language skills with respect to fields and general culture, and access to information. Our students have no difficulty in being hired upon graduation, having gained an awareness regarding the expectations and the conditions of the professional life through our strong cooperation with the national and the international sector. With French and Russian courses offered for 4 years, our students steal the spotlight in the market, having obtained a C-Language Certificate. Our graduates are employed as freelance interpreters, institution interpreters, regulators as multi-layered language experts, terminology experts, subtitle experts and web localization experts.

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Mohsin Hamid presents migration as one of the most debatable global themes in his Exit West (2017). The author fictionalises not only migrants' crises of dislocation in the contemporary world but also their escape to safety through magical means in his novel. Exit West mainly depicts the existential struggles and anxieties of the two migrants, Nadia and Saeed, and their toilsome experiences in their journey to the West after they leave their homeland. The two protagonists of the novel trespass physical borders and walls, like heavily guarded frontiers or oceans through magical doors to create themselves a safe space. It is clear from the very beginning of the novel that Nadia and Saeed try hard to survive in an unnamed South Asian country, which is fraught with political chaos, violence and bloodshed. Having been guided by a number of bribed dark agents, the couple flee their country by passing through some magical doors, towards a future marked by uncertainty and unpredictability. Their first Western destination is the Greek island of Mykonos where they settle in a refugee camp, their second destination is London, and the final stop is Marin, San Francisco. The objective of this paper is to explore the actual and symbolic function of magical doors as the main characters journey to the West to start a free and secure life.



Exit West, Mohsin Hamid, Nadia, Saeed, Magical Doors

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL

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