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Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance
The Atılım University Department of Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance has been offering Civil Aviation education in English since 2012. In an effort to provide the best level of education, ATILIM UNIVERSITY demonstrated its merit as a role model in Civil Aviation Education last year by being granted a SHY 147 certificate with the status of “Approved Aircraft Maintenance Training Institution” by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation. The SHY 147 is a certificate for Approved Aircraft Maintenance Training Institutions. It is granted to institutions where training programs have undergone inspection, and the quality of the education offered has been approved by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation. With our Civil Aviation Training Center at Esenboğa Airport (our hangar), and the two Cessna-337 planes with double piston engines both of which are fully operational, as well our Beechcraft C90 Kingait plaine with double Turboprop engines, Atılım University is an institution to offer hands-on technical training in civil aviation, and one that strives to take the education it offers to the extremes in terms of technology. The Atılım university Graduate School Department of Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance is a fully-equipped civil aviation school to complement its theoretical education with hands-on training using planes of various kinds. Even before their graduation, most of our students are hired in Turkey’s most prestigious institutions in such a rapidly-developing sector. We are looking forward to welcoming you at this modern and contemporary institution for your education in civil aviation.

Journal Issue


Bu tez, standart bir veritabanı ve bir temizleyici aracılığıyla avuç izi tanımlanmasının uygunluğunu araştırmaktadır. Bu çalışma, sol el ve sağ el görüntüleri içeren veritabanları CASIA ve IIT için iki öznitelik kümesi kullanmaktadır. Yerel ikili örüntü (YİÖ) ve yönlü gradyan histogram (YGH) öznitelikleri, MATLAB tarafından görüntülerden elde edilmiştir. Eğitim ve test setleri bu özelliklerden oluşturuldu. Çok katmanlı katmanlı bir sinir ağı ve lineer ve kuadratik kernel kullanan destek vektör makineleri (DVM), seçilen veritabanlarında eğitilmiş ve test edilmiştir. Seçilen özellikler deneysel olarak birbirleriyle karşılaştırılmıştır. Her iki sınıflandırıcı için YGH'de daha iyi sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca, sınıflandırıcıların performansı da değerlendirilmiştir. Sinir ağın, her iki veri setinin YİÖ öznitelikleri için SVM'den daha iyi sonuçlar verdiği gözlenmiştir. Ancak, YGH özellikleri için birbirlerine göre çok fazla avantajları yoktur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Avuç izi tanımlama, yerel ikili örüntü (YİÖ), yönlü gradyan histogramı (YGH), sinir ağları, destek vektör makinesi (DVM).
This thesis explores the appropriateness of identifying palm prints through a standard database and a classifier. This study uses two sets of databases, CASIA and IIT, which contain left hand and right hand images. The features of the local binary pattern (LBP) and histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) are extracted from the images by MATLAB. Training and testing sets are created from these features. A multilayer neural network and support vector machines (SVM) with two separate kernels, linear and quadratic, are trained and tested on the selected databases. The chosen features are empirically compared with one another. Better results have been accomplished in HOG for both classifiers. In addition, the performance of the classifiers are evaluated. It has been observed that the neural network achieves better results than SVM for LBP features of both datasets. On the other hand, for HOG features, they do not display many advantages over one another. Keywords: palm print identification, local binary pattern (LBP), histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), neural networks, support vector machine (SVM).



Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği, Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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