Xxı. Yüzyıl Spekülasyon ve Manipülasyon Uygulamaları
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Spekülasyon ve Manipülasyon Uygulamaları? spekülasyon ve manipülasyon uygulamalarının evrimine ilişkin bir çalışmadır. Çalışma tamamen politik ekonomi (ekonomipolitik) çalışmalar kapsamında gerçekleştirilen bir tez olup, Kapitalizm ve Kapitalizm?in evrimi ile doğrudan ilişkilidir. Tezin genel kapsamı spekülasyon, manipülasyon, kriz, piyasa ve sistem ilişkileri üzerine kuruludur. Çalışma draft niteliği taşımakta olup gelecekte gerçekleştirilecek detaylı çalışmalar ve doktora çalışmaları için hazırlık ve altyapı niteliğindedir. Tez çalışmasında (sonuç) kısmında ifade edildiği üzere spekülasyonlar ve manipülasyonlar krizlerle ilişkilidirler. Akademik görüşlerin aksine spekülasyon ve manipülasyonlar krizlere yol açmamakta daha çok krizler ve kriz durumları spekülasyon ve manipülasyon uygulamalarına neden olmaktadır. Piyasanın realiteden uzak olması ve algı üzerine kurulması piyasadaki kırılganlıkları tetiklemektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler; 1. Spekülasyon 2. Manipülasyon 3. Krizler 4. Kapitalizm 5. Sistem
Manipulation Applications of XXIst Century? thesis study is based on evolution of speculation and manipulation practices. The study involves researches, (theory and practice studies) on political economy and it is (directly) related with Capitalism and evolution of Capitalism. General content (and concept) of the thesis ? study ? based on speculation, manipulation, crisis, market (market economy) and system relations. The study is a basic draft study which to be continued in detail studies and it is a kind of basic study for Ph.D. program of political economy. As provided and realized in thesis (especially in conclusion) speculations and manipulations are (closely) related with crisis. Unlike academic views, speculations and manipulations are not reasons of crisis, but rather crisis creates speculations and manipulations (conditions). Fragility of the market have been triggering by market psychology which based on perceptions and also behaviors which based on not realistic perceptions and unrealistic forecasts. Keywords; 1. Speculation 2. Manipulation 3. Crisis 4. Capitalism 5. System
Manipulation Applications of XXIst Century? thesis study is based on evolution of speculation and manipulation practices. The study involves researches, (theory and practice studies) on political economy and it is (directly) related with Capitalism and evolution of Capitalism. General content (and concept) of the thesis ? study ? based on speculation, manipulation, crisis, market (market economy) and system relations. The study is a basic draft study which to be continued in detail studies and it is a kind of basic study for Ph.D. program of political economy. As provided and realized in thesis (especially in conclusion) speculations and manipulations are (closely) related with crisis. Unlike academic views, speculations and manipulations are not reasons of crisis, but rather crisis creates speculations and manipulations (conditions). Fragility of the market have been triggering by market psychology which based on perceptions and also behaviors which based on not realistic perceptions and unrealistic forecasts. Keywords; 1. Speculation 2. Manipulation 3. Crisis 4. Capitalism 5. System
Bankacılık, Ekonometri, Ekonomi, Ekonomik kriz, Finans, Finansal kriz, Banking, Econometrics, Kapitalizm, Economics, Economic crisis, Kriz, Finance, Manipülasyon, Financial crisis, Capitalism, Sanal para, Crisis, Manipulation, Sayısal para, Virtual money, Spekülasyon, Digital money, Speculation, Uluslararası para sistemi, International monetary system
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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