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Manufacturing Engineering
Opened in 2003 with the aim to graduate experts in the field of machine-production, our Department is among the firsts in our country to offer education in English. The Manufacturing Engineering program focuses on the manufacturing technologies that shape materials from raw materials to final products by means of analytical, experimental and numerical modeling methods. First Manufacturing Engineering Program to be engineered by Müdek, our department aims to graduate creative and innovative Manufacturing Engineers that are knowledgeable in the current technology, and are able to use production resources in an effective and sustainable way that never disregards environmental facts. As the first Department to implement the Cooperative Education Program at Atılım University in coordination with institutions from the industry, the Manufacturing Engineering offers a practice-oriented approach in education with its laboratory infrastructure and research opportunities. The curriculum at our department is supported by current engineering software, and catered to creating engineers equipped to meet the needs of the production industry.

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Bu çalışmada, mikro şekillendirme işlemleri ile ilgili bir anlayış geliştirebilmek için mikro ekstrüzyon üzerine deneysel ve sayısal araştırmaları içeren bir çalışma sunulmaktadır. Deneysel tarafta; istatiktiksel boyut etkisini göstermek için bir dizi mikro ekstrüzyon deney düzeneği hazırlanmış, farklı ,ortalama tanecik büyüklüklüğüne sahip bakır çubuklar kullanılarak mikro ekstrüzyon testleri başarıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Modelleme kısmında ise, şekillendirme boyunca oluşan büyük yerdeğiştirme-büyük gerinimler dikkate alınarak, geometrik olarak lineer olmayan sürekli ortamlar mekaniği tercih edilmiştir. Mikro şekillendirme süreçlerinde tanecik büyüklüğü seviyesinin tanımlanması gerekliliğinden dolayı Kristal Plastisite teorisi mekanik davranışın modellenmesinde kullanılmıştır. Bu amaçla Kristal Plastisite teorisine bağlı kullanıcı tanımlı malzeme modeli kodlanarak Sonlu Elemanlar Analiz Programı ``Abaqus'' içine entegre edilmiştir. Bu şekilde küçük ölçeklerde tanecik yönelimlerinin sürtünme parametresi üzerine olan etkisi sayısal olarak incelenmiştir.
In this work, to develop an understanding on micro forming processes, a combined experimental-numerical investigation on micro forming is presented. On the experimental side, in order to demonstrate the statistical size effect, an experimental set-up for micro-extrusion has been designed and micro-extrusion test with copper billets of different average grain size, has been conducted successfully. On the modelling side, due to large displacement and large strains developing during the forming process, a geometrically non-linear continuum mechanics description is preferred. Since a grain level description is necessary for micro forming operations, crystal plasticity is used to model the mechanical response of each grain. To this end, the crystal plasticity framework has been coded as a user defined material model and integrated into the commercial FE software Abaqus as a UMAT subroutine. With this tool, a numerical investigation on the influence of grain orientations on frictional response at small scales is carried out.



Makine Mühendisliği, Mühendislik Bilimleri, Mechanical Engineering, Sonlu elemanlar yöntemi, Engineering Sciences, Finite element method, Sonlu nokta yöntemi, Finite point method

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